We’re slowly rolling into week two of many working from and staying home. Being stuck in the house, however, doesn’t necessarily mean that all the fun has come to a complete halt. With the age of social media and the ease of home delivery, there are many ways that you can make the most of staying at home. Outside of bingeing Netflix or trying to muster up the energy to do an at-home workout, flexing your creative muscles can be one of the most fun ways to do this + keep yourself entertained. Here are a few tips for being your most creative at home.
Before jumping into a project, think long and hard about what you’re feeling called to do. If there is something you’ve always wanted to create, but just haven’t done it because you feel like there’s not enough time in the day, start by sinking into a meditation, clearing your mind of everything but your breath, and then see where your thoughts take you. If you notice your train of thought moving to worry, just reroute back to your breath. Try to follow a creative target to what is lying in your subconscious. Once you come out of it, set out a plan to tackle your dreams.
See More: Quarantine + Chill: How to Date While Social Distancing
Spruce Up Your Space
There’s no time like now to make your home somewhere you really want to be. And whether you rent or own your space, there are tons of ways to upgrade your aesthetic. If you have always hated the backsplash on your kitchen sink, get some sticky tiles on Amazon and change it out. If your living room is in need of a darker-colored coffee table to bring everything together, stain or spray paint the one you already have. Create a collage to hang in your bedroom, track fairy lights behind your bed to create a headboard — the possibilities are endless. Get lost in Pinterest and get to work.
Do Your Research
If there’s one thing we know, it’s that it can’t hurt to be well informed. To get the creative juices flowing, start doing your research on topics that interest you. If you love writing and have always wanted to write a book, do some background research on the best ways to go about doing so. Once you have the proper background knowledge, you’ll be able to dive headfirst into your creative project with all the tools you need.
Be Curious
We’re all familiar with the phrase “curiosity killed the cat.” In this case, however, curiosity can actually get the aforementioned cat to be creative. Ask questions, do some of that previously mentioned research — the more you curious you are, the more ideas you can come up with and, ultimately the more creative you’ll be.
Whether or not writing is your thing, there are huge benefits to journaling. If you’re feeling panicked about what’s next, grab a journal and write it down. Get all of your feelings onto paper and allow them to wash away from your body + mind. You can up the ante and even decorate your journal to make it more inviting or start that blog you’ve always wanted to do and make your journal come to life. Writing can be a personal creative journey or a public one, and sharing your thoughts may be just the thing that others need in these trying times.
Use Your Hands
In times of anxiety, it’s more likely that we’ll physically reach for food or drinks over putting our hands to use in productive outlets to ease our thinking. Indulgence can be a great thing sometimes, but not if it’s the only thing we have to fall back on. This newfound time at home is a great opportunity to take up knitting, wire-wrapping, needlepoint, sewing, or another hand-focused activity to occupy our idle extremities. You can do any of these projects while bingeing Netflix or your favorite podcasts, so those at-home activities can be twice as stimulating.
Read More: Your Guide to Practicing Solitary Witchcraft While Staying Home
Create Content
Social media will save us all {or so we like to believe}. When we can’t gather in large crowds, using social media is a great way for us to experience human connection. Start posting your art or that cute piece of jewelry you made on IG. Host a watch party on Facebook. Learn a TikTok dance or create a trend. Get visible and take advantage of the community building opportunities that are out there right now.
Just because we can’t control what is out there, doesn’t mean we have to imprison ourselves in fear. Let’s make lemonade out of lemons and get creative!
What are a few ways that you’re getting creative at home? Let us know in the comments!
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