Home Lifestyle 9 New Classes to Try in Hoboken in 2017

9 New Classes to Try in Hoboken in 2017

by Kelly
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Was your New Year’s resolution to stop eating out every night and learn to cook more outside of your microwave? To pick up a new instrument or learn to read music? To tango DWTS-style? Well good news, because in Hoboken, there’s a class for that! Get out of your comfort zone {and beat that dreaded late-winter rut} by picking up a new skill {and gaining some well-earned confidence along the way!}. Here are nine new classes to try in Hoboken in 2017.

1. Take Dance Classes at Anytime Dance Hoboken

AnytimeDance (1)

Photo Credit: Anytime Dance Hoboken 

It may take two to tango, but it only takes you to sign up for classes at Anytime Dance Hoboken {720 Monroe St, Suite E 420}. With lessons ranging from salsa to tango to ballroom, you’ll be pulling out Dancing with the Stars’ level-moves by the time your next wedding invite rolls around!


2. Acting Classes at Mile Square Theatre


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The Station Hoboken

Photo Credit: Mile Square Theatre

Awards season giving you the acting bug? Just because your school play era is behind you, doesn’t mean you’re too old to channel your inner-Emma Stone or Meryl Streep and play pretend a few hours a week. Mile Square Theatre {1400 Clinton Street} offers beginner and intermediate adult acting classes every season to teach you techniques and tips.

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3. Cooking Classes at Hudson Table


Photo Credit: Hudson Table

So this may not be new news, butyou may not be the next Mario Batali, but you can definitely learn enough kitchen skills to host a seriously wow-worthy dinner party for your besties. Hudson Table at 1403 Clinton Street offers classes in everything from steak to sushi, bacon to beer pairings (and those are just in March!). Book early, classes fill up fast!


4. Paint a Masterpiece at Pinot’s Palette


Photo Credit: Pinot’s Palette

Nothing takes the pressure off of painting a masterpiece like your best friends, a little vino and a pre-selected picture to replicate and alter to your heart’s desire. Paint and sip classes at Pinot’s Palette {258 Newark St, Suite 300) feel more like a two-hour party than a painting instructional, and trust us, you’ll walk out feeling like Picasso!


5. Perfect Your Photos at Beyond the Photograph


Photo Credit: Beyond the Photograph

Toss your filter app-filled iPhone aside, log off of Instagram and learn some true photography skills from an expert at Beyond the Photograph on 720 Monroe Street. Classes like Digital Storytelling offer the basics, while specialty subjects like Black and White Intensive immerse you in a world of monochromatic images.


6. Learn a New Language at Learn Language Hoboken


Photo Credit: Learn Language Hoboken

Hola, Ni Hao, Bonjour! Whether you’ve just booked a trip to Spain, are constantly working with colleagues in China or just want to brush up on your high school French, Learn Language Hoboken on 450 7th Street is a great way to perfect your language of choice. With classes in Italian, Spanish, French, Arabic and Chinese, you’ll be set to travel the world in no time.


7. DIY and Woodworking at DIY Joint


Photo Credit: DIY Joint

Sitting at a desk staring at your computer all day can get, well, dull, let’s be honest. Which is why a hands-on experience with a tangible reward might be just the ticket to re-invigorating you after a long week at the office. The DIY Joint on 51 Harrison Street (Suite A207) offers woodworking classes that let you bring home your creations (you can sign up for everything from serving trays to picture frames to small tables). Plus, they get bonus points from being BYO-Friendly!


8. Take a Music Lesson at Garden Street School of Performing Arts


Photo Credit: Garden Street School of Performing Arts

Tickle the ivories, beat the drums or up your karaoke game at the Garden Street School of Performing Arts at 1018 Washington Street. They offers adult classes in voice, violin, drums and piano, and if you want to go a step further in your newly found (or renewed) musical aspirations, they also offer songwriting and professional recording!


9. Learn to Sew at M. Avery Designs


Photo Credit: M Avery Design Sewing Studio 

Whether you’re looking to sew your new baby niece a blanket, expand your wardrobe, or simply hem your perpetually too-long jeans, M Avery Design Sewing Studio at 720 Monroe Street Suite E 306 offers everything from a beginner boot camp to more difficult clothing creationt classes.


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