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All About Hudson Oak Wealth Advisory

by Hoboken Girl Team
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It may come as no surprise to learn that, for millennials and Gen Xers, money is several times more stressful than work and politics {among other things}. Most of that anxiety, studies find, stems from knowing you should invest and plan, but aren’t yet, and maybe this is because you just don’t know how.

Hudson Oak Wealth Advisory, a boutique wealth management firm in Hoboken, is here to help. Read on to learn more about what Hudson Oak offers:

Hudson Oak Hoboken

About Hudson Oak

Hudson Oak, founded in 2018 by Hoboken local Brian Sheahen, CPA, CFP®, MST, offers everything from independent wealth and investment management to comprehensive financial

planning and tax services. Located right in the Mile Square {221 River Street}, Hudson Oak provides clients with a complete and unbiased overview of their finances and gives guidance on how to thoughtfully build, manage and preserve wealth.

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Money is quite a personal thing for businesses, families, and individuals, which is why the firm values building relationships with clients to create integrated and curated financial plans. By offering personalized and individualized snapshots of their clients’ financials, Hudson Oak prefers a “planning first” approach with a CFP® advisor so that clients can truly understand what they’re investing towards before committing. Hudson Oak assists with planning across cash-flow, net-worth, retirement, income tax, equity compensation, wealth transfer/trust/estate, risk management, business, charitable, debt management, college and more {a.k.a investments may only be a single piece of the relationship when working with Hudson Oak}.

Hudson Oak prides itself on being a Fee-Only advisory firm, meaning advisors are never commission-focused and are compensated solely by clients. Brian, founder of Hudson Oak, also offers full tax services {through a separate tax entity} – due to his background as a CPA {full disclosure: it’s crucial to have an advisor who is experienced in multiple-disciplines when working with clients}. The combination of these qualities creates a uniquely comprehensive relationship for clients not often found in a single, transparent advisor.

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Hudson Oak Hoboken


What Makes Hudson Oak Different?

Hudson Oak combines years of diverse experience across private wealth management, investments, financial planning and tax within a single independent firm. Take it from Brian himself: “While you may find certain positive qualities when interviewing an advisor here or there, it can be rare to find them all in one firm…Saying you are a ‘fiduciary advisor’ is certainly en vogue, but being able to back-up that claim with your actions, experience and professional credentials is entirely different. I created my firm to take the skills I learned at larger organizations and offer the honest and comprehensive independent solution I felt my peers and others in the community deserve but perhaps weren’t historically being offered. As a result, I believe we’re creating a higher standard in wealth advisory services for individuals, families and businesses.

Brian believes strongly in education and keeping clients in the loop—the firm regularly updates its blog, Giving Tree, to educate readers on money management tips, perspectives and how financial planning and wealth management works. Clients can also receive this information and more, including guides to breakdown complex financial jargon {we know we need this}. In addition to his Master’s in Tax, Brian’s years of diverse industry experience as a CPA and a CFP® {Certified Financial Planner} before founding Hudson Oak, makes him more than qualified to handle clients’ finances.

As a fee-only company, the firm only makes money from its direct advisory, management and planning services, whereas larger firms may sell products for commission. This means clients of Hudson Oak Wealth Advisory are paying for conflict-free services that are directly aligned with their own goals – not just the advisor’s. Brian explains, “As an independent, Fee-Only advisory firm the only thing we ‘sell’ is advice and wealth management services. We built our firm to minimize conflicts of interest and, by choice, we do not sell financial products for commission. We believe an advisory relationship has to be built on trust, among other things, and the existence of selling financial products to clients, in our opinion, is not appropriate for the advisor’s role in the relationship. We like to say, ‘People over products’.”

Hudson Oak Hoboken

Hudson Oak’s Clientele

Hudson Oak offers assistance to a variety of clients from all walks of life, including entrepreneurs and startups, young and experienced urban professionals, employees paid in equity compensation (stock), as well as individuals who have general financial complexity or are faced with sudden wealth. He’s also been there, stating “As a younger professional myself and having worked in NYC and living in Hoboken for most of the last decade I can relate to the demands and the lifestyle…I am also a business owner in the local community, I walk the same path as other owners and want to help.

