Even the busiest members of the community can still find ways to support the causes nearest and dearest to their hearts. There are a variety of philanthropic organizations in Hudson County to match any interest, from animal rights to supporting public arts to helping the homeless. Here’s an ever-growing list of local organizations that need monetary donations. Keep reading for a list of Hoboken + Jersey City non-profits to donate to year-round.
Please note: Any omissions were not intentional. If you would like to request that we add your non-profit to this list, please email [email protected].
AngelaCARES Inc. | 439 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Jersey City
AngelaCARES Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that serves as an advocate and support system for senior citizens, a support system for senior caregivers, and a youth mentorship program by educating and empowering them to volunteer. Contributions will help with projects and programs including social activities and educational and support resources for seniors and their caregivers. Please make checks payable to AngelaCARES, Inc. 696 Ocean Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07305, or visit the website to donate one time or monthly by PayPal or credit card.
America Needs You | New Jersey
America Needs You is a nonprofit that helps low-income, first-generation college students in multiple states around the country, including New Jersey, New York, California, and Illinois. According to the website, the agency was founded on the belief that socioeconomic status should not be a barrier to college persistence and career success. To learn more about how to volunteer for ANY in New Jersey, contact John Cruz at [email protected]. You can also donate to this organization here.
Read More: This Jersey City Woman is Giving Back to the Shelter She Once Lived In
American Legion | 308 2nd Street, Hoboken
The American Legion Post 107 and its charitable arm, the Veterans Center of Hoboken, is committed to supporting veterans in our community with a few of the main issues they face — homelessness, transition to civilian life, mental health, financial growth, and employment opportunities. It’s one of the oldest Posts in the state – opening in 1920, just after Congress chartered the organization in 1919. Donations of any size are exactly what Post 107 is asking of the community. The space is available for the additional 18 residents, but the funds are still needed to make this a reality. To learn more about the American Legion of Hoboken Post 107 and to make a gift for the betterment of this community, visit the site here.
Art House Productions | 345 Marin Boulevard, Jersey City
Since 2001, Art House has been a pioneering force in the Jersey City Arts movement, supporting artists in the creation and presentation of primarily new work, and encouraging artistic growth and experimentation across all mediums, while fostering a widespread appreciation for the arts in the community. To make a tax-deductible donation online, click here to fill out the form with the donation amount and dedication type if in honor or memory of a loved one, or print and mail to Art House Productions, PO Box 3264, Jersey City, NJ 07303, or by phone at 201-918-6019. Donations of $200 or more receive recognition on the website and lobby board.
Boys + Girls Clubs of Hudson County | 225 Morris Boulevard, Jersey City + 123 Jefferson Street, Hoboken
The Boys + Girls Clubs of Hudson County was founded in 1893 to create a positive place for the youth of Jersey City, NJ. In the 126 years since the Club has expanded its scope exponentially by offering a mix of nationally developed programs and activities. The Clubs serve more than 2,000 youth ages five to 21 annually in Clubhouses in Jersey City and Hoboken, through a mission to enable all young people to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens of the community. To make a tax-deductible donation to cover costs such as meals, art supplies, or summer camp for a Club Kid, please mail to Boys + Girls Clubs of Hudson County, 225 Morris Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ 07302 or make an online donation here.
Computers 4 People | 51 Newark Street Suite 302, Hoboken
16-year-old Hoboken resident Dylan Zajac heard about the issue of technology inequity and knew that something had to be done. Since its inception, Computers 4 People has donated hundreds of computers, impacted over 1000 individuals, and kept thousands of pounds of toxic E-Waste from polluting the environment. Click here to donate cash or a computer to help the cause.
Community Lifestyle | Online
Community Lifestyle is a non-profit organization in Hoboken whose mission is to promote prosocial friendships, strong interpersonal skills, and reassert a sense of hope for the future. In fulfilling its mission, Community Lifestyle has ensured that teens have access to resources for a well-rounded and full life — including activities like flag football and more. You can make a donation here.
HCCC Food Pantry | 70 Sip Avenue, Jersey City
Hudson County Community College established food pantries on both campuses to end hunger and food insecurity and will house non-perishable food items for students and members of the College community. The HCCC Foundation is accepting monetary donations. Checks made payable to HCCC Foundation with the notation Food Pantry on the memo line may be sent to Hudson County Community College Foundation, 70 Sip Avenue – Fourth Floor, Jersey City, NJ 07306. Monetary donations may also be made online by clicking the donate button at the bottom of the website.
