There will always be those people who make you wonder how do they do it all. Marissa Klein is one of those women: you’ve probably seen her around town shuttling her two girls to their activities, running a successful NYC fashion and media staffing agency Choice Personnel Inc, and most recently promoting her children’s book series, The Dream Big Academy.
There’s no denying it – Marissa gets a lot done. Luckily she agreed to share her tricks to making it all happen while still managing to enjoy life. Here is our interview with her:
Career Girl: I think all career girls aspire to do a lot but they have no idea how to fit it all in. What are your best methods for doing it all?
Marissa Klein:
Did you see my post this week?! I left my house keys in my sneakers. I noticed Friday. I wore the sneakers Monday. I ransacked my house and retraced my steps all over town only to find them in the toes of my shoes in my closet. Something like that happens every day to me. Lol. I don’t sleep enough. I am always a little overwhelmed and definitely somewhat distracted. So, I am not sure my methods are trailblazing. But! I work with passion. I will never give up. And my word and motto is to inspire. Myself. My children. My clients. My readers. We have to give to receive and I give continuously. I try to smile and laugh most of the time, I drink lots of coffee and rose, and I am committed to my work outs. Working out is my only time away from the different pieces of my world and instead of it being about vanity as it once was year ago, it is now about mental wellbeing. But most importantly, I have a supportive husband and a wonderful staff who just get me. And their energy and love help fuel my fires!
^Marissa and her daughter – practicing that ever-important work/life balance!
CG: You talk a lot about goals and marrying your dreams to your career. What tips can you give young women in the early stages of their careers some tips to effectively harness the power of their own dreams by setting goals?
I have three MAJOR thought processes behind my goal setting and my process to reach my goals.
- You have to have a plan. And as long as you remember your plan can be tweaked, edited, changed, pivoted, etc, you are on the right track.
- You have to remind yourself that the definition of success can change – daily! For you and for your audience. What you want at 20, is certainly not what you want at 30.
- And most importantly, I believe that whatever is meant to be WILL be. Che Sera Sera, so no matter how hard we plan and try to succeed, our story is already written to a degree. We just have not read it yet.
The combination of these three mantras or thought processes, help me to stay above water. My brain is constantly moving. It is filled with energy and thought and next steps. I find peace in my three. I actually find peace writing it out as it is not something I stop and think about all that often. Everything is part of the plan… my notes in my notebook, my post its, my calendar reminders – they all lead to my common goals.
And my overall theme in both personal life, professional life, and with the book series – I will NEVER give up. I will always dream bigger.
{Editor’s note: Marissa knows what she’s talking about. Her day job is helping candidates land their dream jobs in the fields of fashion and media. If this is you, head over to Choice Personnel Inc and fill out a profile immediately. Literally, stop what you’re doing and get to landing your dream job}.
CG: You have just published your second book in the Dream Big Academy Series, Rose Wants to be a Dancer. Did you always hope to be a published author? And how on EARTH did you make it happen?
Yes! It was my first dream I can remember thanks to Mrs. Boswell’s second grade class at Harrington Park Elementary School! It all starts young doesn’t it? I self published – and frankly it is a cool and amazing process. The publishing business is a tough nut to crack these days but we laymen can get our message out there by self publishing. And it’s respected now and fun!
Such an inspiration! What will she dream up next?
You can connect with Marissa by emailing her at [email protected] or on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.