Home Fashion + Beauty 5 Hoboken Barbershops for a Great Shave

5 Hoboken Barbershops for a Great Shave

by Alexandra
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The holiday season has almost come to an end, and hopefully so has your man’s beard, if he participated in No-Shave November {and has staged a shaving protest}.

Never heard of No Shave November? It has become an annual tradition for men to quit shaving for a month to bring awareness to those suffering from cancer. Participants also raise money throughout the month, and donate it to their favorite charity in honor of someone they love who has battled cancer.

We asked Hoboken guy Harrison Kipel why he participated this year. Harrison explained, “Cancer has affected me in many ways over the course of my life. My high school band teacher Carlos Vinci Jr. is the first person I knew to pass away from cancer, and that affected me deeply. He was my inspiration for music and his passing still affects me to this day. Since then I’ve known many more people to be diagnosed. Some were lucky enough to catch the disease early enough and some, sadly, were not. I felt that this year would be a good time to raise awareness and money because I recently learned that my company matches all donations done by their employees. Why not help find a cure when my company backs me as well!”

But now that it’s December …and almost into January at that… it’s time for Harrison {and the rest of the Hoboken gents} to share some Hoboken barbershops that offer a top-notch shave, where men can get a hot shave and perhaps a cut, too. Here are five Hoboken barbershops that offer a great shave and cut — so that you can get just the right amount of scruff {or a clean shave if desired} for 2018 {or pick up a belated gift for your guy!}:

1. Hoboken Hair for Men

Photo credit: @hoboken_hair Instagram

“Peter from Hoboken Hair always does an amazing job cutting my hair and does a fantastic job trimming my beard as well! I won’t be shaving the whole beard off again anytime soon so just a trim for me,” Harrison told us. A beard trim starts at only $12, but the price will depend on how short you want to go. You can view the style services menu here.

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2. Spesh 

At first glance, you may think “Spesh” is an abbreviation for “special”, but the new-ish men’s grooming spot located at 932 Washington St. defines it as: “impeccable hair, Phenomenal mane, a dope haircut, when your dome is on fleek. a quaff, When the wig is trendy.”

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As more-than-a-barbershop, Spesh caters to culture and fashion and aims to give you a look that’s not just cool, but matches your style & personality. While they offer standard services like beard washes & trims, one menu item that caught our eye is the “beard blowout” – if your face mane needs a little smoothing/taming.

Read more about Spesh in our article here!

3. Roosters

Image via @hobokenroosters Instagram

Nicknamed “The Classic American Barbershop”, Roosters is your go-to if you want a good old-fashioned shave. Sure, you could get a beard trim here – but we suggest springing for their Signature 7-Step Facial Shave, which includes a hot towel prep with essential oils, and a professional shave which includes a deep cleansing and toning treatment, moisturizer, aftershave, and talc. Go ahead – #treatyoself.

4. The Hoboken Man

Image via The Hoboken Man

Located in the Maxwell Place building, The Hoboken Man is a modern-day take on the classic barbershop and definitely has a luxurious vibe. On the menu is the Precision Shave with an Express Facial, which includes a deep cleaning, exfoliation, and light massage. Now not only will men walk out with their beards on point, but the skin underneath will be, too!

5. Mark Daniel Barbershop 

Image via markdanielbarbershop.com

With its nostalgic vibes and seriously cool decor, Mark Daniel Barbershop has been a great addition to the uptown scene at 1032 Willow since opening in 2015.  From haircuts to shaves to beard trims, Mark Daniel is a one-stop-shop for all grooming needs – but the best part? You can make appointments online for easy scheduling.

Where are you sending your guy for a beard trim or shave — or picking up a gift for some new year TLC?

Comment below and share your favorite spots in town!

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