Home Events + News 5 Things We’ve Learned From Hurricane Sandy

5 Things We’ve Learned From Hurricane Sandy

by Jennifer Tripucka
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Hurricane Sandy happened seven years ago this week. The destruction in Hoboken was unthinkable. But, from every horrible situation comes something good — be it a lesson, a friend, or just an experience that will make you who you are today. Because after all — just like other stressful events in our lives, we bet most of us can recall exactly where we were, what we were doing, who we were with, and what we learned on this day. Keep reading to learn five things we’ve learned from Hurricane Sandy.

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{Photo credit: @id_va}

Meet Your Neighbors

It’s so important to be kind to your neighbors and make an effort to get to know them {at least on a first-name basis!}. In tough times like these, relying on the friendship and help of neighbors and friends can be crucial.

Be Kind

Let alone neighbors…the kindness of strangers could definitely be felt throughout the storm. From people donating things to shelters to friends and even strangers taking each other in when houses and apartments were destroyed — it was amazing to see the sense of community in our little city. Pay it forward is true in every sense of the word. Make it your mantra.

Always Be Prepared

Be prepared. For the power to go out — for food shortages — for gas shortages… and so on. Don’t forget food for your dog, freshwater, cash…there are so many things we take for granted due to the luxury of the first world lives that we lead.

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The Station Hoboken

A few articles for you to peruse — How to Charge Your Phone During a Blackout and 9 Kits You Should Have in Your Home to Prepare You For ANYTHING. Also — here’s a great list from Gawker on Disaster-safe Foods to Eat {as long as they haven’t touched any contaminated waters, of course}. Read, re-read, and get it together {just to be safe}!

And please, please, please…LISTEN to your evacuation orders.

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Social Media is a Powerful Tool

We found that when people asked about Hurricane Sandy, they were in disbelief at how quickly information could be disseminated via Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc. During Hurricane Sandy, many people could not make phone calls or use their computers —but smartphones were able to be used to access Twitter. Lesson: Stay Connected {to a degree}! 

Appreciate Everything

After experiencing Hurricane Sandy, it was sobering to realize how much many of us took for granted in Hoboken. How about you? From the amazing restaurants to the shops on 1st Street to Pier C — it was quite shocking to see how much destruction could be created from a natural disaster so quickly and easily. Disasters, unfortunately, can remind us of how lucky we really are — and also what we take for granted on a daily basis. It reminds us that instead of worrying about buying luxury items or a new car, we should sometimes think about the people whose lives were ruined by disasters such as Sandy.

While we will in no way say that Hurricane Sandy was any sort of positive event in Hoboken’s history, we do feel that it brought Hoboken as a community closer together — showing us the power of kindness, love, and compassion in our little Mile Square.

Those are just a few of the things learned from Hurricane Sandy. How about you — what did you learn? Tell us below. 

Aspen Prime

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