Home PeopleHoboken Girl of the Week Hoboken Girl{s} of the Week: Jordan + Joelle {from the HG Team!}

Hoboken Girl{s} of the Week: Jordan + Joelle {from the HG Team!}

by Briana
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While we miiiight be a bit biased for our Hoboken Girl{s} of the week this time since they’re part of the HG Team, we just know you’ll love them too {if you don’t already, that is}. Introducing Jordan and Joelle, twin sisters, entrepreneurs, and Hoboken residents. We caught up with them to learn even more about them and to share their awesomeness with everyone. So without further ado, read on to learn more about this dynamic duo:

jordan joelle hoboken girls week

About Jordan + Joelle

We are co-owners of what we call “J&J Enterprises”. Our “parent” company is home to our multiple brands. We have Double Dose which houses our weekly radio show on 8 Squad Rebel Radio (currently on a Summer break) as well as any motivational/ education speeches we give. We mainly focus on College Preparedness, Social Media Safety, and Millennial Master Classes. Our second “brand” is Happy People Publishing which houses our first published book, “Twin Tales: Sasha and Sophie Go To School” and is continuing to grow as we write more books. Lastly, J&J Enterprises houses “Double Tap Communications” which is our social media consulting business. We have helped grow the social media of our own brands as well as various local companies.

In addition to J&J Enterprises, we are two of four co-founders of Little Souls Inc. which is a 501©3 non-profit organizations benefiting educational and basic needs of children globally.

For our “real jobs”, we are both senior managers at Mediaplanet Inc. which is a content marketing publishing company headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. We work out of the NYC office publishing advocacy and awareness campaigns on print and digital platforms within the nations largest newspapers such as USA Today, LA Times, and San Francisco Chronicle.

On What Inspires Them

Our parents are our biggest motivation and inspiration. In their 27 years of marriage, not only have we been able to witness true love, but we have seen them become homeowners, small business owners, grow their careers, put two children, at the same time, through private elementary, middle, and high school as well as private college. We have seen them always put family first, never settle for less, and always keep a positive attitude through it all.

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JK Therapy

Goals + Passions

2018 allowed for both of us to grow tremendously in our professional careers. Now managing a team of Project Managers at Mediaplanet, which is traditionally a very young company, we have the opportunity to really make a mark on our team members. Most of our new “PMs” are embarking on their first job out of college, and we are their first boss. This year, our goal is to guide our teams to not only hit out sales and editorial benchmarks but to also guide these young professionals through the first step in their adult lives.

jordan joelle hoboken girls week

Zap Fitness

For our own businesses, we have quite a few plans! This year our non-profit, Little Souls Inc. received its very first grant which has allowed us to offer even more educational resources for students who would otherwise not have access to this information and various supplies needed for a successful academic school year. Double Dose found a new radio home in 2018 with 8 Squad Rebel Radio and we have plans to at least double our current number of listeners by the end of 2018.

READ: Hoboken Girl of the Week: Kaley Skoglund: Soul Cycle Instructor

A Typical Day in the Life

We have some aspects of our day that are typical and others that change by the week. On any given weekday we can be found exercising in the mornings before work (about 5:30am), taking the PATH train to 33rd St. to walk to our office that is conveniently located just a few blocks from the station. From 8:30 to 5:30 we are fully engrossed in Mediaplanet. We love our jobs and love the company we work for even more. It truly is a blessing to have a job where we love what we do, but also work for a company that really believes in us and supports our vision both in and out of the office.

jordan joelle hoboken girls week

After work is where things get crazy! Certain nights we will exercise again at the best hot yoga, barre, cycle, dance classes in Hoboken. Other nights we come home to finish HobokenGirl articles or plan out our next Double Dose or Little Souls Event. Then we have nights where we attend events/ meetings for Party with Purpose, another 501© non-profit organization where we are Board Members.

Highs + Lows of the Job

We know this sounds cliché, but we really love all that we do. We know we are in the vast minority and have a very unique opportunity with where we work, but we really don’t see it as a “job” — it’s not work when you love it, right?

With all that we do outside of work, scheduling can get a bit tough but when we think about the amazing people we have gotten to meet and the crazy incredible opportunities we have had, it makes it all worth it. Luckily there is two of us so if scheduling conflicts arise, we either divide and conquer or remind each other of dates that have already been booked.

Highlight of Careers {So Far}

In all that we do the highlights that always stand out to us are the great and powerful people we have had the opportunity to interview. There is something special about sharing energy and learning about the experiences/ stories of others. Some incredible people we have had the pleasure of sharing a room with for an interview are Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, Salma Hayek, Civil Rights Activist Angela Davis, Toni Braxton, Soledad O’Brien, and more. While the celebrities are really cool and often result in a lot of Instagram likes, we value even more some of the powerful women, especially women of color who we have been able to interview within our own communities. These women include those featured in our recent “Hoboken Girl celebrates Black History Month” article, radio personality Toya Beasley, Essence magazine Editor at Large Mikki Taylor, and Miss America 2014 Nina Davilari.

jordan joelle hoboken girls week

What a Day Off is Like

We are so “basic”. Anything that is considered IG worthy (i.e.: boring), we LOVE doing. This includes going to the beach, going to the mall (one of our most favorite pastimes is spending 8 hour days in the mall), baking (Joelle is particularly good at this and has a small hustle which we call “Double Dough”), working out, and of-course like any good basic girl, trying new food places, because Instagram stories!

Advice to Someone Pursuing the Same Career Path

We know that our path is not a traditional route and has a number of different aspects to it so we don’t have advice specfially for our career path. However, what we would say is, if you have quite a few different gifts and talents that you would like to share with the world, don’t limit yourself. Do them all. As long as you can manage your time, keep a healthy work/ life balance, and don’t over commit, you can do it and have it all. Happiness is key.

Hoboken + Jersey City Favorites

Favorite restaurant in Hoboken or Jersey City?

Hoboken: La Casa (we could eat there every night!)
Jersey City: Gringos

Favorite boutique in Hoboken or Jersey City?


What do you love most about Hoboken?

We love the community feel in Hoboken. It really reminds us of Loyola University, where we went to school. So many activities all of the time, large enough to explore even after being here for a while but also small enough to really get to know members of the community.

What is your favorite thing to do in Hudson County?

We love renting bikes and riding along the piers on nice nights. Free fun for a whole hour.

See More: Hoboken Girl of the Week:Jenan Matari {of MissMuslim}

How long have you lived and/or worked in Hoboken?

We have lived in Hoboken since January 2017.

What is your favorite outdoor place to spend time in Hoboken/JC?

Outside yoga in the park during the summer months.

What is your favorite place to work out in Hudson County?

For a great workout, we love SLT! We’ve only been a few times {but promise to be back soon} but we always get a killer sweat! The instructors are fun and the class makes you feel like a rockstar with JLo’s body!

Where do you go out with friends in the area?

Even though we are Jersey Girls we are big Pittsburg Steelers fans so we spend a lot of Sundays out with family and friends at Texas Arizona!

What is something you think needs to come to Hoboken or Jersey City?

A few things….a good, affordable craft store and more frozen yogurt places (remember when those were everywhere?)

jordan joelle hoboken girls week

Want to be featured or nominate someone as an upcoming Hoboken Girl of the Week?

Email [email protected] about your/her story.

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