Home COVID-19 The 15-Second Happiness Trick We Could All Use Right Now 

The 15-Second Happiness Trick We Could All Use Right Now 

by Hoboken Girl Team
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First, take a deep breath. We could all use it right now. Feel the cool, slightly warmed, early spring air fill your body and let that be a sign of hope. In an unprecedented week met by unfathomable life changes + looming uncertainty of what’s to come, it’s hard to find peace-of-mind in anything right now. Places that many of us turn to for physical, mental, and emotional support have temporarily closed their doors as a precautionary measure against the spread of the novel COVID-19. While the reality of life right now poses a laundry list of new challenges and close to 182,038,323 things to worry or complain about, the fact is, it’s our current reality. So, welcome. Get comfortable. Settle in. We’re going to be here a little while. 

It’s hardly the life any of us envisioned for ourselves at the start of the month {or year or ever}, but it’s where we’ve found ourselves in the present moment. Time to lean in and embrace the here and now, recognizing that these extreme measures are the necessary “evil” helping us return to life as we know it sooner than we think. Even for the most optimistic, glass half full, positive thinkers among us, it has become increasingly difficult over the last week to find that light. Luckily, Lindsay Colameo {the mastermind behind the Happy Notes Book} is here to help. Her advice —making a commitment to happiness isn’t just for relishing in the best of times. It’s finding a smile each day — good, bad, and unimaginably ugly. Here’s a little trick, courtesy of Lindsay, that you can use:

happiness tricks happy notes

What You Can Do

We can all agree our worlds could use an extra dose of happiness, now more than ever. In the spirit of spreading happiness faster than fear, this 15-second daily happiness trick will help you prioritize the little moments of joy that fill your daily life. It’s a practice called “happy notes,” and the concept is simple — find a smile in every day and write that baby down. And yes, even during trying times there is still something to smile about. For example, some options are a chance to catch up on sleep or Netflix, Marie Kondo your space, call you grandma, try a new recipe, start a puzzle, belt out your favorite shower ballad, enjoy a great cup of coffee, or an excuse to be lazy + recharge your battery. 

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About “Happy Notes”

This simplified gratitude-style practice of “happy notes” is like a dose of mental fitness to keep your brain wired happy. Happiness is not absolute. You don’t just achieve happiness one day and lock in that satisfying, smiley euphoric state for the rest of your life. In the same way that one SLT class doesn’t grant you a chiseled six-pack for all eternity {le sigh}, your mental ‘fitness’ requires regular attention and care. Lucky for you, all it takes is 15-seconds a day. 

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Whether you jot it on a napkin, Post-It note, or in a pretty new Happy Notes Book {a local Hoboken-owned business built on this exact concept}, the practice of finding a smile in each day is more important now than ever before. Happiness has a supernatural ability to be instantly spread to those around you — and unlike other things, its result is beneficial to everyone involved. In fact, sharing a happy note with someone else via text, phone, email, snail mail, or the newly popular elbow bump, is proven to have exponential impact boosting the well-being of both you and the receiver. It’s been proven in an ongoing 80-year happiness study out of Harvard that the number-one thing that contributes to happiness and well-being is healthy relationships, and there’s no better time to foster those than now.

Today, like every day, happiness is a choice. Choose wisely. 

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What are you smiling about today? Let us know in the comments!


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