Home Best of Guides These Hoboken Residents Hosted a Games of Thrones-Themed Party

These Hoboken Residents Hosted a Games of Thrones-Themed Party

by Alyssa Kelly
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WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. If you’re trying to get into Game of Thrones but aren’t through the seasons yet — this is not the post for you. But if you’re into it, and don’t mind spoilers or just want to up your GOT terminology or host a party of your own, this is the post for you.

Winter is finally coming to an end — but maybe not for everyone. As viewers are already halfway through the final season of Game of Thrones, fans know that winter is here. Nevertheless, a group of Hoboken residents and friends celebrated in true GOT fashion — literally. They held a Game of Thrones-themed birthday party with show-related decorations and one of their friends, Frannie, submitted the photos to us to share the GOT inspo. It was an evening more exciting than The Red Wedding {with less blood, that’s for sure}. If you’re looking to host your own Game of Thrones party to ring in the finale, check out some of these decoration ideas:


Bring a taste of Winterfell to your apartment with some basic GOT-terminology.

game of- hrones party 1

The host used these custom Game of Thrones fold-up banners to set the general House of Stark vibes for the party.

got party sign

Hello Hydration Sidebar
JK Therapy

Next on the list: commemorating everyone’s favorite lovable giant with more worded-decor. This “Hold The Door” banner calls back to season six, when we learned about Hodor’s true origins.

game of thrones chair

Zap Fitness

Give your guest of honor the seat {or throne} they deserve. Craft your own iron throne from with paper, spray paint, and a whole lot of glue. Add some gold streamers to give your throne the royal treatment it deserves.

See More: Fun Bachelorette Party Ideas in Hoboken + Jersey City

Food and Drink

Because no party would be complete without an array of delicious food selections, and a Game of Thrones party is no different. “Other than the Tyrion favorite drink {wine, duh}, some of these punny dishes honored some favorite GOT characters,” Frannie shared.

game of thrones party snacks

While Season 1 seems so far away, viewers will never forget the painful death that was Ned Stark’s. In memoriam, Ned’s Heads Cake Pops paid homage to the beloved character and also satisfied guests’ sweet tooth.

game of thrones party food

While Lord Baelish is no longer with us {*cue the world’s smallest violin*}, chicken fingers are a tasty and appropriate party snack. These Little Fingers were perfect with an array of dipping sauces. And while you may miss them when they are gone, fans surely do not miss Peter Baelish.

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^In an effort to avoid being too graphic, let’s call this a clever play on words, with the added bonus of being a great side dish.

game of thrones party food 2

A Lannister may always pay his debts, but these chocolate doubloons are only good for eating.

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Once again, at the risk of being too graphic, just laugh and remember that every party needs finger food.

got salsa

“When saucy red-headed Sansa isn’t laying down the law of the North, she is throwing out witty comebacks to men who think they know better, so we created San-Salsa — just as feisty but comes without the forced marriages and dead parents,” Frannie explained.

Read More: Where Can I Find Helium Balloons in Hoboken or Jersey City?

game of thrones chips

Next up: Guests enjoyed some salty snacks named after Westeros’ Lannister queen.

game of thrones party shots

The guests topped off the night with a round of Wildfire Shots AKA green jello shots. With these, nothing can {red} keep your gathering down.

Have some Game of Thrones party ideas of your own? Share them in the comments!

Aspen Prime

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