Home COVID-19 29 | COVID-19: A Q+A with Local Infectious Disease Physician Dr. Forouzesh

29 | COVID-19: A Q+A with Local Infectious Disease Physician Dr. Forouzesh

by Jennifer Tripucka
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With all that is going on surrounding COVID-19, this episode is a special early release because we want to get you the latest on the Coronavirus. We’ll be altering the format of Tea on the Hudson for the next few weeks, only sharing crucial news and relevant info that is needed, with a few pre-recorded episodes possibly mixed in. Jen is recording from her apartment — so please bear with our audio quality + changes, as we’re working with limited resources remotely {and the occasional dog bark}.

This episode we have Dr. Forouzesh, an infectious disease doctor located in Hoboken, answering all of our readers Qs about COVID-19 including:

What kind of timeframe is being discussed regarding the length of this pandemic?

Are we behind Italy/China or ahead?

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Are there mild symptoms {versus asymptomatic or full blown}?

What are the symptoms specifically that we should be concerned about?

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What precautions can we take? Will anyone *not* get it throughout this pandemic?

If you don’t get it, are you susceptible to get it in the future? Do you build immunity?

How does it truly spread? Airborne or droplets?

Will a flu shot help to protect me at all?

Can you catch the virus from someone handing you something?

Is getting food delivery safe?

If someone has been exposed to someone else with COVID-19, can they get tested, if asymptomatic?

If someone in my building has it, what are the chances I’ll get it?

What objects should I avoid touching or be wary of?

Any discussion about pregnancy and COVID?

What are the earliest symptoms appear?

Are there cures coming?

What can we do to help if we are not in the medical field?

+ more.

As a team, we found it very helpful ourselves to hear Dr. Forouzesh, and highly recommend taking a listen.

Please listen and share with anyone that has been anxious or wondering about any of these questions regarding COVID-19.

Be safe, and STAY INSIDE!

We’ll be back soon with a new episode.

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