Home LifestyleHoboken 101 Hoboken Girl of the Week: Amanda O’Brien {Our 1st Hoboken High School Correspondent}

Hoboken Girl of the Week: Amanda O’Brien {Our 1st Hoboken High School Correspondent}

by Briana
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We love having “firsts” at Hoboken Girl, and for our Hoboken Girl of the Week this week — we’re featuring our first ever high school student, who is also our NEW Hoboken High School Correspondent. Introducing Amanda O’Brien, Hoboken High School junior and lifelong Hoboken resident — she’ll be writing monthly articles for Hoboken Girl about topics centered around the community, high school, and Hoboken. We caught up with her to learn all about her life as a student and young Hoboken resident. To get you acquainted, we sat down with Amanda to chat about all things Hoboken and high school. Here she is:

amanda hoboken high school hoboken girl of week

What’s your favorite subject in school?

Definitely English. It has been my favorite ever since I was a little kid, and even though it has gotten a bit more difficult over the years, I like the challenge.

What are your favorite extracurricular activities?

I am part of the Rockin’ Redwings Marching Band and the Gay-Straight Alliance at my school. I am a captain in the band, I play the flute/piccolo, and have been in it since seventh grade. I am Vice President of the Gay-Straight Alliance as well.

What or who inspires you most?

My parents, my grandpa, and Ashley Graham {model}. My parents have shaped me into who I am today, my grandpa inspired me to play an instrument and to always treat others with kindness, and Ashley Graham inspires me to feel beautiful in my skin every day.

amanda hoboken high school hoboken girl of week

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Tell us about your future and how you envision it.

In the future, I just hope to be financially stable, doing what I love most, and living my life happily. As for possible career paths, I would like to either teach elementary students or study journalism.

What teacher inspires you?

I have always looked up to my fifth-grade teacher, Mrs. Martinez at Wallace Elementary School. She is so kind-hearted and considerate of her students and I used to think of her as a second mom at the time!

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What’s your favorite thing about being a student in Hoboken?

My favorite thing about going to school in Hoboken is how close the school is to my house and the PGP periods that allow me to have flexibility in my schedule. The PGP periods in Hoboken High School are two free periods in the middle of our day where we can eat lunch and choose whether we want to study or participate in an enrichment program going on during that time.

READ: Hoboken Girl of the Week: Emma Kaptein {Production Assistant for the New York Giants}

Tell us about the Hoboken public school experience.

Overall, I have had positive experiences in the public school system in Hoboken. I have gone to Brandt, Wallace Elementary, and Hoboken (Junior/Senior) High School. I would like to tell Hoboken parents that it has a bad reputation (rating wise), but you do not know the truth about these schools until your child enrolls! We have good schools where I have personally made most of my greatest memories! I still have friends from kindergarten, along with newer friends that I met in middle school. As long as your child can balance out their academics and social life, and make sure they are surrounded by positive influences for buddies, they should have no problem.

amanda hoboken high school hoboken girl of week

What are some of your favorite hobbies outside of school?

I have always had a profound love for cosmetics. Ever since I was about 10 or so, I fantasized about being a beauty guru on YouTube. My parents used to buy me children’s makeup and I would play with it in front of my mirror pretending to film a tutorial. Now, I have gotten a lot better, and I love practicing colorful eyeshadow looks. It isn’t about masking my face though, my enjoyment simply comes from the potential artistry and how much better I can get over time.

Hoboken Favorites:

…Hoboken restaurant?

My favorite Hoboken restaurant is South Street Ramen Co. and Johnny Rockets. My friend works at South Street, and I have been going to Johnny Rockets with my family ever since I was young.

…Hoboken boutique/store?

The new Sephora Studio opened in our town a few months ago, and I love visiting with my girlfriends sometimes to look for new items and sales.

…Thing to do in Hoboken with friends?

My favorite thing to do in Hoboken with my friends is going to the movies and hanging out at the parks such as Church Square Park.

…Thing about Hoboken?

My favorite thing about Hoboken is how easy it is to walk everywhere since it is only a mile long and how much history there is that I still learn about each and every day.

See More: Hoboken Girl of the Week: Dr. Meika {Chief Medical Officer at CarePoint Health}


Thanks for chatting with us, Amanda!

Are you a high school student (or know one) who wants to be featured? 

Email [email protected] with your/their story. And stay tuned for Amanda’s latest articles, coming VERY soon to the blog :)

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