As shocked as we are that it’s already here, the holiday season has officially begun! It wouldn’t be the most wonderful time of the year without Hoboken Girl’s 12 Days of Giveaways, an exclusive opportunity for our readers and followers to support local businesses while also cashing in on some truly awesome gifts and giveaways. From December 1st through 12th, Hoboken Girl will post a new giveaway each and every day on our Instagram account. We’re talking Fendi earrings, facials, Sephora swag, workout classes and more – basically everything you may or may not have on your ultimate holiday wish list. Joy to the world, indeed.
Here’s what you need to do to enter on Instagram {*you MUST enter by 11:59PM each day to be considered — and you can enter each day, so 12 giveaway entries total}:
1. Follow @hobokengirlblog {if you aren’t already!} and the business{es} tagged in the post on Instagram
2. Like the giveaway Instagram post.
3. Tag three friends in the comments section of the post.
4. Tada! You’re entered.
The winner will be announced the following day on IG stories and should email [email protected] to claim prize once you’ve won.
*Bonus* Entry: Sign up for our email newsletter to get an extra entry each day here.
Ready to win? Check out the list below for info on all the prizes up for grabs and be sure to set a reminder to check our Instagram each day at 11:30am so you don’t forget to enter!
Here is a list of the giveaways so you can get a head start on following each business:
Jane DO
Giveaway: 1 Private Training Session, 1 JaneDO sweatshirt, and beanie {Redeemable at their Hoboken location! $200 value}
Instagram to follow: @janedo
Up & Out
Giveaway: A MoroccanOil and R+Co bag of goodies, a MorrocanOil Blowdryer, and 1 blowout {Can be redeemed at their uptown or downtown Hoboken location. $150+ value}
Instagram to follow: @upandoutbeauty
Vintage on First
Giveaway: 1 Pair of Fendi Earrings and a $50 Gift Card (for all your ugly sweater needs…) {$545 value}
Instagram to follow: @vintageonfirst
Little City Play
Giveaway: One Open Play 10-pack {$250 value}
Instagram to follow: @littlecityplay
Real Hot Yoga
Giveaway: One Month of Unlimited Yoga {$180 Value}
Instagram to follow: @realhotyoganj
alba Boutique
Giveaway: Alba Gift Card, Blanket Scarf, and Cosmetic Travel Bag
Instagram to follow: @albaboutique
Washington General Store
Giveaway: $150 Gift Card
Instagram to follow: @washingtongeneral
Sephora Hoboken
Giveaway: 1 $50 Gift Card, a Fresh Start Facial Powered by Perk, and luxury products {$500+ value}
Instagram to follow: @sephorastudiohoboken
Gaia’s Cavern & LaKoet Salon
Giveaway: 1 Ultimate Skin Smoothie Facial at Gaia’s Cavern, 1 Style Out (Style and Blowout) at Lakoet Salon {$210 value}
Instagram to follow: @gaiascavern, @lakoetsalon
Saku & Grand Vin
Giveaway: $100 Gift Card to Saku, $100 Gift Card to Grand Vin
Instagram to follow: @grandvinhoboken, @saku_hoboken
Soul Curry
Giveaway: $150 Gift Card
Instagram to follow: @soulcurryhoboken
Dr. Park Ave
Giveaway: 3 Cryotherapy Sessions {$225 value}
Instagram to follow: @drparkavehoboken
We hope your holiday wishes come true, and that you win a prize or two on Instagram! Make sure to follow @HobokenGirlBlog and check our Instagram daily between 7AM and noon for the next 12 days — we’ll be announcing each giveaway then, and winner will be announced each day following via the comments section. Good luck!