Friends of HoLa, Benefitting the Hoboken Dual Language Charter School (HoLa) | 123 Jefferson Street, Hoboken
The Hoboken Dual Language Charter School (HoLa) provides education in both Spanish and English to develop engaged, well-rounded bilingual citizens with a global and multicultural perspective. Friends of HoLa is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit organization, in which 100% of donations go to HoLa to secure classroom technology, STEM resources, the latest teacher development training, and diverse course offerings to benefit students. This year, it is hosting its #GiveHoLa fundraiser to continue in providing education to Hoboken children.
Hamilton Park Montessori School, A New Jersey Non-Profit Corporation | 1 McWilliams Place #206, Jersey City
Hamilton Park Montessori School (HPMS) educates children from infancy through eighth grade, following the vision of Dr. Maria Montessori, who was nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize for her advocacy of children and her work toward world peace. The HPMS curriculum is built on Montessori’s values and her scientific observation of the nature of learning. As part of its ongoing commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, HPMS currently provides a limited number of scholarships on a need-basis. HPMS is looking for partners to help the school expand its Scholarship Fund in order to serve an even broader socio-economic population of students in Jersey City. You can donate here — all donations are used to support the school’s students.
Hoboken Fair Housing Association | P. O. Box 5176, Hoboken
Hoboken Fair Housing Association strives to maintain Hoboken’s rent control protections through active participation in local government and highlighting any inequities it sees. HFHA regularly attends and speaks at city council meetings in order to stay connected with both the mayor and council members to do whatever it can to make sure the rights we enjoy today will be in place for the future on behalf of every Hoboken renter.
Hoboken Elks | 1005 Washington Street, Hoboken
The Hoboken Elks 74 has raised funds and awareness for a wide array of programs for over 125 years. The organization supports special needs programs in the community and throughout New Jersey, provides college scholarships, promotes youth athletics, supports seniors, honors veterans, and much more. Click here to donate via PayPal.
Hoboken Family Alliance | PO Box 1194, Hoboken
Hoboken Family Alliance is a 100% volunteer-driven organization and one of the oldest non-profits in Hoboken. HFA is a registered 501c3 non-profit with over a decade of legacy impact. HFA has grown into a robust organization that spurs community spirit and change for the better – across civic, social, and educational opportunities for all families while bringing families together in the community. A $40 annual donation includes events, deals, and discounts at local businesses.
Family Promise of Hudson County | PO Box 3701, Jersey City
Family Promise addresses homelessness by using the resources of volunteer congregations in Hoboken + Jersey City by providing space in their buildings to serve as temporary homes for homeless families. Each Family Promise affiliate also has a day center, where families can take showers, receive case management, and look for housing and jobs. Family Promise relies on volunteers to give their time, making meals, sharing hospitality, spending the night, playing with children, and lending their passion and expertise to help families get back on their feet. To help provide temporary housing for families in the community, make a gift online or mail a check to PO Box 3701 Jersey City, NJ 07302.
Friends of Ferris Triangle Park | 247 Old Bergen Road, Jersey City
Friends of Ferris Triangle Park was started by local resident Brett Miller and his late wife Natasha Arbelo. Since her passing in 2023, Brett has stepped in as president to keep Natasha’s legacy alive and spread love throughout the neighborhood. Since then, Friends of Ferris Triangle Park has overseen several free, fun-focused events with one goal: to bring neighbors closer together and create a safe space for children and families. The organization works hard to keep the park clean and fresh by weeding, gardening, cleaning up trash, and family-friendly events.
Friends of Liberty State Park | Liberty State Park, 200 Morris Pesin Drive, Jersey City
Friends of Liberty State Park is an all-volunteer, non-profit, 501c3 organization that is dedicated to preserving, protecting, conserving, and promoting Liberty State Park, the inspiring urban state park on the Jersey City waterfront behind Lady Liberty and Ellis Island. Consider contributing to The Friends of Liberty State Park by check or money order to The Friends of Liberty State Park, PO Box 3407, Jersey City, NJ 07303-3407, or click here to donate online. All contributions are tax-deductible.
Fund for a Better Waterfront | 300 Observer Highway, Hoboken
Neighbors can donate today to help lead the fight to secure the Union Dry Dock property as part of Hoboken’s public, connected, waterfront park and help Fund for a Better Waterfront continue its important work to fulfill the vision for a contiguous, public park along the Hudson River and development that reflects the best thinking in urban design. They are a 501c3 tax-exempt, non-profit organization and a gift is fully tax-deductible.