Most of the client focus is right here in Hoboken as well as greater Hudson County, Northern New Jersey and New York City but the firm will work with some clients more remotely when appropriate. If you’re thinking you could benefit from Hudson Oak’s services, click here or email [email protected]. You can also connect with Hudson Oak on Twitter and Instagram at @hudsonoakwealth.

Hudson Oak Hoboken

About Brian, Hudson Oak’s Founder

Brian Sheahen {CPA, CFP®, MST} founded Hudson Oak in 2018 after a decade of experience in financial services in NYC, including time with PwC and as a Vice President with a large multi-family office {so you know he’s legit}. His goal? To make a genuine impact for both the mass affluent and next generation of America’s wealth {that’s you} to provide a more honest, independent and complete solution for the complex financial situations and advisory needs of families, individuals and their related entities {think businesses, trusts, etc.}.

Brian is a lifelong NJ resident and lives in Hoboken with his wife, whose family has long-time {read: 100+ years} Hoboken roots. He founded Hudson Oak to provide a truly comprehensive wealth management firm with the skills of a large firm where he gained experience serving wealthy clients but within an independent, transparent and conflict-free model accessible to a broader client base, including his peers.

Passionate about sharing his knowledge and educating clients, Brian notes, “To me, sharing my knowledge on wealth planning, financial management, investments, tax, any area of someone’s financial world really is a great privilege – as I get to walk with them on their journey and empower them.

If you haven’t figured it out by now, Brian is truly dedicated to doing what is right for the people he works with and creating a safe and trustworthy environment to serve his client’s best interests {and we promise, his passion for helping people will become apparent upon your first conversation}. Brian even pens weekly blog posts covering everything from information on retirement plans to what to do when your path feels uncertain. Told you he was legit. You can follow Brian on Twitter here.

Brian Sheahen Hudson Oak HobokenBrian + his wife, Allison

Are You Set for Tax Season?

In addition to the wealth services Hudson Oak offers, one other thing that makes Brian unique as an advisor is his years of tax experience. Tax season is upon us, which usually means stress and piles of paperwork. Brian offers tax services through Hudson Oak Tax Advisory for a simple and stress-free solution to get your taxes done. With the April 15 deadline for individuals a little more than a month away, Hudson Oak Tax is taking on new tax-only clients for a couple of weeks more still.

If interested in enlisting Brian’s tax services, click here or contact him at [email protected].


Disclosure & Disclaimer: (“Hudson Oak”) is a registered investment adviser in the State of New Jersey. For information pertaining to Hudson Oak’s registration status, its fees and services and/or a copy of the Form ADV disclosure statement, please contact Hudson Oak. A full description of the firm’s business operations and service offerings is contained in Hudson Oak’s Disclosure Brochure which appears as Part 2A of Form ADV. Please read the Disclosure Brochure carefully before you invest. Due to industry regulations, neither Hudson Oak Wealth Advisory, nor it’s adviser(s) can accept any public endorsements or recommendations. Therefore, the contents of this article are intended for informational purposes only; purely to inform the general public of Hudson Oak Wealth Advisory LLC, the experience and qualifications of it’s advisers, and the firm’s services. Hoboken Girl has not used the services of Hudson Oak Wealth Advisory LLC and therefore does not explicitly or implicitly endorse or recommend Hudson Oak Wealth Advisory LLC. Prospective clients should perform their own due diligence before engaging Hudson Oak Wealth Advisory for it’s services as this article is not a substitute for personalized planning from Hudson Oak.This article contains content that is not suitable for everyone, and should not be construed as advice. There is no guarantee that the views and opinions expressed in this presentation will come to pass. The content is current only as of the date on which this article was written. The statements and opinions expressed are subject to change without notice based on changes in the law and other conditions. Nothing contained herein should be interpreted as personalized Wealth Advisory & Management, Financial Planning, Tax, Investing, or other advice. For legal, tax and accounting-related matters, it is recommended that you seek the advice of a qualified attorney or accountant.. Any mention of Hudson Oak Tax Advisory LLC is separate from Hudson Oak Wealth Advisory LLC. Hudson Oak Tax Advisory LLC is a tax firm based in Hoboken, New Jersey providing tax-specific services to individuals, businesses and others separate from any services provided by Hudson Oak Wealth Advisory LLC.
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