As a community, we always show how we can come together in times of difficulty and need. We’re able to be mobile {albeit carefully} and can access resources via online portals, apps, etc. But one such population — the elderly and also the disabled, which sometimes go hand in hand — don’t always have that luxury. To help with this, we’ve reached out to local leaders on how to help the elderly locally in Hoboken and Jersey City. We realize it’s a tricky situation, as many people are concerned with spreading the virus, so we enlisted our local movers and shakers to help with info and the best ways to *SAFELY* do this.
Here are a few ways you can do so, according to their responses and our research:
1. Follow CERT Team and OEM’s Lead With Emergency Prep — and Donate to Their Team
OEM is driving the overall emergency preparations and providing the framework for our response to this crisis. Our CERT team directed by Brian Onieal is coordinating with OEM and is leading the actual outreach effort at this time – our CERT team have gone to all six senior buildings to check in on seniors and provide them with flyers with safety guidance.
Says Councilwoman Fisher, “A big concern raised by OEM director Sergeant Montanez is our seniors being exposed to many individuals trying to help directly and prefers having a more centralized effort. As such, Leo Pellegrini, Director of Health and Human Services (which includes our Seniors Program) indicated he is working with OEM and CERT to put together a centralized effort to support the ongoing needs of our seniors and other vulnerable residents via the multi-service center (that is currently closed for group activities), not unlike in the past when Hoboken was faced with public health crises.”
Please stay tuned for this info as it comes available – we will update the post. In the meantime, you can donate to CERT and OEM here.
2. Reach Out Directly to Your Immediate Neighbors
Beyond the six senior buildings, there are seniors on every block and every floor of residential buildings across Hoboken. Having a neighborhood/block/floor group effort is often the best way for people to help and to have the broadest reach. “Emailing or knocking on your neighbors’ door and working together to identify those who could use assistance on your block or floor would go a long way,” says Councilman Phil Cohen.
3. Know That Officials/Community Services are Doing What They Can to Help Already
As much as we want to help, it’s comforting to know that our local leaders and organization heads are doing a lot to help these communities already. Our team has been in direct contact with several people in the administration from Councilmembers to the Mayor’s office who are diligently working to make sure people get the resources they need.
Continues Councilwoman Fisher, “Throughout all of the discussions I have had today, including with John Carey of the American Legion, so far I am told that our seniors that are represented by these groups/buildings are all generally doing ok for now. Anecdotally I am told their biggest concerns right now relate to their retirement savings and the impact of the significant drop in the stock market. That said, we know that with the passage of time they will also need an increasing amount of support for them, specifically ensuring they are eating and their medical needs are being addressed. My personal goal is to make sure this group of community leaders is connected and coordinated.”
Director Mark Recko of the HHA is also ensuring HHA seniors are included and Councilmembers are also reaching out to the three non-HHA building owners so they are also connected into this coordinated effort as well.
Councilwoman Fisher also notes, “I spoke with board members of the Hoboken Community Center Food Bank who currently coordinate the provision of food for HHC and select HHA residents, whether they will be expanding their footprint and they are meeting to discuss this.”
Directly from City Hall’s spokesperson Vijay Chaudhuri as of 11:15PM 3/13:
The City of Hoboken, Office of Emergency Management, and the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) have opened up a COVID-19 hotline for Hoboken residents. CERT members will be available to answer general questions pertaining to Hoboken’s COVID-19 response and serve as a resource with additional information for residents. Please note that this hotline should not be utilized for professional medical advice. The COVID-19 hotline is 201-420-5620 and open from 9 am until 8 pm beginning March 14 through at least March 20.
Additionally, a hotline for Hoboken seniors requesting assistance, or anyone in contact with a Hoboken senior in need, has also been set up at 201-420-5625, and is open from 9 am until 8 pm. The senior hotline will be in operation beginning March 14 through at least March 20.
Volunteers may be needed during the week to assist with various tasks related to the COVID-19 response. If you are interested in volunteering, please call the COVID-19 hotline at 201-420-5620 between the hours of 9 am and 8 pm, beginning March 14.
The Hoboken Health Department will continue to operate, but should only be contacted by medical professionals. Those that believe they were exposed to COVID-19 and want to be tested should contact their primary care physician first. They may then also call the Hoboken Health Department at 201-420-2000 ext. 5211.
As the City’s coordinated effort comes together over the next few days/week, there will be more opportunities to get involved with a larger, centralized effort. In the meantime, people can always donate food and money to the below non-profits and teams that need it most, from near or far.
4. To Connect with Senior Affairs in Either City:
Jersey City’s Office of Senior Affairs Contact Info: Website
Hoboken’s Office of Senior Affairs Contact Info: Website
5. Places to Drop Off Supplies for Seniors in Need:
American Legion — reach out for what they need.
Hoboken Housing Authority — needs wipes and hand sanitizer.
Hoboken Shelter — needs wipes, hand sanitizer, disposable plates, detergent, coffee, water. Drop off at 300 Bloomfield Street or order via Amazon wishlist here.
Hoboken Community Center Food Bank — needs food, cleaning supplies.
In Jesus’ Name Charities— needs food, non-perishables.
Have one to add? Email us! [email protected] and we will update ASAP.
Thank you to everyone who has reached out about wanting to help the elderly population and those in need.