Home Lifestyle A Date at Amanda’s: No Train, No Shame

A Date at Amanda’s: No Train, No Shame

by Single Society
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It’s no secret that dating is tough. Sometimes, sparks fly and a romance that would make even the characters of The Notebook jealous beings. And other times, a date can end so badly you find yourself wanting to erase it from your memory. Luckily, for those who’ve suffered through a bad date {or many} here in Hudson County, The Single Society is here to transform your cringe-worthy stories into something we can all read and laugh about, no strings attached. Read on to find out how one local Hoboken gal ended up at dinner with a gent who had no shame {and almost no train home}.

PS: Submit your own stories anonymously below {to [email protected] for a potential feature}, and read on to find out how one local gal’s date turned out to be a real cheapskate when it came to coffee. Names have been changed, FYI!


Shortly after the recent Christmas holiday, I decided to heed a close friend’s advice and ring in the new year with a subscription to a dating site called The Inner Circle. The site avidly claims that all of its members are guaranteed to be carefully selected, and cleverly connected.”

What could possibly go wrong?

A day or two after I arrived back to the city from a week in Wisconsin with my family, I agreed to a date with Christian, a fair-skinned Scandinavian-looking stock trader who resided in Morristown, New Jersey.

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Christian chivalrously offered to make the trek on the NJ Transit to midtown Hoboken for some cocktails and possibly a bite to eat. Being a typical city girl, I loathe the sheer thought of leaving the comfort of this square mile city I call home, so clearly, I did not object.

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When I arrived at the ever so romantic Amanda’s restaurant he selected, I found Christian patiently waiting for me at the table he reserved sipping on a what appeared to be a Scotch whiskey on the rocks served with a twist of lemon.

After bonding over some witty banter about how nice it was to be back in my own home subsequent to being surrounded by family members for what seemed like an eternity Christian surprisingly took the liberty of ordering a seafood platter, rosemary focaccia, and a plate of steamed lobster dumplings.

We finished what I thought to be the meal in its entirety when Christian asked what I would prefer for my main course. I politely declined, insisting that I’d had beyond my fill, but Christian was adamant that we at least split a braised short rib with a side of sautéed broccolini and some duck fat potatoes.

The meal was undeniably delicious, and despite the lack of remaining space in my stomach I managed to slip in a few bites. We finished up the meal, and though I intended on splitting the bill Christian relentlessly insisted on picking up the tab for the pricey endeavor.

At this point, I was thinking that perhaps I did finally meet a well-mannered suitor and wanted to offer up my heartfelt appreciation for him treating me to such a lovely evening.

See More: A Date at Mulligan’s: A Man with a Van

“Thank you so much for such a nice dinner. It was amazing and I really appreciate you taking me out,” I said sincerely.

“Oh, you are welcome…so, does this mean I don’t have to take a train back to Jersey tonight?” He asked sanguinely.

“Wow. No. You are definitely taking the train back to Jersey.”

“Ah. Can’t blame me for asking. Are you sure though? Morristown is a bit of a hike,” he reminded me.

I once again objected Christian’s blatant request to spend the night at my apartment and never heard from him again.

So much for my well-mannered suitor, but at least I got a good meal out of it.

Have you got an entertaining dating story of your own from Hoboken or Jersey City?

Email [email protected] with subject DATING STORY to share yours!

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