Home Events + NewsEvents 2019 Hoboken Wellness Crawl Class Registration Links {TICKET HOLDERS ONLY}

2019 Hoboken Wellness Crawl Class Registration Links {TICKET HOLDERS ONLY}

by Kate Lombardo
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As a ticket holder for the Hoboken Wellness Crawl — you have an amazing day of testing out free fitness + wellness businesses all around Hoboken in store Sunday, April 28th.

The list of free fitness classes is officially ready, so read on below to get all of the info on how to sign up!

Please note:

These are first sign-up, first serve and each crawler is limited to max 3 of classes throughout the day [you cannot sign up for more than that]. You MUST have a ticket and proof of purchase in order to sign up.

Even if you don’t take class at every studio that day, make sure to stop by each studio to enter their giveaways and pick up your freebie {some include free class passes for a future date}!

If you’re on this page but don’t have a ticket yet, CLICK HERE for tickets to our April 28, 2018 crawl from 11-4PM. You cannot take any of the below without a ticket or proof of purchase.

Hello Hydration Sidebar
sojo spa

There are over 60 fitness classes available for crawlers on crawl day. While you’re not required to take 3, that’s the max # you can sign up for.

See below for times + registration instructions.

Zap Fitness


*Important Registration Information*

1. You must purchase your ticket for the Wellness Crawl in order to register for any of the classes below.

2. If you’re registering for a class via email, please include a screenshot of your proof of purchase from Eventbrite in your registration request.

3. On the day of the crawl you *must* check in and get your crawl wristband before heading to class. The wristband is proof that you have a ticket for the crawl and you won’t be permitted to take a class without one. 

4. For any questions relating to individual classes, please contact the studio directly.

5. Make sure to take us @hobokengirlblog and use hashtag #HobokenWellnessCrawl in all your day-of class pics.  We can’t wait to see them!

Align Pilates | 401 Bloomfield Street

Email: [email protected] to register.

1:00PM- 30-Minute Pilates Class *this class is sold out*

2:00PM- 30-Minute Pilates Class *this class is sold out*

Asana Soul Practice | 411 Jefferson Street — {will also be giving out free class passes – make sure to stop by at some point during the day either way to grab one!}

Click registration links below to register! Use code WELLNESSCRAWL to sign up.

Mini Yoga Class – Open Soul

A fluid, creative and soulful vinyasa flow. This open level class keeps you flowing, connecting breath and body, and includes variations to challenge all levels and abilities. Come flow with us!

Mini Meditation Class – Guided Meditation

Reset your day with a 30 minute guided meditation. Take a moment to quiet the mind and re-center through the use of; breathing techniques, mantra, mudra, and intention setting.

12:00-12:45PM- Mini Yoga Class w/ Danielle Tideman | click here to register

1:15 – 1:30PM- Mini Meditation Class w/ Danielle Tideman | click here to register

2:00-2:45PM- Mini Yoga Class w/ Melanie Rodriguez | click here to register

3:15 – 3:30PM- Mini Meditation Class w/ Melanie Rodriguez | click here to register


Bum Pilates |  22 Hudson Place, 4th Floor *Day-of Classes Sold Out*

Click here to register for classes. Use code WELLNESSCRAWL to sign up.

11-11:30AM 3-3:30PM – Gut Buster

This Reformer-based class focuses specifically on strengthening and conditioning your abdominal muscles from the inside out. Find your deepest abdominal muscles and burn your way to a tight and toned tummy.2. a.Gut Buster: Ab-focused Reformer class.

12-12:30PM- Pilates Body 

Pilates Body is a Reformer-based, and will target all those places we as women can’t stop winging about–arms, ass and abs. Leave feeling like the Kardashians need to be keeping up with you!

1-1:30PM- Pilates Bum

This Reformer-based class focuses on all of the gluteal muscles, as well as your hips, inner and outer thighs. With targeted and controlled movements we can tone and lift without adding that dreaded bulk. We’re all looking to turn heads in our yoga pants, but this class will have you breaking necks!

2-2:30PM- TRX Fusion

Take your practice to the next level! Blending TRX® suspension training with classical and contemporary Pilates repertoire will put your body to the test. Focus is on strengthening and conditioning your entire body and getting your heart rate up a little more than your average Pilates class. Don’t let the TRX intimidate you, though. This class is designed to be safe and effective for all levels of experience and guarantees results for everyBODY!

CKO Kickboxing | 900 Madison Street, Suite 2 —
{will also be giving out free class passes – make sure to stop by at some point during the day either way to grab one!}

Click here to register for class.

