Home Events + News City of Hoboken Releases Updates on Coronavirus Preparations

City of Hoboken Releases Updates on Coronavirus Preparations

by Arielle Witter
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Update as of 3/12 at 1:41PM:

Hoboken’s Office of Emergency Management {OEM} has declared a State of Emergency in the city. “Although there are no confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in Hoboken, this action will allow OEM and the City to take proactive action in the days and weeks ahead to protect the health and safety of our residents,” Mayor Bhalla said in a statement.

Update as of 3/11 at 1:16PM:

The World Health Organization has declared the virus a pandemic.

Update as of 3/11 at 11:01AM:

CityMD has issued a statement regarding Coronavirus concerns + testing. “We also should emphasize that while the Coronavirus is concerning, the overall risk to the general public remains low,” the statement readsThe most up to date information regarding facilities’ abilities to test patients can be found here.

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Update as of 3/10 at 10:44AM:

On March 9th, NJ Governor Phil Murphy declared a state of emergency in New Jersey in response to the spread of the Coronavirus. Gov. Murphy tweeted, “We’ve been ahead of the curve in terms of our preparations, and this declaration will help keep us there.”

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As concerns over the Coronavirus grow both nationally and locally, the City of Hoboken is working hard to prepare for a future case, if that were to happen. Just this week, a man from West New York tested positive for the virus, making this the first confirmed case in Hudson County and the sixth in New Jersey, according to Patch.com. Now, let’s be clear — Hoboken currently does not have any confirmed cases of the virus. The City, however, is taking the necessary precautions to prepare, should one occur in the future.

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On Sunday, March 8th, Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla issued a press release to provide residents an update on what the City is doing to prepare for a potential Coronavirus case, outbreak, or spread.

“Hoboken continues to closely monitor the latest developments regarding the Coronavirus to keep the public informed. Over the past several days, my administration and the City Health Department have been in close contact with Governor Murphy’s office and the New Jersey Department of Health to receive regular updates,”  Mayor Bhalla said.

“The City of Hoboken has formed a Coronavirus task force that consists of members of the Hoboken Health Department, Hoboken Police Department, Hoboken Fire Department, Office of Emergency Management, Hoboken Volunteer Ambulance Corps, the Hoboken Public School District, Stevens Institute of Technology, and my office,” he explained. “All departments have begun preparations should the Coronavirus be confirmed in Hoboken. City staff continues to implement enhanced sanitizing procedures in public buildings.”

Read More: Hoboken’s Curry Up Now is Appearing on Netflix + More Local News

Precautions to Take

In the press release, the mayor did urge that “according to the New Jersey Department of Health, the best thing residents can do is to stay home if you are sick.” So if you’re feeling under the weather, it can’t hurt to take a sick day, just to be on the safe side. The press release also listed symptoms of the virus, which include:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath

All of the symptoms can occur within two to 14 days after exposure. For those with such symptoms, the City recommends calling your health care provider prior to visiting an emergency room. The City also states that if you are in Hoboken and believe that you’ve been exposed to a confirmed case of the virus, contact the Hoboken Health Department at 201-420-2000 ext. 5211.

See More: RWJBarnabas Announces Center for Sleep Disorders at Jersey City Medical Center

Additional Tips

According to the NJ Department of Health, additional precautionary measures should be taken on a regular basis, including:

  • Wash hands often with soap and water. If not available, use hand sanitizer
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home while you are sick and avoid contact with others
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing
  • Receive a seasonal flu vaccine {while the vaccine can’t prevent the Coronavirus, it can minimize the number of residents with flu-like symptoms}
  • Review and follow the Centers for Disease Control {CDC} travel advisories when planning travel. If you become ill after returning home, call your healthcare provider before going to a doctor’s office or emergency department of a hospital.

Amidst the chaos, it’s comforting to know that the Mile Square is and continues to take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus. Since each day holds a new update in the Coronavirus news, it’s best to be prepared for any potential outcome.

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