Hoboken Cove Community Boathouse | Frank Sinatra Drive, Hoboken
The Hoboken Cove Community Boathouse is a 100% volunteer-based, 501c3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide free water sports programs and access to local waterways. Established in 2004, Hoboken Boathouse operates in partnership with the City of Hoboken in serving more than 6,000 paddlers each year. A tax-deductible donation will assist in meeting operating costs for their free public programs. Sponsorship levels are also available. A $1,500 donation will be used towards a one-person sea kayak dedicated in the donor’s name.
Hudson County CASA | 442 Hoboken Avenue, Jersey City
Hudson County CASA believes every foster child deserves a safe and permanent home. Through the efforts of everyday people, court-appointed special advocates children gain access to medical, therapeutic, and educational services as well as enrichment activities. To help ensure that needed services and assistance are made available to children while helping to move them toward safe and permanent homes, donate here.
Hoboken Family Planning | 124 Grand Street, Hoboken
Hoboken Family Planning first opened its doors for service in March 1972. For over 40 years it has provided education and quality reproductive health care and cancer screenings to people with a wide range of backgrounds; from the uninsured to the underinsured, to Medicaid recipients and the fully insured in Hoboken and neighboring communities. No one is ever refused service because of their inability to pay. To support and help provide reproductive health services and medical staff costs to those in need, click here.
Hoboken Community Center | 1301 Washington Street, Hoboken
The mission of HCC is to work as a community resource to help nearly 3,000 registered households across Hudson County. Families rely on distributions given by the community to help them in their day-to-day lives. There are also pantry programs that provide shelf-stable groceries, locally sourced produce, freshly baked bread, proteins, and dairy products. Besides food provisions, HCC has a Personal Care Pantry program that aids in providing hygiene items for families.
Hoboken Historical Museum | 1301 Hudson Street, Hoboken
Free for children, the museum is a 501c3 nonprofit organization showcasing Hoboken’s history, diverse culture, architecture, and landmarks with exhibits, guest speakers, and educational programming in the former Bethlehem Steel Machine Shop. Make a donation to help preserve Hoboken’s history and share it with generations to come.
Hoboken Public Education Foundation | 158 4th Street, Hoboken
The Hoboken Public Education Foundation is a 501c3 registered non-profit, parent-run organization rooted in enhancing public schools and building a stronger school community. The entirety of a tax-deductible donation will benefit the Hoboken public district schools: Brandt, Calabro, Connors, Wallace, Hoboken Middle School, and Hoboken High School.
Hoboken Library Foundation | 500 Park Avenue, Hoboken
The Hoboken Public Library provides crucial services and programs to meet the evolving educational, social, cultural, technological, and informational needs of the community. Neighbors can make a tax-deductible monetary donation to the library via PayPal. Individuals, families, and businesses can also be sustaining donors with membership to the Friends of the Hoboken Public Library, a membership-based organization whose mission is to raise awareness of the Hoboken Library’s ever-expanding offerings and to provide funding beyond the Library’s operating budget.
Hoboken Volunteer Ambulance Corps | 707 Clinton Street, Hoboken
Hoboken’s volunteer ambulance corps has provided free emergency medical services every day since 1971. Make a donation now to help buy a new ambulance and other lifesaving equipment including stretchers and an AutoPulse device to perform automatic CPR.
HOPES Community Action Partnership, Inc. | 301 Garden Street, Hoboken
HOPES CAP, Inc., a non-profit agency established in 1964, provides programs that respond to the social, educational, and training needs of the community. Tax-deductible monetary donations support early childhood, youth, adult, and senior services and help the organization bring quality services to the community that positively impacts families and individuals.
Hudson Community Enterprise | 68-70 Tuers Avenue, Jersey City
Hudson Community Enterprises operates social enterprise businesses that provide a variety of quality services to area businesses as well as offering individuals with disabilities the opportunity to become independent, self-sufficient, contributing members of the community. The support of caring people helps ensure that HCE will continue its mission of advancing individuals with disabilities’ vocational skills to increase employment opportunities. Donate to help HCE cover the cost of social services and transportation for the clients.
