Home Events + NewsEvents The 10 Finalists for Cutest Dad in Hudson County 2020 — Time to Vote!

The 10 Finalists for Cutest Dad in Hudson County 2020 — Time to Vote!

by Corinne Batsides
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Father’s Day is almost here and, to celebrate, our annual father’s day contest is underway. Thank you, Hudson County, for all the amazing dad nominations for the Cutest Dad in Hudson County. It’s heartwarming to see all the wonderful fathers that make up our little community, and the love they give to their families. As hard as it was, we’ve taken all the adorable nominees and narrowed them down to 10 contestants for you, our readers, to vote on for the Cutest Dad of Hudson County 2020 contest.

Keep reading to discover our top 10 nominees  + vote for the cutest dad in Hudson County 2020 {voting polls at the bottom of this post!}. 


This year’s winner will get: 

– A Hoboken Girl Men’s Tank
– A pack of 3 personal training sessions from Project Sculpt
– A $100 gift card to the business of your choice
— One free IV treatment from Vida-Flo
Get ready, Hudson County, because here are our top 10 nominees for you to pick from — voting is at the bottom of this post. 

{You can vote today, one time per hour, until Thursday, June 18th}

1. Chris

chris cutest dad

Chris’ partner, Jen, says, “This guy became a dad at age 20 while living in Hoboken and studying undergrad at NYU.  Now he is the dad {with me} to four boys! He makes breakfast with them every weekend, puts them to bed almost every night, takes them all over the state/country for fencing, hockey, and soccer, and takes them camping, hiking, and more. He builds them ridiculous cardboard contraptions and forts and most of all he takes care of me, the mom, so I can be there for our kids.”

2. Cory

cory cutest dad

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Victoria, Cory’s wife, says, “I wanted to submit my Husband Cory Johnson with our daughter Zoey for 2020 Cutest Dad! He is by far such an amazing dad and truly enjoys creating new experiences for our daughter. The two personality-wise can be completely opposite at times! She’s wild and carefree, he’s more relaxed and subdued, she’s all about princesses and barbies, he’s all about basketball and athletics, yet they’re still best buddies. She’ll get him to play dress up and have a tea party and he’ll convince her to kick around a soccer ball or completely come out of her comfort zone {and mine} to go on a hike. I love how they love each other! He’s an amazing girl dad!”

3. Joel

joel cutest dad

Joel’s wife, Vanessa told us, “Joel is the father to our two girls, and we live in Hudson county. He’s a United States Marine and a full-time dad. From the moment they hear the front door open, my girls race for his superman hugs and endless kisses. Whether it’s FaceTime at work or movie nights with dad, no time is wasted. I can’t thank this man enough for being such an amazing father and husband.  It’s true when they say ‘always a daddy’s girl’. He’ll paint their nails, do their hair, and would tolerate watching the same cartoon shows over and over {because I sure can’t}. These girls are strong and independent, not because of what he taught them, but for the example, he sets with love.

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4. Rahiem

rahiem cutest dad
Rahiem’s fiané, Julia, says, “What makes Rahiem an amazing father is that he is not only just a dad. He is also a stepdad. Five years ago he decided to take on the role of a stepdad to my daughter, who really did not know what a dad was. He has shown my daughter that even if she is missing a piece of her life, there can be a substitute that can be just as good — or maybe even better. Recently we had a child of our own, and Rahiem showed me what a father truly can do, should do, and will do for his children. The joy that they have when they see him is truly remarkable. His love and devotion to his babies goes beyond this world. If there is one thing I would have to call him, it would be super dad.”

5. Phil

phillip cutest dad

Phil’s friend told us that, “Phil and his adorable son, Lucas, live in Newark but spend most of their time together in Jersey City. They have two dogs named Clemintime and Roosevelt. Phil is the general manager of Jersey City’s Mathews Food and Drink. He is very creative and is part of a podcast for Dads, and also has created another instagram as a collection of drink tutorials {he’s a cocktail maker} as well as dance videos of Lucas and him. And, he’s single!”

