Home PeopleHoboken Girl of the Week Hoboken Girl of the Week: Casey Repetti

Hoboken Girl of the Week: Casey Repetti

by Hoboken Girl Team
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Hungry for success, a life well lived, and of course food, Casey Repetti is a woman who wears many hats — including a chef’s hat. Fiancé to Big Steven, mother to Little Steven, private chef, caterer, realtor, teacher, and blogger, this 28-year-old born and raised Hoboken girl’s inspirational journey has landed her on shows like ABC’s The Chew and most recently, Cooks vs. Cons on the Food Network {which you may have just seen air on May 31!}. For her many roles and killer work ethic, we’re featuring Casey as our Hoboken Girl of the Week:

About her many jobs and why they are so important

I went to culinary school after high school and have worked in every aspect of the food industry you can imagine. I’ve worked on the line in NYC restaurants, as a private chef, caterer, teacher, meal planner, and have even competed on television.

I am a mother to my son Steven who will turn five in June and I am engaged to the love of my life, {Big} Steven — Casey and the Stevens, it’s like a pop group!

I am a realtor at Liberty Realty in Hoboken as well. I worked nights for the company as an admin for three years when Little Steven was younger, and now I am an agent.

I have my own blog Casey 2 Cook and am across social media as @Casey2Cook. After I had my son, I had a bit of postpartum depression — I gained a lot of weight and kind of lost myself for awhile. But starting my blog really helped me find myself again. I love connecting with people and sharing our passion for food.  

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Casey and the Stevens

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On what inspires her

My son is my biggest inspiration. I want him to have my work ethic and never have to struggle. I focus on working as many jobs within my day as I can while still making sure to be there to spend every minute I can with him. Who needs sleep right?!  

On her goals — both long and short

I would ultimately love to have a cooking show. That has always been my end goal. But by the end of this year, I would like to launch my YouTube Channel. A lot of my followers have asked for it, so stay tuned…

About her daily routine, busy schedule, and snack time

On weekdays, I wake up and get Little Steven ready for school. I pack his lunch and snack, get him to school, and then I’m off to work. I get out at 2pm, so I run to pick him up and it’s time for afterschool snack and whatever he wants to do… until it is time to get dinner ready. After dinner, we hang out and we’re off to bed. My weekends are pretty much the same, but instead of school, we go to the park or play home so I can catch up on laundry and house stuff — if I have no appointments or events. In between that, every single day is different. Some days I have showings as a realtor, and other days I have events to cater or cooking classes to teach. No day is the same as the next and I love that.

On the highlights and rewards of her job{s}

The highlight of my life was having my son. He is amazing and everyday he makes me even more proud than the day before. But the highlight of my career so far was winning Cooks Vs Cons on the Food Network! I can literally cry just thinking about it. It’s one thing to know you have passion and talent, but it is totally a whole other thing to have Food Network stars tell you you’re awesome. What a crazy emotional day! It was also incredible to be on The Chew on ABC and I’m still hoping to go back again soon.

The most rewarding part about @Casey2Cook is the people I connect with. I get so many amazing messages from people telling me that because of my recipes or tips, their children now eat veggies or that their husband looks forward to dinner each night. It is just such an inspiration to me to hear their stories.

How she spends her days off

What is a day off? I have something to do literally everyday. If I do happen to have a day with no work, I spend it catching up on answering messages on Instagram or creating a new recipe to post. You can always find something to do to better yourself or your business. But whenever I have some time to myself, I do really enjoy Dor L Dor. I like to browse in there. They have some great items that are so affordable.

Her advice for those going into her field {or any field!}

My advice is go for it. When people tell you that you can’t, it just means they are scared to do it. Go for it. Follow your dreams and pursue your passion. You can be an amazing parent and be great at your job, and have a part time job AND a hobby. There is no limit to what you can accomplish, you just have to be willing to sacrifice some other things to get what you really want.

On being a Hoboken Girl – Born n’ Raised

I have lived in Hoboken my whole life. My family goes back generations {on both my mother’s and father’s sides}. We are truly Hoboken BnR! I love everything about Hoboken — the community feel, taking walks by the waterfront, and the fact that anything you could ever need or want it steps from your home.

Her favorite places to eat and play

My favorite Restaurant in Hoboken is Leo’s Grandevous. I grew up with the bar pies and hot mussels — they are the best. The cold antipasto is phenomenal too. It just has such an old school feel — you go in, put some Sinatra or Billy Joel on the Juke Box, and enjoy your dinner.

I love to entertain so I usually invite my friends over to hang at our place. I cook and host because it is so fun for me to watch my friends enjoy my food. As for out on the town, I used to love Room84, but East LA is always great fun.

On Hoboken’s great outdoors

My favorite outdoor space in Hoboken is my balcony. I love to sit out there and look at the skyline, grill some good food, and blow bubbles with my son. It’s such a great spot all year round. Even in the fall, we like to paint out there, and in the winter when it snows, we build snow castles. It’s my little urban oasis. I don’t usually get much time to work out, though — aside from me running around after my son at the park or lifting groceries from the store for an event I am catering.

Her thoughts on what needs to come to town

We just came back from Orlando and stayed near a Freddy’s Steakburgers and it was thebomb.com! I would also love a Pollo Tropical in Hoboken. Just sayin’.

Below are some more pics of Casey’s tasting creations. Check her out on the Food Network’s Cooks vs. Cons!

Want to be featured or nominate someone for as an upcoming Hoboken Girl of the Week? Email [email protected] about your story!

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