Home LifestyleHoboken 101 Hoboken Girl of the Week: Courtney Mason {Illustrator, Color Your Love NYC}

Hoboken Girl of the Week: Courtney Mason {Illustrator, Color Your Love NYC}

by Briana
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If you’ve ever wanted to turn a picture into a beautiful painting — our Hoboken Girl of the Week has the talent to do just that. Courtney Mason, of Color Your Love NYC, is a professional illustrator who paints people, places, and anything you could imagine. Here’s more about this talented Hoboken Girl of the Week and painter extraordinaire {in her own words}:

courtney mason hoboken girl of week

About Courtney

My name is Courtney Mason and I’m a professional designer and illustrator living in Jersey City. I’ve been working in New York City for the past 6 years and graduated from the University of Hartford with a BFA in Illustration in 2012.

My freelance business, Color Your Love NYC, captures in vibrant color the people and places you love. Offering custom and personalized impressionist watercolor paintings in standard sizes on fine art paper starting from 8×10 inches – 18×24 inches. This painting style is purposeful and represents the vibrant color and blurred detail of our most memorable moments. A perfect gift or memento for any occasion, contact [email protected] and follow @coloryourlove.nyc on Instagram for examples of my work, commissions, and inquiries!

On What Inspires Her

My parents have always been strong supporters of my creative career but when I told my them I wanted to move to New York City as a new graduate with less than one year of experience and an illustration degree they expressed concern. They didn’t want me to be a struggling artist and eventually end up back in their basement. I assured them I’d find ways to be creative and pay my rent in a nice neighborhood. That first year I worked 3 jobs, as a full-time designer at a start-up, a freelance illustrator, and freelance photographer. I never had so many opportunities to create new work and to meet new people so it was honestly one of the most exciting times of my life.

My other source of inspiration is my husband. We’ve been together for almost 7 years and got married last September. When we were first dating, he would stay up late with me in the studio working on his math equations as I worked on paintings and illustrations. He inspires and encourages me every day and I love him for that.

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Hello Hydration Sidebar

My inspiration comes from the world around me and the people who I share it with.

courtney mason hoboken girl week

Goals + Passions

I would love to get involved in our local art community and start showing in local galleries. I just participated in my first Art Battle recently so I am hoping to do more live painting events because it’s quite challenging and very fun!

Zap Fitness

A Typical Day in the Life

I have a dual persona of designer and illustrator. During the day I work full-time as a designer in the advertising industry, so from 9-6 pm I am Don Draper (totally joking I am definitely more of a Peggy). On nights and weekends, I am an illustrator. While I love both aspects of my career, drawing and painting comes very naturally while design requires a lot more critical thinking and problem solving than you’d expect.

courtney mason hoboken girl week

READ: Hoboken Girl of the Week: Leyla Bilali {of Fertility Together}

Highlight of Career {So Far}

Meeting famous & successful artists whom I admire is always a highlight but most of all is when something I create makes an impression on someone that’s really what it’s all about.

What a Day Off is Like

When I’m not working, I’m traveling, spending time with family and friends, or relaxing.

Advice to Someone Pursuing the Same Career Path

Knock on doors until they open or build a door and open it for yourself.

Hoboken + Jersey City Favorites

What is your favorite restaurant in Hoboken or Jersey City?

I have so many favorites! I have to say Hamilton Pork, Matthews, and Taphaus.

What is your favorite boutique in Hoboken or Jersey City?

My favorites are Mint Market, Noellery, Hudson Paperie, and WORD.

What do you love most about Hoboken?

Hoboken has the charm of a small town and the personality of a big city. It doesn’t try to be Brooklyn or Manhattan. It’s a whole culture of its own with unapologetic Jersey pride.

What is your favorite thing to do in Hudson County?

Exploring! There is so much of Hudson County I haven’t seen and I think I could be here for decades and still not see it all!

How long have you lived and/or worked in Hoboken or Jersey City?

3 years.

What is your favorite outdoor place to spend time in Hoboken or Jersey City?

Hanging out near the water in Liberty State Park and Hoboken’s parks.

What is your favorite place to work out in Hudson County?

I like to try different things so I’ve belonged to every kind of gym you can think of. A few local ones I’d recommend are CKO Jersey City, Base, Surya Yoga, and IPA fitness.

Where do you go out with friends in the area?

Lutze Biergarten, Barcade, The Archer, and Pier 13.

What is something you think needs to come to Hoboken or Jersey City?

I would love more art galleries and art events in Hoboken and JC.

courtney mason hoboken girl week

Thanks for chatting with us, Courtney! Stay tuned to see who we feature next week <3

See More: Hoboken Girl of the Week: Alane Gianetti of Write Pretty for Me

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Email [email protected] about your/her story.

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