Home Events + News Earth Day from the Art of 16 Hoboken Elementary Students

Earth Day from the Art of 16 Hoboken Elementary Students

by Jennifer Tripucka
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Kids say {and draw} the funniest {and most honest} things…so we thought what better way to celebrate Earth Day than to showcase the drawings of some Hoboken elementary students’ Earth Day posters. HG Editor Jen was invited to judge a local poster contest of various Hoboken elementary schools, and since we loved so many of the posters, we just had to share some of our favorites!

earth day 2015 hoboken girl hoboken students city hall poster contest

^Smarty pants.

earth day 2015 hoboken girl hoboken students city hall poster contest

earth day 2015 hoboken girl hoboken students city hall poster contest

earth day 2015 hoboken girl hoboken students city hall poster contest

JK Therapy
Hello Hydration Sidebar

^This kid has the right idea, make gardens not war.

earth day 2015 hoboken girl hoboken students city hall poster contest

Zap Fitness

^Anything with adorable animals being saved has our vote.

earth day 2015 hoboken girl hoboken students city hall poster contest

^We see a t-shirt being made with this one, am I right?!

earth day 2015 hoboken girl hoboken students city hall poster contest


#1 Earth, you know.

earth day 2015 hoboken girl hoboken students city hall poster contest

^ Earth is the best, and we do need to save it, but we had no idea it also looked like a big heart filled with blue, orange, black, and red.


^Work together, then plants will grow!


^ This kid knows his composting stuff. Clever.

earth day 2015 hoboken girl hoboken students city hall poster contest

The earth without art is just eh.

earth day 2015 hoboken girl hoboken students city hall poster contest

earth day 2015 hoboken girl hoboken students city hall poster contest

^ Is that a good “boo” or a bad “boo”?

earth day 2015 hoboken girl hoboken students city hall poster contest

I mean, this can be applied to every day living. CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE.


And our personal favorite ^^ — “Recycling turns things into other things. Which is like magic.” 

Truer words were never spoken.

Happy Earth Day, Hoboken!

Aspen Prime

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