In Hoboken we get our fair share of celebs and Instagram sensations, and this week’s Hoboken Girl of the Week is NO exception. Meet Jennifer, the comically worried mom and wife — who is also known as the Instagram sensation, “Neurotic Mommy” {or @neuroticmommy on Instagram!}. Known for her plant-based nutritional recipes {which helped her lose over 100 lbs!}, this amazing lady has transformed her struggles into an influential and inspirational safe space for women as a holistic health coach with over half a million Instagram followers. Her work has been featured in Origin Magazine, Low Sugar Living, Raw Food Magazine, Greatist, Yahoo Food, One Green Planet, Finding Vegan, Tori Spelling, and most recently, Jennifer and her son landed the cover of the trendy mom magazine Milk & Heels’ July issue. Here, we share a little of this born-and-raised in Hoboken girl’s story.
Tell us about the journey to founding Neurotic Mommy. How did it start? What is your background in the biz?
I’ve struggled all my life with anxiety, depression and lack of self worth — which manifested itself into a wild and high-stress lifestyle with rapid, uncontrollable weight gain. After many years of facing psychological and physical health issues with no answers from doctors, I decided to take matters into my own hands and change my life for the sake of myself and my family. This led me to exploring the worlds of plant-based nutrition and self-healing by taking a holistic approach through food, mindset and self-care. NeuroticMommy started as my Instagram photo-journal of my plant-based recipes and holistic lifestyle that helped me transform from a sad 260 lbs neurotic woman leading an unhealthy and processed-filled life to a healthy and happy mother and certified holistic health coach. It has now grown into a destination for mothers with help on how to lead a plant-based lifestyle for the health of themselves and their families, a safe space for moms to unite over their shared desire to find balance in mommyhood, womanhood, and life, and a haven for female inspiration, empowerment, and self-care. My goal is for moms to know that they’re not alone and that it is possible to find balance amidst the chaos — I’ve been where they’ve been and I’m here to help women along their journey to health and happiness.
What’s your day-to-day look like for your business?
When my son is in school, I have a pretty set schedule because having him in school gives me a lot of time to work on the business. I drop him off, come home, and start working — I spend an hour checking emails and replying to anything from the previous day. Then, I converse with with my business manager, Dana, to make sure we’re on track with our company goals and objectives. The bulk of the day is spent creatively on content creation: some days are all about recipe testing/developing, taking photographs and food styling, or writing a blog post about mindset and wellness. At night is when I usually go through and answer any other emails I may have missed during the day.
What’s an accomplishment that you’re most proud of?
I’m most proud of being able to bring awareness to as many women as I do on health, prevention, and lifestyle choices. I never imagined NM becoming so popular worldwide, but I’m truly grateful and proud of that.
What’s next for Neurotic Mommy?
Big things are happening for NeuroticMommy. Right now my team and I are expanding. NM isn’t just about recipes anymore. It’s about creating a safe space for moms to unite over their shared desire to find balance in mommyhood, womanhood and life and a haven for female inspiration, empowerment and self-care. At the end of the summer, my website will be revamped with more resources for my readers or audience that address female balance. There’s a section in the website called #MomTalk where I’ll be Vlogging about topics that moms bring up — it’s going to be unbelievable and I can’t wait to share it with you all. I’ll also be writing books and public speaking at events where I can share my story and bring NeuroticMommy to the next level.
What is your favorite restaurant in Hoboken?
This one is so hard! Growing up in Hoboken, my favorite places to eat were always Delfino’s, Leo’s, and Biggies on Madison street. Now that I’m plant-based and lead a more organic, non-GMO lifestyle, I love that we have a BareBurger and Simply Juiced in town. But, I also love La Isla because they have a lot of options for me there…another childhood fave.
What is your favorite boutique in Hoboken?
It’s always hard to pick just one but Aaraa Accessories is at the top of my list. The place is so zen and the vibe is so positive. I love hand crafted, homemade, vintage looking pieces. I also pick up my writing journals from there.
