Home LifestyleHealth Healing on Hudson: Hoboken’s Newest Therapy Center

Healing on Hudson: Hoboken’s Newest Therapy Center

by Michael King
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Partaking in therapy can be challenging for anyone, especially if you’re new to that world. Finding a therapist, like many other relationships in life, can be a tough process. You need to be able to speak freely with that person, feel comfortable with them, and most of all, trust them fully.  Luckily, this is the exact atmosphere Healing on Hudson {129 Washington Street, Hoboken} wants to create for its clientele. This Washington Street practice is ready to serve the Hudson County community. We took a deeper dive into the practice and sat down with the owner, Cassandra Lenza, to learn more. Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about this Hoboken business spotlight on Healing on Hudson.

healing on hudsonv lobby

Breaking Down the Therapy Barrier

healing on hudson cassandra

Healing on Hudson is a mental health private practice that focuses on all mental health issues. The business’ areas of expertise include depression, anxiety, eating disorders, body image issues, and self-esteem issues. Cassandra, who has her master’s degree in social work from Columbia University, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker {LCSW}. An LCSW is someone who has completed a master’s degree in social work and at least 3,000 hours of supervised practice.

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Cassandra emphasizes that therapy seems to get a bad rap. It is often assumed that if people utilize therapy, they must have a mental health issue. That does not have to be the case. Many of the practice’s patients are simply dealing with stress and need someone to talk to. It is so beneficial for people to have a listening ear that is not a friend or a family member. You speak with someone who has no bias. You talk through everything, you develop skills, and you gain immediate support.

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How Healing on Hudson Came to Be

Before opening her own practice, Cassandra was the clinical director of Balance, Eating Order Treatment Center in Chelsea. Her role was running all of the day-to-day programs and conducting private patient sessions. She still contributes to their practice today and helps where she can.

healing on hudson inside

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As for her biggest source of inspiration, that’s her brother, Ethan. He is 18 years old and has autism. When he was born, Cassandra was a teenager and saw first-hand how that situation could affect a family dynamic. It made her passionate about understanding mental health issues and helping the people affected by them. She knew her purpose going forward would be to serve people and work with clients. Life is full of struggle, but no one needs to suffer alone. She wants to dismantle any possible thought of shame by changing the psyche that people feel they need to handle their problems solo.

How Healing on Hudson Helps

Cassandra’s main goal with Healing on Hudson is to grow a presence in Hoboken and Jersey City. So far, Hudson County has welcomed her with open arms and she is so thankful for it. She wants to be a resource and share her knowledge and experience with the community and clients. Getting out into the community is something she is very passionate about as well. Right now, she does a lot of presentations for local schools in the area focusing on body issues and she would like to continue doing that this year and beyond.

healing on hudson chair

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From a day-to-day perspective, the beauty of the practice is that every day is different. Cassandra’s schedule is 100% aligned to her clients. If they need her during the day or night, it doesn’t matter when as she will make it work. In between appointments, she will focus on the school presentations, outreach in the community, and private yoga instruction. Additionally, she is completing her doctorate in social work at NYU.

Thanks to Cassandra’s dedicated work in the area, she’s helping make Hudson County residents happier and more self-assured one session at a time.

Have you heard about Healing on Hudson? Let us know in the comments!

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