Home Fashion + BeautyFacials Hoboken Beauty: Chemical Peels at EC Beauty Studio {New Location!}

Hoboken Beauty: Chemical Peels at EC Beauty Studio {New Location!}

by Jennifer Tripucka
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Important Rule: Only trust your skin with people whose skin themselves is flawless, plain and simple. This is exactly why I frequent EC Beauty Studio on the reg  — and last week, I visited my girl Erica at her NEW EC Beauty location.  EC Beauty Studio is an anti-aging one stop shop for beauty now located above our downtown faves Rebellations and Local Barre inside Dr. Park Ave on the 5th floor of 44 Hudson Place. If you didn’t know, we’ve picked the ladies of EC Beauty as the Best Facial in Hoboken two years in a row. The numbers don’t lie.



So on to the good stuff. If you’ve ever thought about trying a chemical peel, you’re going to want to listen. I recently got one of my first, and wanted to share my {wonderful} experience. You know I’d never lie to you or steer you wrong, so before you start thinking of peel nightmares from Sex & the City Episodes {trust me, I did at first, too}, read on.

 Here’s a little more about the peel:


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The 101 of a Chemical Peel:

Now like I said, before you get all nervous and think of Samantha {from SATC}’s nightmare chemical peel, I must tell you that Erica’s peels are NOTHING like that. In fact, most peels are nothing like that — if you go to a professional, you’ll have nothing to worry about.


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The ladies of EC Beauty are SUCH a great addition to Dr. Park Ave.

The scoop:

Some peels are serious 3 week peels, but others are less intense. All help with issues like breakouts, brown spots, and anti-aging prevention…which is something I know we all need from time to time.

Erica basically decides which kind of peel she’s going to do {uses PCA Beauty products} based on what your skin is doing and what types of events you have going on {ex: I was going to the Knick’s game last Sat so she gave me a low-key peel so I could wash my face and put on makeup later in the day versus the intense one I got in December}.

For me:

Recently {maybe it’s stress-related}, I have been having serious breakouts in my t-zone since I started some new moisturizers. Erica immediately noticed when I saw her, and she asked me how intense I wanted to get with my peel. Since I was going out that night to the game, we opted for a non-peel peel {seems silly, but I swear it’s real} just to get all of the gross bacteria from my pimples/pores out of my face, basically. Newsflash: don’t ever try Caudalie products from Sephora; you WILL break out. I’m now hooked on EC’s products; I use the PCA moisturizing serum 2x daily and the moisturizer 2x daily. Easy peasy.


^ Post Peel Plans

The procedure:

First Erica assessed my skin, and then she went to town. The procedure is pretty quick — she cleans your skin, does some magic stuff with some creams, and then wipes your face with some strong-smelling solution. Probably about 35-60 minutes depending on the peel. You may feel a little bit of a burning sensation {depending on how strong the peel is}, but Erica keeps it real and makes sure that she’s checking in on how you’re feeling and how your skin is reacting every step of the way.

ec beauty studio dr park ave

^ Waiting Room 

Once you’re done, depending on the intensity of the peel — you may see some “peeling” after a few days, and Erica gives you a post-peel kit to take care of your skin and moisturize throughout the day. It does not hurt AT ALL. It’s just like you had a little sunburn but pain-free.

The results:

With my peel this time {other times I’ve done a more intense peel which was awesome}, it was one I could basically let sit for part of the day and then shower later on and put makeup on like nothing ever happened. My skin looked like this the next day:

ec beauty facial peel

^ Tiny bit of concealer and moisturizer, but no filter! I wish I could show you the before, but unfortunately that selfie is safe on my iPhone, sorry not sorry. No Bueno. Let’s just say that Erica is a MIRACLE WORKER!!

For the more intensive peel, the results were even more drastic. I peeled starting a few days after my treatment, and then after 7 days or so of tiny bits of peeling {it’s not major, just looks like some dry skin}, my skin was a smooth as a baby’s bottom. So amazing.


^ The post procedure creams that Erica provides post-peel.

This month’s special {just for HG readers!}:

So I talked Erica into giving our HG readers a little deal for you ladies {and gents!} because I love you and her soooo much.

–$15 off your first peel with EC Beauty Studio!

Also — $99 Moisturizing Cucumber Facials that include extractions {Sunday through Tuesday each week} when you mention HobokenGirl.com! {Normally these are $120}.

Call 201-919-0522 to book – and make sure to mention HG :)

A few of EC Beauty’s services include:

Facials, Diamond Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peels, Endermologie Cellulite Treatments, Teeth Whitening, Brazillian & Body Waxing, and  Airbrush Spray Tans. Hitting up the teeth whitening VERY soon, fyi.

Erica also works alongside several doctors that provide Botox, Fillers, Lip Enhancement, Vampire Facials, and Laser Water Lipo. Haven’t tried any of these, but always know it’s good to have them as an option.

PS: This post is not sponsored, I just like writing about amazing beauty experiences I have with local businesses — which is 95% of this blog! xoxo
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