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The wait is finally over and there is no doubt that New Jersey, specifically, Hudson County, is filled with cute dads. As tough as it was for The Hoboken Girl team to narrow it down to nine and then give you, our readers, the challenge of picking just one from such an amazing lineup, we have our winner. The man who will take all the glory and the prizes that come with it is….
* DJ *
DJ’s wife, Katie, says, “DJ is a new dad and has stepped into the role seamlessly. I always knew he’d be a great dad but he has far exceeded my expectations. From staying up all night during those first few weeks to changing all the dirty diapers, to even doing the laundry, cleaning, and cooking – he does everything for us. The best, however, is how he always tries to make us laugh even when he’s tired and had a long day. He will dance, sing, make funny faces, whatever it takes to put a smile on our faces. He loves being a dad and truly has fun doing it, and we are so lucky to call him ours!”
This year’s winner will get:
- -A $75 gift card to Pilsener Haus & Biergarten
- -1-hour full body massage from Health In Hands Spa
- -4 Kaló variety packs
Happy Father’s Day to all our nominees this year! And thank you to all our amazing sponsors this year!
(Pictured below):
Bryan’s wife, Ali, says, “Bryan is a commercial airline pilot who continued to work around the clock during COVID to support our family and help people get where they needed to go. Although it forced us to spend a great deal of time apart to ensure the health and safety of our family, it only prompted Bryan to show us what it takes to be a strong and unconditional partner. This past spring (fast forward to March of 2021!) Mayor Bhalla married us at City Hall during a pandemic, with our toddler and parents by our sides. Although Cami is now “officially” Bryan’s step-daughter, he’s always treated her as one. And despite a challenging fertility journey last summer and fall, we’re thrilled to share that we are currently expecting a baby of our own due in September. In a nutshell, we may not be the most traditional family, and getting here may not have always been easy, but Bryan makes our life as a family feel “easy”. “
Andrew’s wife, Pam told us, “It took us over three years, four miscarriages and two rounds of IVF to get our son. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner through it all. Our son was born in August 2020, in the middle of COVID. While working from home, he found time to give our baby his last bottle of the day and put him [our son] to bed almost every night. Now, on the weekends, he takes our son to the pier in the mornings so I can sleep in. And, as you can see from the picture, he looks amazing doing it all! “
Sam’s wife, Natalya, said, “He is the type of father who would change diapers on the hood of the car without caring that anyone sees him, bottle feed the baby so that I take a break…and always make sure our girls are comfortable and warm at night. He is the kind of daddy they dance with, laugh with, and always feel safe with…. The daddy whose pancakes taste the sweetest and whose hugs make all boo-boos go away…. He is patient, he is kind, he is funny”
Jared’s wife, Elizabeth, says, “Jared just began his human dad duties this March, but he’s had plenty of practice by being a terrific doggy dad for the past 6 years. He’s able to juggle working from home, being a supportive partner, parenting a newborn, and still has time and energy to give love and attention to his first born fur baby. Jared Salter absolutely deserves the cutest dad nomination because he’s able to do it all, and he looks good while doing it.”
Joe’s wife, Kristine, said, “While we have no human children yet, Joe has thrived being a dog-dad. He was apprehensive about getting a dog but once Bodhi entered our lives, dad-mode kicked in immediately. Not only is he sweet and nurturing but has also become a disciplinarian and trainer. We have taken Bodhi on our honeymoon, to Mets games, street festivals, marathons, breweries, and more..all because some experiences wouldn’t be the same if we weren’t together as a family. While I know there are plenty of amazing dads out there whose lives have changed for the better by becoming a parent, I am nominating my husband because I want the world to see what I see: an incredible and loving person whose heart grew tenfold when he let Bodhi into our world. And in turn, my heart has done the same for Joe.”
Robert’s daughter, Casey, says, “As my brothers and I grew up, my dad was at every dance recital, every school presentation, and he even managed to fit in coaching our Hoboken softball and little league teams, all while working full time! He is an active member of the Hoboken community, investing in local businesses and always taking the time to take our family and friends to try the newest spots around town. I feel his love for me and my brothers every day, but especially since I came out as queer. The overlap of Pride month and Father’s Day further highlights my dad’s unconditional support for me – this month and every month. He is truly the best dad I could ever ask for!!”
Mark’s wife, Holly told us that, “Bath time, cooking, cleaning, big scary giant impersonations, school lunch packing, story time, playground sessions, bedtime cuddles, dog walking, baseball coaching, dishes, diaper changes, 16 Handles runs, design of elaborate 5 year old treasure hunts – you name it, he does it all! And somehow manages to always have immaculately styled hair too! We love him with all we got!”
Derick’s wife, Patricia, said, “Derick was a superhero super dad long before this pandemic. He is compassionate, funny, helpful, supportive – but most importantly selfless. There is never any hesitation to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider, dance to countless Cocomelon tunes, or plan our next adventure! As a local emergency room nurse, he provides the utmost care and attention to patients in need. He inspires the imaginary play of “doctor.” His high-top man bun makes him memorable and cute! Olivia and Oliver are very lucky to have the best (and of course their favorite) superhero in their lives!”
Happy Father’s Day!