Hudson County Housing Resource Center, Inc. | 830 Bergen Avenue, Suite 5A, Jersey City
The Hudson County Housing Resource Center is a not-for-profit organization established in 1990 to protect low and moderate low-income, disabled residents who live in Hudson County, maintain and increase the housing stock, prevent homelessness, assist tenants and homeowners in improving their housing conditions and fulfilling the responsibilities of tenancy and homeownership. Donate through Charity Navigator here.
Hudson Pride Center | 3000 John F. Kennedy Blvd #306, Jersey City
The Hudson Pride Center is a home and voice for the diverse LGBTQ community and allies that advocate for physical, mental, social, and political well-being. The center creates safe and vibrant spaces to gather and celebrate. Neighbors can support the LGBT community and allow the organization to continue to provide services to individuals, youth, and families, and to develop new programs to support the changing needs of the community. Make a donation today to ensure that the Center’s doors remain open for many years to come.
Jersey City Arts Council | Montgomery Street, Suite 263, Jersey City
A donation to the Jersey City Arts Council, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, supports the artists and arts organizations of Jersey City with direct funding as well as space, promotion, and advocacy. A donation helps build a more vital, creative, and nurturing community in Jersey City.
Jersey City Parks Coalition | PO Box 17196, Jersey City
Founded in 2005, the Jersey City Parks Coalition is a private, not-for-profit 501c3 organization that assists in the development and maintenance of Jersey City’s parks and public spaces. The mission of the Jersey City Parks Coalition is to empower residents to develop, renovate, use and maintain their community parks and public spaces of Jersey City; thereby revitalizing neighborhoods and lifting communal and human spirits. Investments are vital to the planning of resilient and sustainable parks, building a park system for present and future generations, and caring for parks and public spaces. Click here to donate.
Jersey City Reservoir Preservation Alliance | Reservoir #3 GPS, 113-116 Central Avenue, Jersey City
The volunteer-run Jersey City Reservoir Preservation, which came together in 2005, has been committed to saving the Reservoir’s lake, meadow, and woods from destruction and misuse. According to the website, its mission is “to preserve the historic structures and natural resources of Jersey City Reservoir #3, establish the site as a public park and wildlife sanctuary, and promote educational and recreational opportunities at the Reservoir.” Donations can be made here.
Jersey City Write to the Goal/Write on Sports | Online
Jersey City Write to the Goal aims to spark a love of reading and writing in local schools, particularly in sports journalism. Its literacy program connects middle school students with mentors, opportunities, and training in sports writing in order to improve their literacy skills, increase self-expression, and create peer support networks to foster a passion for learning. To donate, click here.
Jersey City Writers | Online
Jersey City Writers is a nonprofit organization based in Jersey City. The group is “dedicated to building a community for writers to develop and explore their craft by interacting with other writers” and hosts dozens of monthly events rooted in collaboration. Jersey City Writers aims to create a nurturing and inclusive environment for writers and creatives alike. To get involved click here.
JC Zouk | 54 Coles Street, Jersey City
JC Zouk is a dance non-profit that has Brazilian Zouk and Salsa classes at Grassroots Community Space on Mondays and Tuesdays. These hands-on lessons help bring members of the community together and classes are open to all.
The JC Zouk team told HG “We have a general philosophy about learning social dance that differs from typical dance studios. We just love to dance & sharing it with the local dance community!” Click here to view upcoming classes.
Mile Square Theatre | 1408 Clinton Street, Hoboken
Providing access to the arts is an integral part of Mile Square Theatre’s mission. As a 501c3 non-profit, the Theater relies on donations from generous people to keep ticket prices and class tuition accessible for all. A donation goes toward keeping the arts alive in the community. In turn, MST is able to educate, entertain, and inspire audiences and students with professional productions and high-quality performance classes. If you have seen a production or enjoyed a class, or just believe that arts organizations like MST make Hudson County a better place to live, then make a donation.
NAMI | Hudson County
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) in Hudson County is part of the nation’s largest mental health organization. The non-profit is dedicated to bettering the lives of those affected by mental illness. NAMI advocates for its members to receive access to services, treatment, and various support types including virtual and in-person meet ups.
NJ Apple Seed | New Jersey
NJ Apple Seed provides pro bono legal work and activism for people in New Jersey, which includes representing many community groups in Hudson County. Along with a network of other justice centers, NJA works to help incite change and have a positive impact on the community. To donate, click here.
