Home Events + News Hoboken Hair Stylist Wins with Olympic Fencer Dagmara Wozniak’s Purple ‘Do

Hoboken Hair Stylist Wins with Olympic Fencer Dagmara Wozniak’s Purple ‘Do

by Tamara
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Looks like Hoboken’s taking home an unexpected gold medal in *hair slaying* in this year’s Olympics in Rio.



Like all the athletes this year, USA Olympic Fencer Dagmara “Daga” Wozniak, 28, has been training her body like crazy for her second Olympic games, but she’s also been prepping her locks by visiting one of our fav salons right here in our city: Up and Out.

The owner of Up and Out, Niki Klaczany, who’s also Wozniak’s BFF {their parents grew up in Poland and moved to the U.S. together}, has been styling Wozniak’s locks since she was a freshman in high school. Wozniak has typically stuck with the status quo when it comes to hair color, so this stunning fairytale shade was a game changer.

“The purple hair for Dagmara was planned over a year ago, and it is accomplishing exactly what we had hoped it would – noise, questions, few raised eyebrows, and plenty of hair envy and momentum, mainly for her and as it seems, and bit for us too.  So it’s all really exciting.  What isn’t as exciting, for her at least, is the coloring process,” Klaczany says.

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So how did Klaczany achieve the color? Pravana. Klaczany says it’s a cut above the rest {yeah, pun intended!} because it’s pure pigment and less damaging than other color products. And to make sure her hair is super touchable, she mixes the color with conditioner for a deep conditioning treatment.

But just like winning a gold medal, getting hair this dreamy isn’t easy…especially when you’ve got a cascading mane like Wozniak’s. Sometimes she can be at the salon for up to 10 hours for touch ups every other week and a half or so {tip: be besties with your stylist so it’s not awk when you need to vent about work/boyfriend/etc.}.



But don’t bet on seeing the same hair after Rio. She’s probably going back to brunette {let’s be honest, it sounds like wayyy too much maintenance}, so savor the ‘gram photos. Klaczany says “Both of us can’t wait {to cut off the purple locks}.” But we’re sure the new cut will be super fierce too.



Wozniak’s already winning by a landslide in the hair department, so she’s sure to be a force to be reckoned with during the women’s saber competition on Saturday, August 13th.

We’ll be watching for that eye-catching purple hair, Daga. #SlayTeamUSA


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