Home Food + DrinkBars Hoboken 101: How to Survive Leprecon / Hoboken St. Patty’s Day {if You’re Participating}

Hoboken 101: How to Survive Leprecon / Hoboken St. Patty’s Day {if You’re Participating}

by Jennifer Tripucka
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Green people out in droves. Lines all over. Covers for bars that normally are empty. Couples fighting wearing green antlers and shot glass necklaces…normal? On Leprecon Day {formerly known as Hoboken St. Patrick’s Day — or maybe St. Patty’s Day still?!}, it is.

While a lot of Hoboken residents complain about this type of debauchery and hunker down,  if you’re in the right mood and with the right people, you may have a different take. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em! There are some tricks of the trade, however, which comes with experience.

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You’ll be a boss in no time.

Let’s just say some of the HG team members are seasoned St. Patrick’s Day celebrators from year’s past — so we thought we’d share how to survive the day:

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1. Eat a Big Carboloaded Breakfast

hoboken girl champagne benny tudinos

^Champs and pizza works, if you’re in a pinch.

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You MUST eat beforehand. It’s a rule. Heavy on the bread. Not going gluten free on Leprecon, that’s for sure. Green bagels FTW.

2. Try to Not to Be Ridiculous and Go Crazy within the First 4 Hours.

That includes {but isn’t limited to} limbo, green jungle juice, and the like.


3. Hydrate. And Eat. Again.

Water, Cocktail, Water, Cocktail. FOOD. Green bagels can be found at Bagels on Hudson, FYI.

4. Drink in Moderation, Part 2.

House party alternated with bar means that you have to break from guzzling cocktails in order to navigate your way to the next location. Going from Pilsener Haus to a party on 1st and Willow means a nice breath of fresh air and refreshment. Definitely a plus. We’d also opt AWAY from shots throughout the day. Liquor + day drinking never mix. Just don’t.

5. Whatever You Do, Don’t Pee on CDs at Tunes.

Seriously, someone actually did this one year. REALLY? Come on. It totally gives the rest of us who partake responsibly a bad name. CDs have a hard enough time getting sold withOUT pee on them.

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It’s obnoxious.

6. Eat a Good Dinner.

grimaldis pizza hoboken gluten free

Depending on who you’re with, you can eat at a nice place or more of a dive/fast food joint. If your crew isn’t in tip-top shape for a sit-down dinner, however, we highly recommend calling it an evening and enjoying a night in with some pizza + water. You’ll thank us in the AM. Tony Boloney’s is also a great spot for some yummy pizza either way — delivery OR dine-in.

6. Don’t Be Stupid. Repeat, Don’t Be Stupid.

Add some Calvin Harris and Irish car bombs, and that’s bound to be a recipe for disaster.


7. Don’t Wear Sunglasses at Night

It makes you look drunk. Even if 100% sober. Bouncers will be watching. In general, always opt for a hint of green, not a full out green suit. Remember, it’s all about moderation, in every respect.

8. Go to Bed at a Reasonable Hour

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The darker it is, the more creepy stuff that goes on. Make sure you are safe and sound inside before it’s too late out. Mom always said, “nothing good happens after midnight”{now, some great stories come out after midnight, but you catch our drift}.

9. Get a Delicious Brunch in the AM

hbg brunch large

Brunch is a must. Recap + delicious food = necessity.

How do you survive St. Patty’s Day?


Hunker down or try to blend in? Will you be partaking in festivities?

HG Disclaimer: This article is used for entertainment only. HobokenGirl.com provides this information to the public, and it does not condone drinking and driving or excessive alcohol consumption. You must be 21 to consume alcoholic beverages.

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