If the bags under our eyes are an indicator, life can be stressful. But even when the going gets tough and stressful, the tough go to the doctor. In Hoboken, Carepoint Health is the medical center and hospital dedicated to making Hudson County a healthier place through patient education and leading medical professionals. Looking to broaden the options for women’s health in Hudson County, Carepoint Health has started the Institute for Women’s Health – a care center designed specifically for women, by women.
The Women’s Center started with a focus on pelvic care {some of these issues could be but are not limited to endometriosis, incontinence, pelvic pain, and infertility}. The experts at the Carepoint Women’s Center are available to listen to any and all issues and come up with treatment options. We got a tour of the space during their opening last month and wanted to share the insider info:
Within the year, the Institute for Women’s Health will expand to have other specialists who cater to breast health, vein problems, bone density, sports medicine, and overall female care.
According to Dr. Meika, the Chief Medical Officer of Carepoint, “the Women’s Center is a one-stop shop. Surgery, lab work, and radiology are all done in-house so there is no need for multiple office visits.” There are also Health Designers on hand to help guide you through services.
A few pics from their opening last month:
Read More: Gravity-Fed Colonics {With the Doody Free Girl}
The Institute for Women’s Health features special exam rooms, massage therapy, and private consultation spaces.
Doctors that are currently on staff at The Institute for Women’s Health:
-Dr. Andrea Vidali: Focus on endometriosis and pelvic pain
-Dr. Osbert Fernandez: Focus on endometriosis and pelvic pain
-Dr. Asulin: Focus on incontinence and female organ prolapse
-Dr. Allison Skrikande: Focus pelvic rehabilitation medicine
-Dr. Niva Herzig: Focus on all physical therapy needs for all pelvic concerns as well as recovery from child birth and hysterectomy
-Dr. Aimee Seungdamrong: OB/GYN – Infertility
-Dr. Daniel Spiel: Interventional radiology with a focus on pelvic pain management
Carepoint Health – Institute for Women’s Health is located on the first floor within Hoboken University Medical Center.
Hoboken University Medical Center {308 Willow Ave. Hoboken, NJ 07030}
Phone: 201-418-1000