Home Culture 15 Hoboken Babies and Their Dogs

15 Hoboken Babies and Their Dogs

by Will
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Hoboken is famous for its NYC views and great restaurants. This little mile square city also is noteworthy for being home to many dogs & babies { + they probably outnumber us adult humans at this point, if we’re being honest}.But there’s nothing cuter than babies {+ kids} and the relationships they build throughout the years. So or your viewing pleasure, here are 15 Hoboken babies with their four-legged BFFs, all shot by photographer Will Ferman. Warning: continuing to scroll will cause MAJOR baby + dog fever.

Our first canine & kid duo’s story comes with a sad twist as Stanley the bulldog crossed the rainbow bridge recently. Henry, his human sibling, had a strong bond with his bully bud. He is heartbroken but Stanley lives on through happy memories. 

“We didn’t know how Zoey would take to Jack.” says mom Caitlin. “But she quickly took on the role of protective older sister. Every time Jack cries, Zoey runs to his room to make sure he is OK.”

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Hudson the golden doodle & his baby bro Asher. Fun Fact: Last time we shot Hudson for our dog weddings article, Asher was still in his momma’s belly — how time flies!

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Dante & his Italian greyhound sis Bimba, just hangin’.


“Emmeline loves to feed Thor treats,” says Frenchie & human mom Minyi. “She wants to give him a whole bag so we have to tell her “just one”. Now she says to Thor “Just one Thor. Just one” whenever he’s eating.”

Simba the French Mastiff & Jeeya are inseparable. “In the mornings when we drop her off at school he waits by the door so he can tag along too.” their mom Vidhi tells us. “He doesn’t budge until she has gone all the way in and he has lost sight of her.”

Nolan was a tiny bit cranky at first for our shoot but his Goldendoodle bro Mack quickly calmed him down with some cuddles.

READ: Top 5 Tips for New Dog Owners

“Aiden truly believes that Oliver is his older brother and can’t go to bed without kissing him goodnight!“ says dog & human momma Gina. 

James loves to walk his big sister & show her off.

A Berner and a baby. Lily & her Bernese mountain dog sister Dagny.

Lexi and Parker love people watching at the park.

William and his Frenchie brother Bogie both responded to our squeaker with the same adorable face.

“Let’s just say Frankie is very patient with them” says Lauren, momma to Frankie the Newfoundland & Max and Dylan.

Teddy the Cavachon and Talia. According to Mom their motto at home is, “If we can see the floor there aren’t enough toys!”

Marlow & his sister Elsie are on squirrel patrol.

See More: How to Have a Healthy Day Out in Hoboken With Kids

Baby + dog fever yet? We thought so. 

Special thanks to all participating families and of course, local photographer Will Ferman for the amazing {+ adorable} shots!

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