Home Food + DrinkBars Bistro La Source Reopens at New Marin Boulevard Location in Jersey City

Bistro La Source Reopens at New Marin Boulevard Location in Jersey City

by Chris Goodlof
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Among the many American and Italian restaurants dotting the map of Jersey City sat a unicorn in Paulus Hook called Bistro La Source. This French homestyle cooking spot subverts the common misconceptions about French cuisine. The restaurant’s warm, homestyle dishes harken not to fancy restaurants, but something learned from mother. This past summer, we found out that this beloved French restaurant would be moving from its 85 Morris Street location to a new locale on Marin Boulevard in Jersey City. Now, Bistro La Source has officially reopened at 299 Marin Boulevard, in the former Latham House location. Read on to learn more about Bistro La Source’s move to Marin Boulevard in Jersey City, as well as more from our conversation with owner Bill Spitz from 2021.

bistro la source

^ Bistro La Source’s former location at 85 Morris Street in Jersey City.

The Move

The Bistro La Source team shared with The Hoboken Girl back in July that the restaurant had taken a lease at 299 Marin Boulevard in Jersey City, formerly home to Latham House, and looked to open the new location “sometime this summer.” The team said they would be installing equipment and painting over the next few weeks and would also be transferring the liquor license to the Marin Boulevard location.

The Morris Street location remained open until early October, and Bistro La Source officially reopened at 299 Marin Boulevard on Friday, October 11th, per owner Bill Spitz.

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The Foundation

Owner Bill Spitz was born in New York but grew up in New Jersey. He has worked in the restaurant industry since 1983, most notably as a renowned chef in Manhattan restaurants up until 2008 when he opened the Jersey City locale.

“I have a background in French bistros, and when I saw the space, I thought it lent itself to that,” Bill told HG in 2021.

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“Everyone else around here is doing either Italian or American, nobody was really paying attention to classic bistro.”

Spitz says that while a lot of places call themselves bistros, most of them are taverns. Traditional French restaurants, according to Bill, should pay homage to classic French cooking like beef bourguignon, coq au vin, cassoulet, and desserts — all dishes served at Bistro La Source. Burgers, said Bill, do not make one.

Bill has a background in French cuisine. As a prominent Manhattan chef at famed restaurants such as Voulez Vous, Virage, and Man Ray, Bill got quite the crash course in French cuisine.

“Most of them had French owners so I was tasked with cooking French food for French people,” Bill told HG. “I was pretty much told and shown how everything should taste, and I just brought that experience with me here.”

But why open a French restaurant?

“Competition,” Bill said. “There’s like 300 Italian restaurants probably within a 10-mile radius, but nobody was doing French. So, as a result, I got a very international clientele here.”

Bill trains the cooking staff himself, regularly introducing them to new recipes and giving demonstrations. After all, Bill’s trial by fire in Manhattan French-owned locales makes him an invaluable resource to his staff.

The Food

Bill likes seasonal cuisine and trying new things. For example, the restaurant’s fall and winter menu heavily features warm and hearty stews, which they call braises, and are perfect cold-weather comfort food.

The locale is well known for mussels, which are more of a Belgian dish than French. In the restaurants that he previously cooked at, Bill had mussels on the menu. The previous restaurant in the space also served mussels, so Bill wanted to keep that up and apply his expertise. Fortunately, mussels are easy and profitable.

“Once you learn how, it’s very easy to do and very easy to do a good job on them,” Bill said.

Bill adores French-style cuisine. The restaurant’s style, which Bill said is referred to as the “cuisine of the mothers,” is homestyle cooking, not haute cuisine.

“It’s not food that’s cooked for aristocrats, [where] everything’s been carved into little diamonds and precious little shapes, and there’s a little dab of sauce here, a little dab of sauce there. This is food that usually takes hours to prepare, it’s cooked slowly and it sort of creates its own sauces as it cooks,” Bill told HG.

While Bill worked in several well-known French restaurants in Manhattan, French cuisine is quite underrepresented in Jersey City. But just what is it about traditional French cuisine Bill finds so endearing?

“There’s a reason why people love this sort of food, and why these recipes and things have endured not just for decades, but centuries. You look at all the other trendy food that’s come and gone, all the things that become the latest trend and then it just disappears; French bistro cooking just doesn’t. French bistro cooking endures and the reason is it’s good,” Bill said.

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The beef short rib bourguignon has an over 24-hour preparation, hence its depth of flavor. The cassoulet is also a daylong preparation, which Bill attributes to knowledge and patience.

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