Home Events + NewsEvents QUIZ: Are You a Downtown, Midtown, or Uptown Hoboken Girl?

QUIZ: Are You a Downtown, Midtown, or Uptown Hoboken Girl?

by Megan Joseph
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Whether you’ve lived in Hoboken for seventy years or seven months, you most likely know the different types of people and unique vibes that flow from 1st to 14th street. Each neighborhood has its quirks and its secrets, and you even might’ve lived in more than one.

Maybe you’re searching for another apartment, but you’re not sure where —  you’re curious about other areas and the Mile Square seems so small to you. Take a closer look: the corner of 2nd and Willow Avenue is wildly different than 11th and Hudson, for example. Perhaps you live outside of Hudson County and you want to see where you’d fit in. OR the real reason you’re taking this: you’re back at work and need a little distraction {#nojudgment, and in that case, you’ll also want to play Hoboken Parking Bingo}.

Take our quiz and find out:

Are you a downtown, midtown, or uptown Hoboken Girl?

{Disclaimer: This quiz is *just* for fun to distract you at your first day of work in 2019. We know there are exceptions to all the answers/rules.}

hoboken girl quiz downtown midtown uptown

Your results:

Downtown Hoboken Girl {Observer Highway to 4th Street}

You are living and freakin’ breathing the PATH and you love the downtown bar scene. Whether you’re just out of college or living the daily life of a busy working gal, you love to be in the center of it all. Next stop happy hour!

Club Pilates 2023
sojo spa

Read: The Best Bars to Watch Football in Hoboken

Midtown Hoboken Girl {5th to 9th Street}

Zap Fitness

You love the best of both worlds. You didn’t want to get away from the hustle and bustle of it all, but you also wanted to experience the chiller side of life. You probably still Uber everywhere, but that’s OK. We forgive you.

See More: 10 Things You Didn’t Know Were in the Monroe Center

Uptown Hoboken Girl {10th to 14th Street}

You might as well own a stroller and the cutest dog on the block because you’re uptown AF. But seriously, you either crave a quieter neighborhood and more space, or you commute to the city via the ferry, bus, or Lincoln Tunnel.

Don’t worry—there are no wrong answers here and this is all for fun. 

Did the quiz prove correct for you? Leave a comment below!


Play Hoboken Parking Bingo: How many of these can you check off?

Happy first day of 2019 back to work. xo

AXIS School of Dance

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