Peace Care | 198 Old Bergen Road + 537 Pavonia Avenue, Jersey City
Peace Care is a nonprofit healthcare organization sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. The two campuses, St. Ann’s and St. Joseph’s, have over 200 years of combined experience providing short-term physical rehabilitation and long-term skilled nursing care to everyone, regardless of faith. Peace Care St. Ann’s is also home to adult medical day care. To become a donor click here. Peace Care | 198 Old Bergen Road + 537 Pavonia Avenue, Jersey City
PFLAG Jersey City | Online
PFLAG Jersey City is a non-profit organization founded by a small group of parents to LBGTQIA+ children. The group aims to educate, support, and advocate for the LBGTQIA+ community to ensure a safe experience for their children. PFLAG hosts monthly chapter meetings to share stories, experiences, and resources to further conversation and create a safe and supportive space for all. To learn more click here.
Party With Purpose | Hoboken
Party With Purpose was founded after the terrorist attacks of September 11th. Just like millions across the country, founder Scott Delea knew he needed to do something bigger in his community. Scott had recently made Hoboken his home and, after getting involved in a tutoring volunteer opportunity, he wanted to continue his impact. Thus, Party With Purpose (PWP) was born. PWP is a 100% volunteer-run organization that supports local non-profits in the community financially through microgrants. Some of the beneficiaries provide resources such as tutoring programs, grief support for children, outdoor recreation programs, after-school activities, mental health support, and more. Since its inception, PWP has donated more than $1M to dozens of non-profits and the organization is just getting started. Click here to donate.
Round 2 Resources | Online
Round 2 Resources is a not-for-profit devoted to helping and protecting the environment. R2R accepts any and all donations of items and redistributes these donations to those who need them, thus preventing usable resources from going into a landfill. Anything R2R can’t redistribute, it will recycle. For donation inquiries, you can email [email protected].
See Spot Rescued | Jersey City
See Spot Rescued is not a shelter. It is a non-profit 501c3 dog rescue based in Jersey City staffed entirely by volunteers who work full-time jobs while coordinating the rescue, vetting, medical care, transportation, fostering, and adoption of as many amazing dogs as they can. Since 2011, See Spot Rescued has operated with a single purpose: to provide permanent, loving homes to every homeless dog. A donation will help pay for medical care, vaccinations, transport, food, and anything else the rescues need.
St. Mary Advocates | 536 Garden Street, Hoboken
St. Mary Advocates, Inc. is dedicated to giving back to the local and national community through its volunteer-run thrift store and fundraising. For over 50 years it has worked to raise funds for healthcare and health education. The organization continues to be an advocate for the well-being of the community and supports individuals and organizations in need within medical, education, and environmental health. Donations on Giving Tuesday will go towards college scholarships – students are encouraged to apply for this grant opportunity.
St. Matthew Trinity Lunchtime Ministry | 57 8th Street, Hoboken
A soup kitchen/drop-in center, located in the parish hall of St. Matthew Trinity Lutheran Church, Lunchtime Ministry was started in the 1970s to provide an oasis for those who need a nourishing warm meal, a compassionate community, and a peaceful place to spend the morning. To make an online donation click here and, under the designation, select Lunch Time Ministry or donate via check payable to St. Matthew Trinity Lunchtime Ministry, sent to 57 8th Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030.
Strikers Futbol Academy | Based in Hoboken
Strikers Futbol Academy is a nonprofit soccer club operating out of Hoboken. This organization has junior and mini leagues and hosts all kinds of tournaments in New Jersey. Strikers Futbol Academy also donates to various local organizations, such as JC Making Strides, Hudson Family Rehab, and more. See more about this nonprofit here.
Team Wilderness | PO Box 4095, Jersey City
Team Wilderness is a nonprofit organization that uses an experiential educational model to teach Jersey City teenagers teamwork, leadership, and character and is the only wilderness experiential education organization offering programs focusing specifically on Jersey City’s most underserved youth. Team Wilderness allows youth to experience hiking, backpacking, and numerous outdoor activities during both single-day and overnight trips. To fund a teen and help them experience the outdoors, click here.
The Hoboken Shelter | 300 Bloomfield Street, Hoboken
The Hoboken Shelter’s mission is to be a community partnership that transforms lives by providing meals for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, and services to support people to become housed. The shelter houses r 50 people nightly, serves over 500 meals daily, hosts 1,000 showers weekly, and provides support services like food, shelter, case management, counseling, job and life skills training, creative arts workshops, emergency homelessness prevention grants, and permanent supportive housing solutions. A contribution of only $2 could serve a nutritious meal. To make a donation text GIVE to 201-733-4196 or click here.
