Capturing the *perfect* newborn portrait can be difficult, but it’s certainly not impossible. All you need is a decent camera, some natural lighting, and, of course, one big ole slice of Benny Tudino’s pizza. Yes, you read that right.
Benny Tudino’s is famous for its monstrously-sized pizza slices. Over the years, it’s become somewhat of a Hoboken tradition to pose your newborn baby next to a Benny’s slice, just to prove how seriously colossal the pizza is. We’ve gathered some of the best baby pizza photos, sent to us by Hoboken Girl readers. Scroll for babies and pizza — you won’t be disappointed.
^Yes, yes it is. (Photo Credit: @jba310)
^Is this baby pizza-sized or is the pizza baby-sized? (Photo Credit: @marlzipan)
^I’m 1… slice of pizza big. (Photo Credit: @luckystreak15)
^The Ziobro sibling family photo. (Photo Credit: Christine Ziobro)
^ Hanging inside the Benny Tudino’s storefront.
Apparently, Benny Tudino’s isn’t the only Hoboken restaurant where the food is, quite literally, larger than life. This reader’s niece is nearly identical in size to a Fiore’s sandwich — but by the looks of things, this baby is not in the mood for fresh mutz.
(Photo Credit: @mariazullander)
For more fun content like this, be sure to follow @TheHobokenGirl on Instagram + TikTok. We can’t promise any more babies, but we can promise plenty more Hoboken eats.