Home Best of Guides The Most Stunning Valentine’s Day Bouquets from Local Florists

The Most Stunning Valentine’s Day Bouquets from Local Florists

by Arielle Witter
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Valentine’s Day is literally right around the corner and flowers are an excellent gift to show your +1 or S.O. how much you care. There’s nothing like receiving a bouquet of flowers to feel special on the holiday {except maybe a tub full of chocolate}. From rainbow roses to traditional red rose arrangements, there’s a florist for every valentine {and occasion} in Hudson County. Read on to find out more about local Hoboken + Jersey City florists to order from this Valentine’s Day. 

About Designs {Online Orders}

About Designs Bouquets

For special floral arrangements tied together with handmade bows and a personal touch, About Designs LLC is a great option. Bouquets are made with vividly colored flowers from a range of climates {think tropical flowers} for eye-catching details that will surely add an extra wow-factor to any V-Day gift.

Beethoven’s Veranda {Multiple Locations}

Beethovens Veranda

{Photo courtesy of @beethovensveranda}

Send your S.O. a custom arrangement of flowers from this flower shop with locations in Hoboken {108 10th Street} and North Bergen {8901 River Road}. Customers can choose from order smaller table-sized bouquets or ornate arrangements {think a dozen roses or a unique distressed wooden box filled with pink tulips}. Beethoven’s Veranda offers delivery and in-store pickup options, so start placing your orders now.

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Brennan’s Florist {220 Newark Avenue, Jersey City}

Brennans Florist

Zap Fitness

{Photo courtesy of @brennansflorist}

For more than a standard bouquet of roses, this JC florist is a great place to shop. In addition to the usual roundup of V-Day flowers, Brennan’s offers a special order of rainbow roses {yes, you read that correctly!}. Whether you surprise your special someone with the unique bouquet or keep true to the holiday tradition of freshly cut flowers, Brennan’s has something for every flower-aficionado on your list.

Mac + the Mushroom {1012 Grand Street, Hoboken}

Mac and the mushroom flowers

{Photo courtesy of @macandthemushroom}

This Hoboken florist prides itself on creating whimsical floral moments for anyone receives one of the studio’s orders. Incorporating unique materials {like mushrooms —hence the name!} into each arrangement, Mac + the Mushroom puts a unique twist on otherwise traditional flower options.

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Karma Floral + Event Design {210 9th Street, Jersey City}

Karma Flowers

{Photo courtesy of @karmaflowers}

For a unique arrangement that tells a story, opt for flowers from Karma Floral + Event Design. The company takes small details into account to create a stunning floral arrangement to satisfy every client.

Soho Flower + Garden {264 1st Street, Hoboken}

Soho flowers garden

{Photo courtesy of @sohoflowerandgarden}

Think of Soho Flower + Garden as a one-stop shop for anything floral-related. From orchids, plant displays, and simple yet eye-catching flower arrangements, there is something that appeals to everyone at this Hoboken flower shop. Opt for an order of uniquely designed roses or send your S.O. a beautiful orchid arrangement for V-Day.

Have a favorite bouquet from one of these local florists? Let us know in the comments! 

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