Home Fashion + Beauty Dr. Park Avenue Debuts Laser Hair Removal Services in Hoboken

Dr. Park Avenue Debuts Laser Hair Removal Services in Hoboken

by Hoboken Girl Team
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With the hibernation season upon us, it’s an ideal time to dedicate to removing unwanted hair while being safely out of the sun during treatments. Dr. Park Avenue is one of Hoboken’s premiere botox and injectable destinations. But word on the street is that they just added another coveted service to their extensive portfolio: Nd:YAG laser hair removal. Read on to learn more about the new hair removal services.

dr park ave hair removal

Special Offer: Buy one package of hair removal, get any small area package for free {essentially a buy one, get one free}. The offer is good until 10/31, and they will only be taking the first 100 patients who book.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment

dr park ave hair removal

The laser produces beams of highly concentrated light that penetrate into the hair follicle attacking the pigment in the follicle and destroying the pigment cells within the follicle. This method of hair removal is safe, virtually pain-free, and permanent. Laser hair removal is suitable for both women and men, for ALL skin types, and may be used to remove hair on any area of the body.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Options

dr park ave hair removal

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A skin evaluation is performed by doctors for all hair consultations. Based on your medical history and hair and skin type the appropriate course of treatment is recommended. The Nd:YAG laser provides the most effective and safe method of treatment. The laser hair removal process requires several sessions but does not require an anesthetic, and a cooling device is utilized to protect the outer layers of the skin while the laser penetrates deeper into the hair follicles.

Read More: Where to Get Botox and Fillers in Hoboken + Jersey City

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Nd:YAG Laser Hair Removal

dr park ave hair removal

“Our laser is a Cutera Coolglide Nd:YAG laser that not only does hair removal, but a total facial rejuvenation, vein removal and skin resurfacing,” Dr. Park Avenue told Hoboken Girl.

Unwanted hair can be treated with the Nd:YAG laser, one of the most versatile devices on the market due to the 1064nm wavelength. This laser can be combined with the Er:YAG {erbium} laser for light, medium, and deep peels to fight signs of aging, hair, and visible veins. 

“What sets us apart from other businesses is that we were the first full-service Medspa in town. We have a reputation for bedside manners, personability, and most importantly, proven results. Our providers know what they’re doing,” the staff explained.

See More: Pregnancy-Safe Beauty Products and Treatments in Hoboken + Jersey City

Nd:YAG Laser Hair Removal Packages

dr park ave hair removal

The packages and pricing are based on the size of the area that patients would like hair removed from. Dr. Park Avenue breaks down the areas into what they consider small, medium, and large areas.

Small Areas Include:

  • Areolas
  • Cheeks
  • Chin
  • Bikini Line
  • Feet
  • Hands
  • Lip
  • Sideburns
  • Lower Navel
  • Ears

Medium Areas Include: 

  • Face
  • Back of neck
  • Front of neck
  • Lower arms
  • Upper arms
  • Lower back
  • Under Arms

Large Areas Include:

  • Abdomen
  • Lower legs
  • Upper legs
  • Chest
  • Inner thigh and bikini line
  • Buttocks
  • Upper back
  • Brazilian Bikini

Dr. Park Avenue is on 80 River Street, 4th floor, Suite 4a, and just steps away from the PATH station. The treatment rooms are uniquely designed for specific treatment.

Special Offer: Buy one package of hair removal, get any small area package for free {essentially a buy one get one free}. The offer is good until 10/31, and they will only be taking the first 100 patients who book.

To book an appointment, call the office at 201-942-9292 or request an appointment by email at [email protected].


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