Home Lifestyle Why Entrepreneurship Is Great For Millennials {A Local Business Woman Weighs In}

Why Entrepreneurship Is Great For Millennials {A Local Business Woman Weighs In}

by Tara Bosler
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Getting a job can be scary, especially for more and more Millennials as they graduate {don’t we know…}. Plus, there’s plenty of research showing that young Millennials are scared and anxious about the job market, but also want to be well-compensated and don’t want to do anything they don’t like. Some people mock that way of thinking and call it entitled, but, if being honest — it’s actually a great mindset for entrepreneurship. A local businesswoman weighs in on how adopting an entrepreneurial frame of mind is great for Gen Y. Read on for the serious scoop:

entrepreneurship millennials

Launching a startup or creating an LLC isn’t for everyone. And it certainly isn’t for the unmotivated or risk-averse. But for the exact reasons that many young Millennials aren’t cut out for the typical workforce makes them kind of ideal for starting their own business.

You Get to Shape Your Life

You choose where you live/work, how often and when you work, which parts you want to be involved in or outsource, you decide how big or small your business is, and you {essentially} choose how much you get paid.

Whether you want to travel or move to a new city every few years, owning your own business can help you be the kind of digital nomad that’s become increasingly popular in recent years. In addition to having full control over where you live, you can also decide what you do {and don’t do} in your business. Once you grow your business to a point where you can outsource, you literally don’t have to do anything you don’t want to {talk about a new kind of work day}.

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Plus, you get to choose what you make by setting your own prices and figuring out how to optimize your time and focus in order to maximize your earnings.

You Get to Contribute to Your Community

Millennials are usually very civic-minded due to the volunteer culture that was cultivated for a decade before them. Many had to complete a certain amount of volunteer hours in high school or college. Many are also aware of social media isolation and are looking for ways to genuinely connect. More and more Millennials are opting out of social media and downloading apps that limit time on their smartphones.

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Additionally, “buying local” has become a movement all its own. From community farmer’s markets to product-sharing platforms like Uber and Airbnb, it’s all about creating opportunities for local connection.

Many local Millennial entrepreneurs contribute to the unique feel of Hoboken and Jersey City. Kimberley Bueno of The Cuddly Cottage noticed that Hoboken pet-parents needed a trusted place to board their fur babies, Hoboken Happy Hours exists to bring the community together with events that bring everyone out on the town, and Busy Bee Organics makes Jersey City and Hoboken just a little bit more delicious.

It Can Make a Difference

Social entrepreneurship is a whole segment unto itself with its own grants, conferences, and startups. Young Millennials as a generation are more focused on living a purposeful life than any generation before it. And that shows up in the way they start businesses. Tom’s, Bomba socks, and Allbirds all are household names that have a social or environmental impact built into their business model; but there are many more companies + products that don’t involve things that go on your feet.

Read More: 16 Local Millennial Entrepreneurs Kicking A$$ in Hoboken + Jersey City 

Several local Hoboken and Jersey City entrepreneurs have businesses that are based on a movement rather than a bottom line. Noël Descalzi Fiorentinos of Work it Out is committed to creating spaces where women can feel safe, comfortable and free of judgment while working out; Valerie Duardo of Mint Market built her brand on creating clothing boutiques where women can experiment with fashion and see themselves in a new and more positive light; and Asha Surti of Reiki Traveler is dedicated to using her healing powers to help individuals live a happier and healthier life through spiritual medicine.

So the next time you hear someone complaining about Millennial behavior {again}, reframe the conversation to show off how the Millennial mindset is perfectly suited for totally transforming our economy, instead.

Are you a Millennial entrepreneur? Let us know in the comments!

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