Home Hudson County Animal Shelters in North Jersey Looking for Volunteers

Animal Shelters in North Jersey Looking for Volunteers

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Volunteering is so beneficial for the community. It offers an altruistic way to contribute to organizations, people, and others in need. Animal shelters are always in need of volunteers who can dedicate time and efforts towards helping animals and facilities. In New Jersey, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved. Below is a list of five local animal shelters in northern New Jersey where you can volunteer and lend a paw.

animal shelters volunteering north jersey

Secaucus Animal Shelter

The Secaucus Animal Shelter located in Secaucus, New Jersey, is a shelter accepting both cats and dogs. The shelter’s volunteer opportunities range from animal socialization through the Animal Care Program, temporary housing through the Foster Program, and various openings at community fairs, events, and fundraisers throughout the year. The shelter is open daily, Monday through Friday, and those who would like to volunteer can reach out by using the contact information listed below.

Contact information:

Website: https://sasnj.org/

Email: [email protected]

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Phone: 201-348-3213

Facebook: /TheSecaucusAnimalShelter

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Instagram: @secaucus_animal_shelter

Read More: Dog-Friendly Businesses of Jersey City

The Bergen County Animal Shelter + Adoption Center

The Bergen County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center (BCAS), located in Teterboro, New Jersey, has served Bergen and Hudson counties since 1979. The shelter is accepting volunteers for its Dog and Cat Volunteer Program during which volunteers can help socialize with, train, and assist the shelter from noon to 4:45PM every day of the week. Volunteers are not required to have prior experience and will be paired with a Buddy to receive training.

Contact information:

Website: https://www.co.bergen.nj.us/animal-shelter-adoption-center/volunteer-opportunities

Email: [email protected] // [email protected]

Phone: 201-229-4600

Facebook: /BCAnimalShelter

Instagram: @bergencountyanimal

Liberty Humane Society

Liberty Humane Society (LHS) is the only non-profit animal shelter in Hudson County and offers several ways to volunteer including fostering, transportation, hosting a supply drive, or being an LHS advocate. Volunteers can also promote the shelter’s wishlist through social media accounts, or become a corporate sponsor or sponsor a pet by making a donation to support the care of an adoptable dog or cat. To volunteer, contact the shelter or submit an application through the website listed below.

Contact information:

Website: https://www.libertyhumane.org/

Email: [email protected] // [email protected]

Phone: 201-229-4600

Facebook: /LibertyHumaneSociety

Instagram: @libertyhumanesociety

Twitter: @libertyhumanejc

Animal Welfare Association

The Animal Welfare Association (AWA) of New Jersey, located in Vorhees, offers various opportunities for volunteers of different ages. Volunteers for the association can get involved through community outreach, including fairs and third-party fundraising; on-site opportunities, including socializing with animals; and assisting with administrative duties, and large events, including AWA’s Paws and Feet, Putts for Pets, and Drag Bingo. Volunteers can learn more and apply by visiting the AWA’s website and completing an application.

Contact information:

Website: https://www.awanj.org/

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 856-424-2288 ext. 119

Facebook: /animalwelfareassociation

Instagram: @awa_nj

Twitter: @awanj

See More: North Jersey Animal Rescues to Find Your New BFF

Next Chance Rescue

Next Chance Rescue kicked off as a passion project and grew into a successful rescue organization that invites volunteers to join for multiple opportunities, whether for just an hour a day or a day per month. Volunteers at Next Chance Rescue can assist with day-to-day efforts, special events, or other creative fields to show support. The organization also offers fostering opportunities and welcomes corporate sponsorship. To become a volunteer, simply visit the website below to fill out an application, and give the organization’s online store a visit as well.

Contact information:

Website: https://www.nextchancerescue.org/

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 646-241-4821 | 917-833-7322

Facebook: /nextchancerescue

Instagram: @nextchancerescuenj

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