6. Johnny

johnny cutest dad

His daughter, Leslie said, “Both my sister and I are grown women, but we know we have a dad who outshines all the rest. What makes him so great? My dad turned 63 this year, but that is not slowing him down. He immigrated to the United States in 1983 to follow his love — my mom — here after they met while she was volunteering with the Peace Corps in the Dominican Republic. She lived with a host family next to her {future} mother in law who kept telling her every time they talked about how she had a single son who lived in the capital. Well lo and behold once they met and it was a perfect match. My parents have been together for almost 38 years!
Now a resident of Jersey City, my dad made quick work of making Hudson County his home. He is an active member of his community, always making sure that others are taken care of before him. Almost 25 years ago, he began working to support Hudson County’s neediest families by setting up toy drives around Christmas and school supply drives in back to school season. He soon expanded his work to support those in his hometown who needed him the most. He does everything from donating food to families in need, to helping crowdfund and build houses for families who have either lost their home or who have a child with medical needs that requires special accommodations in a home. He is always thinking of others before himself, never one to second guess when someone asks for help. During this time under stay-at-home orders, my dad saw people in need an immediately jumped into action. For the last 6 weeks, my dad has been cooking meals daily for Hudson County’s homeless and itinerant workers. As of yesterday, he has served over 1,150meals with only my mom helping with distribution. There is no team, there are no line cooks or sous chefs. Just him in his kitchen cooking for hours because he knows people need it.
When it comes to his family, he is no different. My childhood home was always rich with music and food, both two of his favorite things. He taught me how to dance bachata, how to eat limoncello, how to stick a spoon in rice to know how much is “just right”, and how to fight for what I know is right. Growing up, I knew I could count on my dad for anythingwhether it was late night calls asking for a ride home, advice on why my car was making that ‘skerrr skerrrr’ noise, how to cook chicken with that special seasoning that he knows, coming to speak to my class of 8th graders about life in DR after the fall of the dictator Trujillo, or just to talk. I have been truly blessed to have a dad like him and I don’t take him for granted. He deserves to be recognized for all he has done for his family, his home country Dominican Republic, and adopted home town of Jersey City.”

7. David

david cutest dad nomination

Jennifer, David’s wife told us, “David is a very loving, fun, and hands-on dad. He loves our son, Dylan, so much. He enjoys playing catch, riding his scooter, and reading bedtime books. He knows how to balance work and family life effortlessly. Even with a demanding career, he tries to be involved as frequently as possible with bath, meals, and bedtime routine.  David encourages Dylan to be kind to others just as he was raised. David is truly a great father and husband!”

8. Paul

paul cutest dad

Neev, Paul’s partner, says, “While I’m working long hours as a resident physician, Paul has been home taking care of our, now 1-year-old daughter. Paul takes pride in his role as a new father— he is our superhero! From singing “good morning!” to our daughter every day {sometimes before dawn} to his strong work ethic {he continues to work remotely late into the night}, to completing most of our household chores {as I am not always home}, and of course, his cooking skills, which could rival a master chef. Paul makes the impossible look easy, and he somehow manages to look so darn cute while doing it! Paul is our rock, and he consistently places our needs ahead of his own, making him a truly remarkable person, and one cute dad!”

9. Keith

cutest dads 2020

Danni, Keith’s partner told us, “Keith goes above and beyond what a dad should do! He’ll blow as many bubbles as he can and kick the soccer ball no matter how tired he is! He gives the best snuggles to our little guy and he is just the cutest. Plus he kind of looks like Drake and Odell Beckham, right?”

10. Matt

matt cutest dad

Corrie, Matt’s wife, says, “He is the best because he is always down to do something fun with our two daughters — a trip to the park, the Liberty science center, or even just a walk to grab a doughnut around the corner. He’s an all-around nice guy, and pretty cute, too.”

Now that you’ve been overloaded with adorableness, it’s time to pick your favorite! Pick one dad, daily, to vote for. Winner will receive the eight prizes listed above.

VOTE BELOW {please note, once you vote, the box disappears – it will return several hours after your last vote} you can vote every few hours daily until 6/18. Winner will be announced Father’s Day weekend!

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