12:30PM– Shadowboxing Class

The thirty-minute shadowboxing class entails throwing boxing punches, i.e. jab, cross, hook, uppercut, into the air. Interspersed with these punches, there will be squats, jumping jacks, jogging in place, lunges, + more.


Club Pilates | 1400 Hudson Street —*Day-of Classes Sold Out* {will also be giving out free class passes – make sure to stop by at some point during the day either way to grab one!}

Click here to register for “Intro Classes”.

Intro Class

Pilates is for EVERYBODY. Come and try a 30-minute reformer intro class with Club Pilates. You will get a full body work-out and stretch while strengthening your core. See how pilates can help you boost flexibility, improve your posture and increase your strength. Experience pilates at their state of the art studio with our amazing instructors.

11:30AM– Intro Class

12:30PM– Intro Class

1:30PM– Intro Class

2:30PM– Intro Class

3:30PM– Intro Class


CycleBar Hoboken |  720 Monroe Street, Suite 301 — {will also be giving out free class passes – make sure to stop by at some point during the day either way to grab one!}

Click links below to register! Use code WELLNESSCRAWL.

Hoboken Girl Wellness Rides

A 30-minute version of our Classic Ride (typically 45-minutes). This rhythm ride has something for everyone with a rocking mix of intervals, choreography, flats, hills, upper-body work, and drills using our state-of-the-art CycleStats technology.

11:45AM-12:15PM– Wellness Ride |  Click here to register
12:45PM-1:15PM Wellness Ride |  Click here to register
1:45PM-2:15PMWellness Ride |  Click here to register
2:45PM-3:15PMWellness Ride | Click here to register


Go Row Training Studios | 1422 Grand Street — {will also be giving out free class passes – make sure to stop by at some point during the day either way to grab one!}


Email [email protected] to register!

11:00AM- Rock’n Row  *this class is sold out*

70% InDoor Rowing. 20% Sports Specific Weight Training, 10% Stretching

12:00PMYoRow *this class is sold out*

1/2 Rowing, 1/2 Yoga (GoRow Style)

1:00PMNeuroRow *this class is sold out*

The Ultimate Brain-Training Workout incorporating Rowing and Balance training with multitasking weight training exercises.

2:00PM + 3:00PM GoRow 101

A break down of the mechanics of Rowing and the biomechanics of Sports Specific Weight Training

Hudson Yoga Project | 44 Hudson Place, 4th Floor — {will also be giving out free class passes – make sure to stop by at some point during the day either way to grab one!}


Click here to register. Use code WELLNESSCRAWL to sign up

1:45PM – 2:15PM –  Level 1/2 (Open Level)

For level 2 classes, yoga is kinda your thing. Sun salutations are your jam and you know how to flow from downdog to plank to chaturanga. This class moves and you’re ready to move along with it. You’re ready to challenge yourself with arm balances, inversions, and backbends and are pretty serious about advancing your practice through looking at subtle alignment and in-depth anatomy.

2:30PM – 3:15PM – Level 1

If you’ve taken a yoga class before {or at least watched some videos on YouTube}, know how to do a down dog and a sun salutation, then Level 1 is a good place for you. This class is a Vinyasa class, so you can expect to flow from pose to pose and dig a little deeper into alignment and anatomy. In this class, you’ll start to really strengthen and stretch and look at first steps to getting into some more advanced poses.

3:15-3:45PM – Yin Yoga *this class is sold out*

If you’re looking to slow down and really stretch {oh hey runners!}, this is the class for you. Through long, steady holds of deep stretches, you’ll release tension and tightness in your body + bring balance and ease to your mind. You’ll hold each pose from 3-5 minutes {not to worry, you’ll never get higher than your knees} and focus on creating space in your body and your mind. This class will help you move from fight-or-flight into rest-and-restore and help you connect to your intuition + enliven your soul.


Ivy Rehab Physical Therapy | 79 Hudson St,  Suite 402


Email [email protected] to register

Foam Rolling Class

Participants will be led by a licensed physical therapist on how to safely and effectively foam roll various parts of the body using a foam roller for injury prevention, treatment, and warm-up/cool down.

11:30AM- Foam Roller Class *this class is sold out*

12:30PMFoam Roller Class

Local Barre | 720 Monroe Street, #C300 — {will also be giving out free class passes – make sure to stop by at some point during the day either way to grab one!}


Click here to register. | To register, “purchase” a Hoboken Wellness Crawl credit and use the promo code LBbooty

Open Barre

This signature class is packed powerfully into a special 25 minute format for HobokenGirl! Open Barre is a fusion of ballet fundamentals, core conditioning, Yoga and stretching for a total body workout using lightly weighted yoga balls, stretching strap, ballet barre, playground ball, and yoga mat to achieve a lean, flexible, youthful body. Open Barre is just that, open to beginners and all levels of practice. Socks are required.

