Home Events + NewsGiveaways Vote for the Cutest Dad in Hudson County {2018}

Vote for the Cutest Dad in Hudson County {2018}

by Gabriella Auriemma
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Right here in Hudson County, you can find some of the most adorable dads — doing adorable things with their children. So in order to appreciate all of them, we asked our readers to submit their favorite photos of their husband/dad/sibling with their little ones for our Cutest Dad in Hudson County Contest. It was VERY hard, but our team narrowed it down to 9 picks, and now we’re leaving it up to you to decide! It’s time to vote for the ultimate winner.

hoboken girl cutest hudson county dads contest fathers day 2018

The lucky winner will receive:

$50 Gift Certificate to Açai Ya Later

A Free Session for 2 at Gravity Vault

A Night Out at The Lutze {Outdoor Biergarten} in Jersey City

$100 Gift Card to The Spesh

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Hello Hydration Sidebar

So without further ado, here are our 9 dad finalists — voting is at the bottom of the post

{you can vote once per 24 hour period from June 6th – June 15th, 2018!}.

1. Greg


Greg’s wife, Nicole, shared with us:

Zap Fitness

 “Nominating my favorite guy, Greg for cutest dad in Hudson County. Luckily our Vincent got his infectious smile and personality.”


2. Jeremy

Jeremy’s wife, Denise, shared:

“Jeremy is such an amazing dad to our Vivienne. Even working crazy long banker hours, he finds time to take her to school, read to her before bed, and have “hot dog dates” whenever he possibly can. Their favorite things to do are go to the park (where he lets her try all the crazy moves I won’t allow), play pretend (where he is forced to be her student, her child, and sometimes her Uber driver), and eat lots of french fries! “

3. Joseph

Joseph’s wife, Lucinda, shared:

“I am submitting this picture on behalf of our 9 1/2 month old daughter Madeleine Grossi. My dad, Joesph Grossi is the cutest dad because he has the kindest heart not only for our family but also for the town and the families of Hoboken. He takes me out for strolls around town and shows me the ultimate human way of kindness. No matter who crosses our path he greets EVERYONE. He is always polite and lending a helping hand to those in need. On top of it all not only is he my dad, my real life superhero. Each day he goes to work he becomes a hero for us all and for that, I FEEL MY DAD IS THE CUTEST HUDSON COUNTY DAD ❤”

4. Justin

Justin’s wife, Megan, shared:

“This is my husband Justin, a rockstar of a dad, full of infinite patience, wisdom, and cooking skills. I was impressed with him when our girls were babies— having twins really forces both parents to step up their games as a matter of survival. But, let’s face it, anyone can learn how to change a diaper in the middle of the night. What impresses me more is the dad he is to our growing, changing girls. He listens to their friend drama (yes— first grade— I know!) and supports their choices. When our twins decided they didn’t want to play soccer anymore, Justin was not as frustrated as I was. When Charlotte decided that her sport would be “sewing,” Justin began researching sewing classes in JC and Hoboken. He makes all of their meals and reads their stories every night. It’s actually almost annoying how good of a dad he is”.

5. Dan

Brittany,  Dan’s wife shared:

 “Dan and baby Owen kicking off the start of summer ‘18 at Pier 13 on Memorial Day Weekend! 😎🍻🍼”

6. Mike

Mike’s wife, Mary Beth, shared:
“I am sure there are a lot of cute dads in Hoboken but my triplet daughters and I know Mike Betancourt is the cutest. Check out this picture for photo evidence…he has all three of his infant daughters asleep at the same time (high points) while snuggled under his arm…Vivienne’s hand wrapped around his finger is the cherry on top. He is a stay at home dad that makes having triplets looks easy. We are so lucky to call him ours”.

7. Agan

Raakhee, Agan’s wife, shared:

“I knew Agan would be a great husband the day I met him. But to see him as a dad to our daughter Satya makes me love him even harder. (Unless he forgets to take out the trash or do the laundry, but that’s a story for another day!) Whether he’s wearing a powder blue unicorn onesie for Halloween or tieing a turban on her to match his own – true stories, both her requests –Agan is a man who celebrates Satya and me for who we are, a true feminist to his core. And while I know Satya likes him the best, well, it’s hard to be mad. Truth is, I like him the best too!”

8. Chris

Pamela, Chris’ wife, shared:
“Chris and I are high school sweethearts, we’ve been together for 13 years, the last 3 of which we have been married. We recently had our first daughter, Loria (we named her after my maiden name) she is four months old and we couldn’t be happier. She was born with a full head of hair and was/is her daddy’s twin. Having a child can be hard work but Chris has handled it seamlessly. When he can’t feed her because I am, he is going around the house, doing the laundry, putting the dishes away, getting her room set up for bedtime, just doing anything and everything he possibly can. The best is when they are together. He dances and sings with her and tells me how he can’t wait until she’s older so they can choreograph dances together to perform for me. He holds our daughter, breathes her in, makes the biggest smile and sigh of pure joy. I always knew he was going to be a good father, but I couldn’t imagine anyone better than him. I would love to nominate him for this shout out to try and let him know how truly appreciated he is”.

9. Matt

Matt’s son, Max shared with HG:

 “My daddy, Matt Della Rocca, is the best. He works really hard to put a roof over my head and make sure there is food for me to eat. I love when he takes me to the park, throws me in the air, and blows raspberries on my belly!”

Now that you’ve seen the adorableness that is happening around the area, it’s time to pick a favorite! Pick one dad, daily, to vote for. Winner will receive the 4 prizes listed above.

VOTE BELOW {please note, once you vote, the box disappears – it will return 24 hours after your last vote}. Share with friends to help your favorite dad win!

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Happy Early Father’s Day to all the amazing dads out there. {Winner to be announced right before Father’s Day!}

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