This week, we’re happy to introduce you to a special double feature of Hoboken Girl of the Week: Susan and Dawn Pascale! These amazing sisters left corporate America two years ago, and both of their lives changed drastically as they became local business owners in Hoboken. We share their unique and inspiring stories today:
^Susan {left} and Dawn {right}
Susan took her life mantra “Celebrate Life!” and has shared it for the past two years with the Hoboken & Hudson County communities through her Zumba company, Hudson Vibe Dance and Fitness. Susan is also the first to be licensed in Hudson County and offers Zumbini™ {Zumba class for kids ages 0-3yrs}, a Mommy & Me music and movement class, and Zumba® Kids Jr. {ages 4-7}/ Zumba® Kids {ages 8-11} classes. So fun, and so unique!
Dawn also left corporate America and became a local business owner, opening Om Sweet Home in 2013. Her business specializes in vegan/gluten-free desserts and special events. Dawn’s delicious treats can be found in various coffee shops around town including bwe kafe, City of Saints {formerly Red Lion Coffee}, and other local hot spots. They are so delicious, and it’s hard to believe that they are vegan and gluten free! Dawn is also the newly appointed Chairperson for the Hoboken Chamber of Commerce’s Women in Business Council.
This dynamic duo also started a joint venture called The Shake & Bake Sisters, where they offer a unique event opportunities {think bachelorette parties, corporate outings, etc} — combining their two passions, dancing & baking. Their mantra is “sweat your way to sweet!”
Of course, we couldn’t let these ladies get away with not answering our Hoboken Girl of the Week Questions! Here goes:
What is your favorite restaurant in Hoboken?
SUSAN: Hmmm…this is a tough one as I have a few, but when I want to indulge I go to La Isla.
DAWN: Pilsener Haus Biergaten {as if I don’t spend enough time there in the commercial kitchen baking everyday}.
What is your favorite boutique in Hoboken?
SUSAN: Air Studios, hands down!
DAWN: Air Studios and Luxe Face & Body on 1st Street.
What do you love most about Hoboken?
SUSAN: Being I’m originally from Brooklyn, Hoboken was an easy fit. The convenience to Manhattan, the small neighborhood feel, and everything is within walking distance. I’ve dubbed it the 6th Borough!
DAWN: The small neighborhood & community feeling reminds me of my hometown of Brooklyn.
What is your favorite thing to do in Hoboken?
SUSAN: Go out with friends for a bite and some libations, or just taking a walk around town and on the waterfront with my pup. I love Pier A and Pier 13, especially during the summer. Also, I love helping out other small business owners/entrepreneurs.
DAWN: Visit the coffee shops [where my treats are sold]!
How long have you lived and/or worked in Hoboken?
SUSAN: I can’t believe I’m living in Hoboken 18 years! I think I like it here…hehe. I also started my business here two years ago this year; I am so thankful to my Hoboken peeps!
DAWN: I’ve lived in Hoboken for 18 years, and I’ve had my local business here for two years.
What is your favorite outdoor place to spend time in Hoboken?
SUSAN: Anyplace near the water, the piers.
DAWN: The “great lawn” of Pier A Park when I can’t make it to the beach.
What is your favorite place to workout in Hoboken?
SUSAN: Crunch Fitness, outdoors, or my apt.
DAWN: Devotion Yoga!
Where do you go out with friends in Hoboken?
SUSAN: La Isla for brunch. For some vino, Bin 14 or Elysian Café. Also, the Pilsner Biergarten is a cool place to hang on 14th and Grand.
DAWN: Pier 13 or out to dinner; we try to go to a new restaurant each time.
What is something you think needs to come to Hoboken?
SUSAN: Stay tuned…I’m working on this one!
DAWN: My retail store of course!
^Dawn’s Om Sweet Home Pumpkin Chocolate Crumble Muffins – vegan AND gluten free!
Susan says:
Hoboken has enabled me to start living my dream. Helping others feel good about themselves and bringing this community together in celebrating this beautiful life through my classes. This family oriented town has embraced my mommy & me and kids classes. Living in Hoboken has enabled me to meet some wonderful people who are some of my closest friends. My life is filled with “sunshine” every day {literally — Sunny, my 4lb. Maltese}. I am grateful for it all.
Dawn says:
Being a small business owner it allows me to be fully immersed in the community. And now, as chairperson for the Hoboken Chamber of Commerce’s Women in Business Council, I know we have a greater opportunity to build upon our “community over competition” objective and bring creatives together for the betterment of the town and businesses.
Such inspiring, strong women! Don’t ever stop being amazing!
To get in touch with Susan, email [email protected].
To get in touch with Dawn, email [email protected].
Want to be featured or nominate a Hoboken Girl of the Week? Email [email protected]!