Home Lifestyle A Date at Grand Vin: The Familial FML

A Date at Grand Vin: The Familial FML

by Single Society
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As the post-Valentine’s Day fanfare dies down and all the lovebirds make their way back to their…nests, many of us will re-open a dating app in the hopes of finding love {or a warm body to binge watch Netflix with, whatever works}. Some of those dates might be great, but others might be ones we’re dying to forget. Either way, The Single Society takes those bad dates and transforms them into great stories for your reading pleasure in our new dating series.

We want to know all about our readers’ dates in Hoboken and Jersey City, from the make-you-keel-over-and-laugh ones to the ones that make us flat out cringe.

Submit your own stories anonymously below {to [email protected] for a potential feature}, and read on to find out how one Hudson County girl’s date turned into a family affair: 

Familial FML

While living on my own while finishing my graduate degree, you could say I was definitely living the quintessential bachelorette dream. With Tinder and other dating apps becoming more prevalent in Hoboken, I was definitely enjoying the influx of dates I was having, as well as the growing notches on my bedpost. Ah yes, life was grand…until it was time to start paying off my student loans…and move in with my parents in Bergen County.

See More: A Date at Mulligan’s: A Man with a Van

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The move absolutely decimated my dating life, as entertaining members of the opposite sex in a room in which I share a wall with my parents would most likely be frowned upon. One night I was aimlessly swiping through one of my plethora of dating applications and came across Brent.

Brent was a charming lad who was slightly younger than me but clearly had an old soul behind his stunning blue eyes and boyish features. Brent and I hit it off fabulously over tapas and drinks at Grand Vin, and when we wrapped up, we decided to continue things back at his place…obviously.

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Brent cracked open a bottle of red wine, which was followed by a bottle of white. We effortlessly lost ourselves in some wonderfully engaging conversation, and before I knew it we were immersed in a full-on make-out session.

We had just made our way to Brent’s bedroom when we were startled by a violent banging on the front door.

“Who the hell could that be at 2:00AM?” Brent asked bewildered. *BANG BANG BANG*

We heard Brent’s roommate scurry out of his bedroom and down the stairs to assess the situation and listened intently to figure out who in the world would be causing such a raucous at this ungodly hour. Brent’s roommate ran back up the stairs and gently rapped on the door.

“Hey man, is someone named Kristen here? Her parents are looking for her.” What. The. F*CK.

Horrified I jumped out of the bed, straightened my blouse, and ran down the stairs to find my pajama-clad mother and father impatiently waiting for me.

“We were so worried about you! Where have you been?! We had no idea where you were,” they squawked furiously. Mortified I assured them I was OK, and that I was with my “friend,” Brent. Brent stepped up and nervously introduced himself and apologized for losing track of time.

Read More: Cheap Hoboken {Date Night} Ideas for Every Night of the Week

“Some gentleman you are!” My mom said, not having one bit of his meek apology. I shooed my parents out the door while expressing my own remorse to Brent. Turns out my mom woke up and decided to check if I made it home after my date. Upon finding that I had yet to return, they used the Find My iPhone app to pinpoint my location and came to my “rescue.”

I have yet to hear from Brett. Thanks, Mom.

Have you got an entertaining dating story of your own from Hoboken or Jersey City?

Email [email protected] with subject DATING STORY to share yours!

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