Dating is a tough sport. From the great ones with the ones who never call you back, to the bad ones with ladies and gents who just don’t know how to take “no” for an answer. Regardless, The Single Society takes your dating blunders and turns them into stories we can’t get enough of — and then some. We want to hear about all your dating stories, from the ones that made you laugh to the ones that you wish never happened.
PS: Submit your own stories anonymously below {to [email protected] for a potential feature}, and read on to find out how one local gal’s date turned out to be a real cheapskate when it came to coffee. Names have been changed, FYI!
After weeks of sitting at home with my cat, I started feeling somewhat pathetic, so I decided to break my relentless dating dry spell and meet Jeff, a personal injury attorney hailing from New Hampshire with an affinity for long distance running, craft breweries, and Cards Against Humanity.
To my dismay, Jeff, proposed we meet for the dreaded coffee date. Typically, I prefer to indulge in a cocktail on a first date because surely a little social lubrication never hurt anyone. But alas, I agreed to meet Jeff for a delicious non-alcoholic beverage that fateful Saturday afternoon.
See More: A Date at Grand Vin: The Familial FML
Jeff suggested we meet at one particular establishment you may or may not have heard of.
Considering we both reside in Hoboken, there are in fact a plethora of delightfully quaint bistros I could have recommended to get a quality cup of joe, but to evade seeming difficult, to Starbucks I went.
When I arrived for our date and saw Jeff, the first thing I noticed was that he was already holding what looked to be like a fresh cup of steaming hot coffee...from McDonald’s.
Unable to ignore the blatant look of confusion on my face Jeff offered me a fascinating explanation.
“Oh, I got this from down the street. I figured I may as well grab this because Starbucks is so pricey.”
Wow. OK. After an awkward pause, Jeff motioned me towards the line to fetch my own coffee whilst he sat comfortably in his armchair. What a gentleman.
Read More: A Date at Mulligan’s: The Man with a Van
At this point, I was already convinced this guy was not my soulmate, but what really put the nail in the coffin was the apology he extended.
“I’m sorry if I seem like I’m being a bit frugal. I recently finalized my divorce which was pretty expensive so I’m trying to tighten up my belt if you know what I mean.”
Yeah, I’m sorry too.
Have you got an entertaining dating story of your own from Hoboken or Jersey City?
Email [email protected] with subject DATING STORY to share yours!