What do you love most about Hoboken?
What I love most about Hoboken is that it’s a diverse community. We are a mini Manhattan. It’s a town of strong family values and pride. So many amazing things have come out of Hoboken — like the birthplace of baseball and Sinatra.
What is your favorite thing to do in Hoboken?
There is so much to do in Hoboken, but my personal favorite is taking meditative walks on the water or the beautiful tree lined streets like Garden and Bloomfield Street. I also love taking my son to picnics in Columbus Park and being able to conveniently walk everywhere. Aside from the buildings and some chaotic construction, the nature here is beautiful when you’re paying attention.
How long have you lived and/or worked in Hoboken?
I have lived in Hoboken my whole life! I was born in Saint Mary’s Hospital back in good ol’ 1981, now known as Hoboken University Medical Center. Being born and raised here I’ve seen all the changes. I remember where all the payphones use to be and which ones called back. I remember when Pier A was just a pier. It’s amazing to have grown up with Hoboken. When people ask me where I’m from and I say Hoboken, they say “Oh, but where are you really from”, and I’m always like “Hoboken! There was a town here 30 years ago people!”
What is your favorite outdoor place to spend time in Hoboken?
My there favorite spots in Hoboken to chill are Pier 13 during the summer, Columbus Park because of the shade and beautiful trees, and Pier A to get our vitamin D on.
What is your favorite place to workout in Hoboken?
I love doing yoga outside in the parks.
Where do you go out with friends in Hoboken?
When I go out with my girlfriends for some drinks I like to hit up Hoboken Bar & Grill or Biggies on Newark. Gosh, I remember when Biggies on Newark was the Cadillac Bar and that was my favorite place ever when I was in my twenties.
What is something you think needs to come to Hoboken (ex. Type of restaurant, business, etc)?
A vegan restaurant! And not one that only caters to smoothies, and raw foods, but one that serves up some seriously delicious vegan food. I mean is this a hint that maybe I should open a place?!
Speaking of food, what’s your favorite recipe?
I love desserts and I’m a (somewhat) responsible snacker, so my favorite recipe is my Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Blizzard. It’s entirely vegan and super healthy {but delicious!}, and I know everyone will absolutely love this one.
Cookie Dough Bites
• 2 cups cashew meal or almond meal
• 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
• 2 tsp vanilla extract
• 3 tbsp maple syrup
• pinch of salt
• 1/2 cup dairy free chocolate chips
“Nice” Cream
• 2 bananas, frozen
• 1/2 cup almond milk or any nut milk
• 1 tbsp organic creamy peanut butter
• 4 ice cubes
For the Cookie Dough
1. Line a small baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. In a large bowl combine all ingredients, cashew meal, coconut oil, vanilla extract, maple syrup and salt.
3. Mix until well combined and the liquid is absorbed by the cashew meal.
4. Take tablespoon sized portions and roll into balls using the palms of your hand.
5. Place cookie dough bites on parchment paper lined baking sheet and place in the freezer while you prepare the nice-cream.
For the “Nice” Cream
1. Let frozen bananas thaw for about 5 minutes.
2. Place frozen bananas, almond milk, peanut butter and ice cubes in a high speed blender and run until a cream like consistency. It will be similar to soft serve frozen yogurt.
3. Once blended assemble your blizzard. Fold in chocolate chips.
4. Pour nice cream into a large glass about 8-10 ounces.
5. Drop two cookie dough bites into the glass or you can crumble them up for fun.
6. There will be cookie dough in every bite. Stick a straw in it, grab your favorite spoon and enjoy!
Well, there you have it. A Hoboken girl who is on a mission to change the world, one vegan recipe at a time. Let’s hope she’s serious about the restaurant, too — that would be amazeballz. To read more about Jennifer’s health journey and enjoy her yummy recipes, visit her Neurotic Mommy website. And to see her awesome Insta page, head to @neuroticmommy on IG — there are too many delicious recipes to count!
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