Happy Halloween! Let the treat or treating, costume contests, and parties commence {even though it feels like Halloween’s been a month long already}. But even so, what would Halloween be without some adorable dogs in costumes?
Cornerstone Pets & Puparazzi teamed up to host a Halloween costume contest this past Sunday in Hoboken. Complete with a pumpkin and hay backdrop, Hoboken dogs were treated to pup portraits in their funniest, spookiest, and most adorable getups. Here are some of the most cute & creative that we totally loved:
Congrats to the winner of the contest, Bea the Bulldog!
She + her pawrents went as a banana spit. Her mom & dad went as a banana and sundea with Bea as a banasplit fur child.
Otto says “I love you a latte!”
Don’t forget, Halloween day is also Dia De Los Muertos. Dottie looking colorful and festive.
Boomer is channeling his inner Simba.
Thor + his sister are so sweet. We mean it. They’re cupcakes!
Linus as the Man of Steel! Henry Cavill eat your heart out.
Linus was joined by the rest of the Justice League including Batman and Robin…
Karma the Goldendoodle as Wonder Woman…
…and Batman again!
Todd the Pomeranian as a Tri-Scare-a-Tops.
Cowabunga doodle: Sonny the Goldendoodle looking rad as ninja turtle.
Waffles is getting started on his New Years resolution early. Aerobics every morning with his momma from now on, with “Call on Me” playing softly in the background.
Kona loves pumpkin treats so much she made them her costume.
Lucy the Unicorn was ready for her closeup.
Never tell a Frenchie he can’t fly. Peanut has big dreams to be the first bulldog to fly from New York to Paris!
Little known fact: Chewbecca is actually part Goldendoodle.
Reggie sheepishly posing for his mom. Gotta do it for the gram.
The doggie rodeo was in full effect!
Penny & Junebug prove unicorns come in all sizes.
Rizzy is joining her buddy Waffles’ workout routine pre-Thanksgiving.
We want to see your Hoboken dogs in their Halloween costumes, so make sure tag us @HobokenGirlBlog + #HobokenGirl. Happy Halloween, everyone!