12:00-12:25PMOpen Barre

12:30-12:55PMOpen Barre

1:00PM-1:25PMOpen Barre

1:30-1:55PMOpen Barre

2-2:25PMOpen Barre

2:30-2:55PM- Open Barre

3-3:25PM- Open Barre

3:30PM-3:55PMOpen Barre

Nurturing Life Acupuncture & Wellness | 106 4th Street *Day-of Classes Sold Out*

Click here to register.

3-3:45PMElements Meditation

Guided meditation primarily utilizes story-telling and other meditation techniques such as: breath work, sound, movement, and getting in touch with your senses, to reach a deep state of relaxation and access your unconscious mind to facilitate a positive change of state of being. We will utilize these techniques during our guided meditation to powerfully integrate the experience.

12-4:00PMPrivate Consultation

Practitioner, Bill Wright, will be available to answer any kind of questions you have about acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, or discuss specific health issues you have in a 20 minutes private session. This is a perfect opportunity to gather some information and get advice with no pressure or commitment to make an appointment.

Pavana Yoga | 251 1st Street — {will also be giving out free class passes – make sure to stop by at some point during the day either way to grab one!}


Click here to register. | Use code WELLNESSCRAWL to sign up.

1:15PM- Ocean Soul Flow

Open level vinyasa yoga class.

2:30PM– Pavana Sculpt

Fun, challenging class designed to sculpt y our full budy using 2 or 5lb weights.

PRIME Cycle | 70 Hudson Street — {will also be giving out free class passes – make sure to stop by at some point during the day either way to grab one!}

Click here to register or email [email protected] to sign up! | Use code WELLNESSCRAWL to sign up

1:00-1:30PM, 2:00-2:30PM, + 3:00-3:30PMPrime Cycle Signature Ride

Prime Cycle is an indoor cycling studio that gives you a full-body workout by incorporating cycling and choreographed rhythm riding. Our studio utilizes a state-of-the-art audio system in combination with theatrical lighting which provides a lively and interactive workout. With the use of Schwinn Carbon Blue bikes, riders are able to track the progress of their epic rides using Performance IQ technology.

Powerflow Yoga | 104 Hudson Street — {will also be giving out free class passes – make sure to stop by at some point during the day either way to grab one!}

Email [email protected] to register!

12:00PM- Hot Power Vinyasa

4:00PM- Hot Power Vinyasa

Real Hot Yoga | 1414 Grand Street, #2C — {will also be giving out free class passes – make sure to stop by at some point during the day either way to grab one!}

Click here to register. | Use code WELLNESSCRAWL to sign up.

12:00- 12:30PM- Hot Tone & Sculpt Yoga w/ Michelle Porter

Think- a body sculpting class, utilizing resistance bands, free weights and core stability with a little yoga sprinkled in to stretch you back out. This class is high energy with unlimited good vibes. Your core will thank you for strengthening your power center to stand taller and stronger. And trust us, 30 minutes in enough! Take in our beautiful NYC view and flex your spiritual muscles with us!


1:15-1:45PM- Hot Power Yoga w/ Kira Simone

Tone, Strengthen and Lengthen your muscles with 30 minutes of Hot Power Yoga. The room is 95-98 degrees, which will get your heart rate up, burn calories and detox with SWEATY goodness. Get energized to power through the Wellness Crawl with this class, while taking in our beautiful NYC view. All levels welcome!

2:30-3:00PM- Hot Power Yoga w/ Dana Martinez

Tone, Strengthen and Lengthen your muscles with 30 minutes of Hot Power Yoga. The room is 95-98 degrees, which will get your heart rate up, burn calories and detox with SWEATY goodness. Get energized to power through the Wellness Crawl with this class, while taking in our beautiful NYC view. All levels welcome!


SLT Hoboken | 333 15th Street — *Day-of Classes Sold Out*


Email [email protected] to sign up | Subject line: HB GIRL wellness crawl class  | Include full name, proof of ticket purchase and requested class time in body of your email

1:30PM | 2:00PM | 2:30PM | 3:00PM  – Strengthen, Lengthen, Tone

30 minutes of heart-pumping music, muscle quivering, and total body strengthening, lengthening and toning in an inspiring, small-group setting (12 people per class). SLT offers a total-body program that melds together cardio training, weight-bearing activity and Pilates to create a revolutionary, one-of-a-kind fitness program that burns calories rapidly and allows you to sculpt your physique in ways traditional exercise cannot. 

