Home LifestyleHoboken 101 9 Easy Ways to Give Back This Holiday Season

9 Easy Ways to Give Back This Holiday Season

by Briana
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It’s pretty easy to become a Scrooge during the holidays — the stress of work, spending all of our money on gifts, and making holiday plans becomes all too overwhelming this time of year. It is, however, the perfect time to reflect on everything you do have and give back to others — even if it’s the smallest of kind gestures. Below, we’ve compiled a list of easy-peasy ways to be kind to people this holiday season; some are free, some require the smallest amount of money, and some simply require a bit of your time.

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9 Easy Acts of Kindness:

1. Say “yes” when a cashier asks for a donation to a charity. The first instinct might be to say no because it’s so commonplace to ask, but make it a challenge to do it every time you’re asked this season. The amount is usually around a few cents to $1 — if it’s doable, do it! A simple way to give back during the holidays.

2. Pay for the person’s coffee in line behind you. This has become the newest craze in random acts of kindness, so yes, it’s basic, but we had to mention. Usually done on drive-through lines, this act of coffee kindness is a cinch in Hoboken {yet slightly more awk as you’re probably within earshot of the person}. Either way, the next time when ordering coffee, let the cashier know you’ll be paying for the next customer {in the hope that they’ll do the same for the person behind them and the trend will continue!}.

3. Volunteer at an animal shelter. Call around and see which shelters need help {they will all say yes, we’re sure!}. Or, just stop in and cuddle with some dogs and cats that are waiting to be adopted.

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4. Head to Shoprite or any grocery store and grab some toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates, and anything else the local Hoboken Shelter might need. They are always in need of supplies as they help hundreds of people daily {coats, blankets, warm clothing always accepted too!}.

READ: Volunteer Opportunities in Hoboken + Jersey City {December 2018}

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5. Notice the same homeless person standing outside of a local establishment each day? Buy them a meal. It doesn’t have to cost a lot, and if feeling conversational, ask them what they’d like.

6. Gift those who take care of you all year. From hairstylists to nail techs to even the doctor’s office: A simple box of candy or chocolate and a card can go a long way and will truly show the appreciation they deserve.

7. Give a shoutout to a local shop. Whether it’s calling up a favorite local boutique to let them know how much you love the store, recommending one to friends and family on social media, or a quick Yelp/Google Review to show the love, it’s so important to shop small and local businesses always appreciate it when people show how much they enjoy shopping there.

8. Smile at everyone you pass when walking to work. Yes, it’s not a common trend in the NY Metro, but as corny as it sounds, you never know what battles others are fighting; a simple smile could literally make someone’s day {and/or totally freak him/her out…#ohhhwell}. While complete strangers acknowledging each other on the street is sadly far and few between these days {we can thank our smartphones for that}, it makes the world a better place.

9. Pick a random friend and send them $5 for his/her next coffee. Venmo notification saying that the next coffee is paid for? Yes plz. Choose a friend who’s going through a hard time or one to just show some love,  — they will definitely appreciate it and hopefully do the same for another friend to continue the trend.

What kindness have you shared this season? We’d love to hear other ideas!
We challenge HG readers to try them all, but if not, hopefully, at least one of these are doable.

Hoboken Girl wishes our readers a happy and healthy holiday season!

See More: All About Wise Animal Rescue + How to Get Involved

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