TRUE Mentors | 601 Jackson Street, Hoboken
TRUE Mentors is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization founded to help children develop healthy, strong relationships that allow them to reach their full potential. TRUE Mentors is Hoboken’s only nonprofit offering a one-to-one mentoring program, matching children ages seven to 19 years old with adult mentors in the same community. In addition to the mentoring, TRUE Mentors offers weekly classes, enrichment clubs, during the school year, and a teen internship program to unearth potential in group and workplace settings. To support this organization, click here.
United Way of Hudson County | 900 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City
Established in 1936, United Way of Hudson County envisions a world where all individuals and families achieve their human potential through education, income stability, and healthy lives. Their staff, partners, and volunteers are committed to ending the cycle of poverty by addressing homelessness, housing, and hunger, and by giving children and adults the skills they need to succeed in life. United Way of Hudson County makes it easy to contribute to creating solutions for the big issues facing Hudson County by giving programs to suit every kind of donor. Donate to the United Way to help create economic opportunities for all in the areas of education, health, and income stability.
Urban League of Hudson County Inc. | 253 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Jersey City
Since 1972, the Urban League of Hudson County has been an effective agent of change in the community. It is a non-profit 501c3 community-based organization with a dedicated staff of professionals providing services in the areas of education, mentorship, economic development, job placement, childcare, family counseling, and programs for seniors. Donate to support the programs and initiatives.
Welcome Home Jersey City | 270 Fairmount Avenue, Jersey City
Established in 2016, Welcome Home Jersey City is an all-volunteer organization devoted to helping newly arrived refugees and asylees begin their lives in the greater Jersey City area. By partnering with local government, businesses, and other like-minded, not-for-profit organizations, Welcome Home helps refugees and asylees with the support needed for long-term success in this country. Donate to the general fund to sustain the programs and efforts run by Welcome Home that help asylees and refugees as they resettle in their new homes.
The Waterfront Project, Inc. | 830 Bergen Avenue, Suite 4A, Jersey City
The Waterfront Project is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting Hudson County’s economically disadvantaged people — the working poor, seniors, veterans, and those living with disabilities – by providing information, advice, and pro bono legal representation to address their civil legal issues and concerns. The organization depends on private funding and contributions from caring individuals. To have a direct impact on the breadth and reach of these programs click here to donate.
Whole Spectrum Autism | 194 Newark Avenue, Jersey City
The Whole Spectrum Autism Foundation is a non-profit organization that promotes Autism acceptance, encourages community inclusion, and advocates for families seeking help with their children, especially adults who have aged out of existing schools and programs. Make a donation here.
Wise Animal Rescue | On-Site
Since March of 2015 Wise Animal Rescue (W.A.R.) has been saving the lives of precious animals in need. It is a non-profit and is completely foster-based, meaning all dogs are placed in loving foster homes instead of in a shelter. It is W.A.R.’s mission to help dogs of all breeds, sizes, and ages. The organization takes in sick dogs, old dogs, giant dogs, super tiny dogs, and even the occasional cat. To get involved click here.
See More: Where to Donate Everything in Essex County
WomenRising, Inc. | 270 Fairmont Avenue, Jersey City
Women Rising assists women and their families throughout Hudson County to achieve self-sufficiency and live safe, productive, and fulfilling lives, through social services, economic development, and advocacy services. Empower a woman today and make a 100% tax-deductible donation for job training, interview coaching, parenting training, or a safe place to live.
York Street Project | 89 York Street, Jersey City
The mission of the York Street Project is to weave innovative programs that shelter, feed, educate, and promote the healing and independence of persons in need, especially women and their children. Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, the York Street Project expresses in direct service to the poor the religious congregation’s commitment to peace through justice. The project begins a second century of a loving ministry of the sisters and their collaborators who work with the poor and oppressed in Jersey City. Make a financial gift to help break the cycle of poverty.
Young Life Hoboken | Based in Hoboken
This nonprofit organization aims to “[create] safe and diverse spaces for high school students while walking alongside them and helping them grow in their faith,” according to the ministry’s Instagram bio. Young Life provides the kids of Hoboken with tutoring, sports, clubs, events, and more. For those interested in donating, see here.