Home LifestyleCareer Career Girl: Hoboken’s CareerGoggles Can Help You Land Your Dream Job in 2014

Career Girl: Hoboken’s CareerGoggles Can Help You Land Your Dream Job in 2014

by Andrea
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Who here hasn’t complained about their job?

We’ve all been there. While it might be common to feel dissatisfaction with one’s work status (a 2013 Gallup study shows 70 percent of Americans are negative about their jobs), it’s difficult to keep the positive attitude necessary to find a new job. Since there’s no better time than the start of a new year to launch a job search, we spoke with Kate DeOssie, Hoboken Girl and Co-CEO of CareerGoggles.

CareerGoggles is a career counseling service that focuses on personal marketing and brand strategy. Sounds complicated? It’s not. According to Kate, “In the same way that corporate branding adds value to a company’s product or service, professionals need their own branding to excel in their careers. They’re not identical processes, but there are key parallels: identify the target market (prospective employers), define the product (the candidate) and position it (value proposition) as a solution to address the target’s needs, distinguish from competing products (other candidates) and so on.”

Kate shared some tips to help every Career Girl get her job search off to a strong search.

1) One thing that differentiates CareerGoggles is its “Deep Dive,” in which a candidate’s competencies, motivations and work style are evaluated. Conduct your own.

Competencies: Review every role you’ve held and your three primary responsibilities, any metrics of success you can point to, strategies you used to do your job better, partnerships or alliances you formed with internal or external stakeholders, etc. These are the things you have done and know how to do. They will also likely form the basis for your resume.

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Motivations: Take notes on what gets you up in the morning to go to work each day. Is it money, recognition, passion, the ability to give back? What really gets you going? What makes you want to work?

Work Style: Think about the kind of environment you work best in. Are you autonomous or do you prefer working collaboratively, do you prefer lots of flexibility or rigid structure, is “work/life balance” of particular importance to you? This goes to the question of fit – there are likely a lot of jobs that you can do, but where will you excel?

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2) Develop an Elevator Pitch and Talking Points. Never go into a career conversation, however casual, without developing and practicing your key talking points. As a start, give thought to your top two or three points for the following questions, and never leave home without reviewing them.

• Tell me about yourself.
• Tell me about the role you’re in now. Do you like it? What are the challenges?
• What are you looking to do next?
• What are your long-term career goals?
Know your talking points, keep them positive, and stick to them (i.e., know when to stop talking.)

3) Network.

Once you’ve developed your talking points, reach out to people you know, from your closest family and friends to more distant contacts, as appropriate. Let them know where you are in your career (use some version of your Elevator Pitch), explain that you value their feedback and ask for any guidance they might have. More jobs are being filled by referrals than ever before, so the more positive connections you can make, the better. Do not ask for a job, or direct help to that end, almost ever– it gets peoples’ defenses up, and they can feel like you’re using them. Instead, leave the correspondence light and open-ended, and always offer to help the other person in any way you can. It’s the golden rule.


If you have any questions about your job search, contact CareerGoggles at [email protected]. Good luck!

Hoboken Career Girl

Career Girl is written by Andrea Samacicia Mullan, President of Victory PR. Career Girl is a regular column exclusive to HobokenGirl.com that includes everything from interviews with inspiring Hoboken Career Girls, career advice, and lots more. Tweet Andrea at @VictoryCom and let her know what career articles and questions you’d like to see discussed!

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