Being your own boss sounds like a dream, but it’s not always a walk in the park. It takes a lot of hard work and it’s always inspiring to meet women who create their very own empire solely based off of a passion they have. Meet Alissa Laurie — 24-year-old born-and-raised Jersey City resident who followed her dreams {and made a name for herself in the process}. Alissa has her own projects {+ even two print magazine issues currently out!} and does content photography for several local businesses in our area. Read on to learn more about her work, her day-to-day life as a freelance photographer, and some of her local favorites.
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am a freelance photographer based out of Jersey City. Majority of the photography I do is fashion and product work. I just recently launched a small self-made magazine called LAUR that came out with its second issue this past fall and am currently working on a very exciting project that I can’t wait for everyone to see.
Who is your biggest source of inspiration? What keeps you up at night?
If we’re talking about photography inspiration, I have to say Tim Walker, there are many more, but he is for sure my photography crush and if you haven’t see his work, you need to check it out!
The thing that keeps me most motivated is by far the people I surround myself with, my family and friends. They are so supportive and constantly giving me that extra push and by them believing in my work, it helps me believe in it myself.
As for what keeps me up at night, my mind trying to figure out how I’m gonna make all the projects I want to do happen and retouching!
What are your goals for the new year?
My goals for this coming year are to release the third and final issue of LAUR Magazine (I always wanted it to be a trilogy), finish my first self-published photography book, and start filming a small film I wrote called “Falling Out of Frame”. If I accomplish one of those things it will be a great year and I intend to accomplish all of them. They are my three passion projects at the moment!
What does a typical day look like for you?
A typical day for me would be, wake up at 7am to get everything ready for the photoshoot, grab a cup of coffee, pack up the car to head to the shoot by 9am, set-up for a shoot takes about an hour and then a shoot can run anywhere from three to eight hours. During the shoot, there will be an hour break for lunch and I will have most likely about two more cups of coffee in that time — (love my caffeine!). After we’re wrapped I’ll get home around 7pm, do a quick workout and then review all the images that were taken that day. That’s roughly what a typical workday looks like.
What are the highs and lows of the job?
The highs of the job is that I get to do what I love, I know that’s the most corny thing, but it’s true! The lows are the rare equipment malfunctions for sure!
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What has been the highlight in your career or life so far? What is the most rewarding part?
The highlight and most rewarding part of my job are by far the people I get to work with. I have honestly met some of the most kind and creative people in this career and without it I don’t know if I would have met them. It is 100% the most rewarding part.
What do you do on your days off?
I love a good thrift shop on my days off!
What advice would you give to someone trying to pursue your career path?
My advice for someone trying to pursue a career path like mine would be, don’t feed into your doubt and never stop wanting to learn more.
Doubt kills more creativity than anything in my opinion. Photography is something that everyone can do today, but it’s your creativity that makes you much more than a person that can take a picture. So learn as much as you can and create your own voice through your photography because everything is always changing.
Hoboken + Jersey City Favorites:
What is your favorite boutique in Hoboken or Jersey City?
Another Man’s Treasure in Jersey City and Vintage On First in Hoboken. They both always have some amazing finds.
How long have you lived in Jersey City?
Born and raised in Jersey City. It’s been 24 years and JC still has my heart!
What is your favorite outdoor place to spend time in Hoboken or Jersey City?
One of my favorite outdoor places to spend time would be the Jersey City Reservoir in the summer. It’s amazing!
What is your favorite place to work out in Hudson County?
Work it Out Fitness! Love the atmosphere and positive energy there.
Where do you go out with friends in the area?
Three spots in the area that I usually go out to with friends are South House and Hudson Hall in Downtown Jersey City, or The Madison Bar and Grill in Hoboken.
What is something you think needs to come to Hoboken or Jersey City?
I would love a film developing place in the area, but that might just be me being a photo nerd!
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
You can visit my website at where you can see my work and purchase LAUR magazine! You can also keep up with me on Instagram @alissalaurie where I’m always posting my work and sneak peeks of upcoming projects.
Thanks for chatting with us, Alissa! Stay tuned to see who we feature next week <3
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