Home Events + NewsEvents Garden Street Hemp: The Latest CBD Spot to Open in Hoboken

Garden Street Hemp: The Latest CBD Spot to Open in Hoboken

by Steph
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“All the healthy without the high!” That’s Garden Street Hemp’s tagline from the new store’s official Instagram bio. According to Garden Street Hemp’s IG, Hoboken’s newest CBD spot seems to have opened up Friday, September 5th, just in time for Labor Day Weekend 2020.

Not much is known about the CBD location on Garden Street, but it joins like-minded businesses like The Green Room, Hoboken Hemp, and Strictly CBD in Jersey City that have been cropping up nearby in recent years. Read on to learn all about Hoboken’s latest CBD store, located at 103 Garden Street.

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{Photo credit: @gardenstreethemp}

All About Garden Street Hemp

Hoboken Girl first reported that Garden Street Hemp was coming to town earlier this year. Now open at 103 Garden Street, GSH has taken over the former La Bouche Cafe location. {Although La Bouche still has their mainstay Washington Street spot.}

“CBD and even just hemp is something that our owner and creator, Mike, has been really passionate about for quite some time,” Nicole Fera from Garden Street Hemp tells Hoboken Girl in an email. “He recognized the potential for the cannabis plant to truly help people and change how we look at any pain, anxiety, and a variety of other issues while being economically and individually conscience. While understanding the need and convenience factor behind the trend of many CBD products being sold direct to the consumer, he also felt that getting an in-store experience in such a new burgeoning industry would be a great advantage.”

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There’s even more to the store’s name than it would suggest.

“Our name, although at first glance simply represents the street the hemp store is located on, has even more meaning to that,” Fera explains. “When choosing this name Mike had hoped to represent the fact that cities and urban areas should also have access to organically farmed products. Just because you’re street-smart doesn’t mean that you can’t be plant-smart, too. We plan to support local green initiatives and create some healthy garden based programs of our own down the road. Together, as a community and city we can take the next steps forwards into a healthy lifestyle for all of us and a greener planet all around.”

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At Garden Street Hemp, sourcing is taken very seriously, so you never have to worry that you might not be getting what’s advertised. What you see is what you get.

“Here at the shop you can feel, see, touch, and smell the products before making an informed decision about which route or item may work for you and what you’d like to try,” Fera explains. ” This is also important because this a market that is notoriously already flooded with a lot of knock off products that don’t deliver what they promise and have some un-needed additives.”

Read More: These Hoboken + Jersey City CBD Shops Will Literally Calm Your Nerves

It appears from pictures posted onto Garden Street Hemp’s Instagram account that the store will offer everything from oral CBD supplements to creams, salves, and tinctures.But there’s more, too.

“GSH is filled with products that we love, stand behind, and believe in,” Fera says. “Each product was carefully selected from some unique vendors around the country. We’ve sought out a lot of small businesses wanting to enlighten people about what CBD can truly do, because that is our hope as well.”

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{Photo credit: @gardenstreethemp}

What to Expect at Garden Street Hemp

Like most of the other CBD spots in Hoboken {and the surrounding Jersey City area} that came before it, you can expect an array of cannabidiol products. Shelves are stocked with everything from supplements and creams to salves, tinctures, lotions, and more.

“The cool thing is that there are so many different ways to gain the benefits of CBD and so it makes it fun to try and open our customers up to new things. We have refreshing, carbonated beverages, CBD coffee and tea brewed fresh in house, gummies, chocolates, lotions, balms, soaps, tinctures, oils, and more! We even carry treats, balms, and tinctures for your fur babies at home that may suffer from anxiety or skin issues,” Fera adds. “There’s a lot to check out and discover so we hope people will come in, browse and maybe try something they never have before.”

Some stores that specialize in CBD may also offer edibles, pre-rolled hemp joints, and even CBD-infused pet care products. Of course, none of these products produce the high that marijuana does. Instead, CBD provides the calming, relaxing feeling that marijuana does, without the psychoactive symptoms.

But Fera adds that Garden Street Hemp is definitely set apart from other local stores of its kind.

“I think what makes us different from other CBD shops in town is the local, small business feel we are trying to invoke. We want people to casually stop by, come visit, feel like it’s a place they can pop in and just say hello even on their walk or commute home,” Fera says. “All of the other CBD shops in town are worthy rivals with some awesome shops themselves. We’re in a market where if all of us small businesses and farms do it right and remain ethical and honest in our practices, then we all win. This will help build a good reputation for CBD and all that it can do.”

What is the Difference Between Hemp and CBD?

Still unclear about the differences? Let’s start there: Hemp oil and CBD oil both come from the same source; that’s the cannabis plant also known as the marijuana plant. CBD oil is the result of flowers, leaves, and stems of this plant, whereas hemp oil comes exclusively from the extract of the cannabis plant’s seeds, according to Medical News Today.

See More: Where to Find CBD Locally

Neither CBD or hemp possess adequate levels of THC — the chemical in marijuana that causes a high. Therefore, neither CBD or hemp will get you high.

Why Use CBD or Hemp?

Despite hemp and CBD’s lack of adequate levels of THC, both still have a calming effect that many have reported to help with anxiety, pain management, depression, and other ailments — both physical and mental health. Other medical reasons people may use CBD include to treat {or mitigate the symptoms of} epilepsy, pain and inflammation, addiction management, inflammatory skin conditions, and neurodegenerative conditions.

When using CBD, be wary. According to Medical News Today, there are a few things to look for on the label of any CBD product before purchasing. These include:

  • the manufacturers did not use solvents during extraction
  • the U.S. Department of Agriculture have certified it as organic
  • the product underwent pesticide and herbicide testing
  • the label clearly lists the potency

What’s the Future of CBD in New Jersey?

CBD and the legalization of marijuana have long been a topic of interest in the State of New Jersey and even in Hoboken itself, especially since New York City is so close in proximity to Mile Square.

So, where do we stand on this issue now, in 2020? According to Hemp Industry Daily, hemp-infused drinks may be the future of CBD in both New Jersey and New York.

Hillview, a hemp and marijuana producer in Pequannock, NJ, recently signed a deal with Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of New York to bring CBD-infused seltzers to Manhattan grocery and convenience stores. The deal extends to all five boroughs of NY, Long Island, and Westchester.

We’re sure it won’t end there but if you’re all about CBD products, then Garden Street Hemp and the upcoming CBD-infused seltzers, called Kaló, are sure to be your new favorite obsessions. Plus, you can also get your hands on some very special CBD products from other local businesses at our 30-Day Virtual Hoboken Wellness Crawl which kicks off September 13th and runs through October 13th.

As for Garden Street Hemp, for now, they are offering a full immersion into using hemp and CBD with the goal of making CBD shopping fun.

“Our goal at GSH is to offer a fun, informative shopping experience highlighting the many benefits and uses of the hemp plant and CBD,” Fera concludes. “We hope that people will find CBD to be a helpful alternative or additive to some modern medicine that may already be using. Even though CBD has been around forever, it’s sort of a newer thing to see being sold in stores or in your neighborhood. We’re hoping that by bringing the in-store experience to the community people will feel comfortable to come in and see what all the hype is about. We wanna wanna show that the hype is real! We’re also excited to bring these products to a lot of locals who already know how great CBD can be.”

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