Home Events + News Volunteer Opportunity: The Hoboken Green Team

Volunteer Opportunity: The Hoboken Green Team

by Lauren
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Are you looking for a fun and fulfilling way to get involved in your local community? Do you want to apply your unique talents towards a project that helps others? We just started Hoboken Girl Helps, but in the meantime, we have another volunteer opp you should definitely check out: The Hoboken Green Team.

The Hoboken Green Team, a city organization made up of local volunteers, is looking for new members. The Green Team is a perfect fit for go-getters who want to dream up and pitch a community project — and then work with a team to see it through from start to finish.


If you haven’t heard of the Hoboken Green Team, you’ve definitely encountered their work; this is the group behind the Storm Drain Mural Project that invited local students to paint environmentally-themed murals around the city’s storm drains to raise awareness about pollution {don’t worrythey used eco-friendly, non-toxic paint!}.


Green teams all around New Jersey focus on completing “actions” for Sustainable Jersey, a nonprofit organization that encourages communities to implement sustainability programs. Even though the name “Green Team” suggests the group is focused exclusively on environmental initiatives, Sustainable Jersey also includes a variety of “action” categories that fall within the Green Team’s purview {for example, Arts and Creative Culture, Diversity and Equity, and Public Information and Engagement}.

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The commitment is totally manageable:

Green Team members attend one meeting per month {held on Monday evenings at 6:30 pm} and volunteer to join or develop a project that interests them. 

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Two current projects developed by Green Team members include the Green Business Recognition Program, a program that recognizes local businesses for environmentally responsible practices, and #WellnessWednesdays, a monthly series of free workshops on health and wellness held at the Hoboken Public Library. {Fun fact: Our HG contributor and Green Team member, Lauren Zucker, developed the Wellness Wednesdays educational series!}

See More: 6 Things You Should Know About the Hoboken Public Library

Check out the Green Team’s Facebook page for upcoming events, including the annual Green Fair at Church Square Parkmark your calendar for June 3, 2017.


If you’re interested in joining or learning more about the Green Team, email the coordinator, Jennifer Gonzalez {[email protected]}.

Wellness Wednesdays

^Upcoming Wellness Wednesdays Events at Hoboken Public Library, 6:30-7:30 pm

For other ways to get involved, see our post on volunteering in Hoboken.

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