Home Celebrities Dakota Johnson, Joe Pesci, Sean Penn Filming Different Movies in Hoboken — What We Know

Dakota Johnson, Joe Pesci, Sean Penn Filming Different Movies in Hoboken — What We Know

by Danielle Farina
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From a Robert De Niro thriller being shot in Jersey City to recurring zombie appearances at the Hoboken station for a Walking Dead spin-off, Hudson County has seen no shortage of film crews this year. It’s only fitting then, that in the last two weeks of 2022, locals took notice of film crews at two locations in Hoboken: Pier A and 11th Street, between Park + Bloomfield. We did a little digging to find that Hoboken will actually be the setting for two separate, upcoming movies — one of which stars Dakota Johnson + Sean Penn, the other Joe Pesci + Ron Pearlman. Read on for what we know about the two star-studded movies currently shooting in Hoboken. 

(Photo Credit: IMDb)

Dakota Johnson, Sean Penn, Daddio

In 2021, Yahoo Entertainment reported that Dakota Johnson — known best for her breakout role in 50 Shades of Grey — would be starring alongside Sean Penn in director Christy Hall’s latest project, Daddio. The movie follows the adventures of a young woman (Dakota Johnson) and the taxi driver (Sean Penn) who picks her up from JFK. According to Yahoo, the film is a “kinetic drama [that] explores the complexities of human connection and proves that a chance encounter with a total stranger can change a person’s life.” No shocker to us that Hoboken has a cameo in a film about a life-altering escapade, but we digress.

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The film crew for Daddio is currently located at 11th Avenue, on the corner of Park Avenue and Bloomfield Street. HG paid a visit to the set and while unfortunately, there were no Dakota Johnson sightings, we did chat with a friendly sound guy who confirmed the details — so thank you, sound guy.

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Day of the Fight with Joe Pesci + Ron Pearlman

On Monday, December 19th, HG received insider intel that Joe Pesci returned home to the Garden State for his latest, star-studded project Day of the Fight. Joe is joined by Ron Pearlman, Michael Pitt (who is not Brad Pitt’s son), Nicolette Robinson, and more for a film about “a once celebrated boxer who takes a redemptive journey through his past and present, on the day of his first fight since leaving prison,” according to Deadline. We’re unclear which character Joe Pesci will be playing, but nevertheless, the role sounds perfectly suited to him. As, of course, every role is.

Yesterday, Day of the Fight was spotted filming at Pier A in Hoboken. Per Deadline, filming is slated to take place between New York + New Jersey so our guess (read: hope) is, this isn’t the crew’s last visit to The Mile Square.

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Of course, The Hoboken Girl team will keep you posted with details regarding these films as they unfold — and as always, we’ll tune you into any more sightings. To stay in the know on all Hoboken happenings, be sure to follow us on Instagram and TikTok.

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