Home LifestyleHealthFitness Hoboken Fitness: Surya Yoga {Review}

Hoboken Fitness: Surya Yoga {Review}

by Sam
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Here at HobokenGirl.com, we’re excited to bring our readers a new column – Hoboken Fitness {with a twist!} //Read about its author, Sam, and other HG contributors hereWithout further ado, here’s Sam, giving us the scoop on local workout hot spots:


After living in Hoboken for almost three years, I realized that I haven’t taken advantage of the plentiful gyms, workout studios, and classes all within a square mile of my apartment. I workout quite frequently, but often find a class or type of exercise I like and then stick to it until severe boredom. This has caused highs and lows of workouts — loving it and then dreading it to where it feels like a chore — somewhere we’ve all been.  In order to prevent workout burnout, I have vowed to try a different class at a different fitness studio in Hoboken every month and review it from top to bottom {see below for the staple graphic in each of my fitness posts}. Hopefully, if looking for a new workout or fitness experience, you’ll find new and exciting ways of getting in shape and staying healthy throughout the year {sans chores}.

This month, I tried out Surya Yoga Academy for the first time. There are a few locations in the North Jersey area (Summit, Jersey City, Downtown Hoboken, and Uptown Hoboken).  Although I frequent another yoga studio in New York City, I decided to sign up for a beginner Bikram {hot yoga} class because I haven’t done heated yoga class in a while.


Here’s what I thought {in a useful little graphic that you can totally print}:

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Have you been to Surya Yoga? What did you think?

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