THE BAR METHOD Hoboken | 86 River Street, 2nd Floor *Day-of Classes Sold Out*


Click here to register. | Use code WELLNESSCRAWL to sign up

11:30AM | 12:30PM | 1:30PM | 2:30PM |  3:30PM – Wellness Crawl Demo Class

Their signature method uses your own body weight, the ballet barre and a few props to create a transformative workout that results in long, lean sculpted muscles. Not only does it reshape your entire body, but it allows you to channel your inner strength and leave class feeling strong, confident and poised.


THE MAX Challenge of Hoboken | 537 Washington Street — {will also be giving out free class passes – make sure to stop by at some point during the day either way to grab one!}


Click here to register. 

 12:00 | 1:00 | 2:00 | 3:00 

THE MAX Challenge week – experience MAX Cardio, MAX strength and MAX Kickboxing.


Urban Souls | 100 Hudson Street, 4th Floor — {will also be giving out free class passes – make sure to stop by at some point during the day either way to grab one!}


Click here to register. | Use code WELLNESSCRAWL to sign up.

12:45-1:15PMConnective Range Conditioning

We often say, “It’s all connected!” Our Connective Range Conditioning class is a super-cool example of optimizing mind-body connectivity by awakening and strengthening the neuromuscular system. It’s like exercise therapy, and works to improve all of your physical endeavors as you hone in on what your body needs most. This fun and challenging session explores new ways to move with freedom by combining the benefits of yoga, movement arts, and science-based training principles. It’s an invaluable practice that aims to train, strengthen, and nourish the connective tissues in your joints through specific mobility protocols—all while rebalancing the nervous system and encouraging communication throughout the mind-body. It’s a true joint venture (pun intended) that works to develop a wide range of motion (ROM) in targeted areas, so as you free up space, you’ll feel ready for peak performance—structurally sound, more flexible, and undeniably more connected.

1:45 – 2:30PM–  Slow Groove w/ Live Music

Awaken the body, clear the mind, and get set for a sweet, soulful vibe for the remainder of the day. Slowing down the flow is a wonderful way to help cultivate mindful breathing and self awareness—while actually intensifying your practice! By linking full, unhurried breath with slow, steady, gentle movements, and holding postures for several breaths, we’re challenged to play with our edge while exploring alignment details and modifications at a comfortable pace. Your body will have the opportunity to deepen into stretches for increased mobility—and pause in each pose to build strength and balance. After taking it down a notch, we’ll explore grounding seated and horizontal postures, ultimately surrendering in final relaxation to marinate in the juicy benefits of our practice. OPEN LEVEL.

3:00 – 3:15PM–  Slow Groove 3.1 {Meditation}

This breathwork and meditation session designed to calm the body, bring mindful curiosity and openness to the present moment and set you on a steady course as you navigate the rest of the day. Come as you are—in street clothes or comfies—and enjoy balancing breathwork, progressive body scans, silent mantra meditation, and guided mindfulness journeys that expand your sense of awareness for smooth sailing ahead. OPEN LEVEL.


Work it Out |  5 Marine View Plaza + 603 Willow Avenue — {will also be giving out free class passes – make sure to stop by at some point during the day either way to grab one!}

1:30PM – BLENDED RIDEClick here to register. | Willow location

Put a new spin on cycling with this killer combo. Raise the bar with a ride + sculpt for a 25-minute ride followed by a 25-minute session of toning weights and strengthening core work. You’ll leave feeling two times more proud with double the workout!

2:30PM – SHE’S A KNOCKOUT | Click here to register. | River location

This choreographed cardio boxing class brings a new twist to floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee. You’ll leave feeling more powerful than ever with a combo of shadowboxing, weight training, and toning to achieve a lean + strong physique. Conditioning meets dance as your body and mind release that inner Ali!


Yourself First, LLC | 221 River, 9th Floor

Email: [email protected] and mention WELLNESSCRAWL to sign up.

11:30AM | 12:30PM | 1:30PM | 2:30PM | 3:30PM

Meditation and Sexual Health Class – Come join Jillian Holguin, LCSW for a relaxing mindful meditation segment along with deep breathing exercises for your sexual health!


Still need to buy a ticket for the Wellness Crawl?

Click here to purchase your tickets. 

yoga renew hoboken

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