Home Fashion + Beauty 21 Local New Year’s Resolutions for 2021 You Can Actually Keep

21 Local New Year’s Resolutions for 2021 You Can Actually Keep

by Jennifer Tripucka
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New Year, New Me, New You, New Everything = January 1st, as the saying pseudo goes. Or as some skeptics of resolutions like to call it, just another day. Regardless of how you feel to the start of the year, there’s no doubt that December 31st and January 1st usually bring some reflections to most and incite the urge for a fresh start. But when it comes resolutions, most are fizzling out by week two of January, and if you’re lucky, week four or the first week of February. To help combat this resolution burnout, we’ve compiled a list of 21 local  New Year’s resolutions you can *actually* keep — thanks to our readers and followers who shared their ideas.


1. Avoid Amazon + chain stores, and shop locally.

Shop Small Saturday is great, but have you ever gone into a store, bought something, and watched that actual person receive the benefits of your purchase {and probably did a happy dance once you left}? That’s the feeling that’ll be held throughout the year. Help the mom and pops by making a promise to yourself to not shop anywhere but locally-owned places this year, as much as possible. Here’s a list of locally-owned brick-and-mortar shops in Hoboken to support. Our JC list coming soon!

2. Bring a reusable tote everywhere.

In 2019, Hoboken and Jersey City instilled laws that prohibited the use of plastic bags, to many locals’ outcry {though really people, it’s 2021 and we need to get moving on saving this planet, #notkidding}. But now that we’re used to it, it’s time to get some reusable totes and actually use them. Think about it, those charges for a bag definitely add up over time. To get you started, here are some cute reusable totes to purchase, here.

Read More: Born-and-Raised Hoboken Residents Share Past New Year’s Eve Traditions

3. Enjoy local coffee shops only. Sorry Starbucks.

While Starbucks and Dunkin are popular as ever, in most of our Hudson County communities, local coffee shops are a-plenty. The locally-owned cafes could use the support, and they often have unique roasts, flavored, and presentations that will change your decision about ever going back to a chain-store. Here’s a list of Hoboken spots and Jersey City spots to get you started.

Club Pilates 2023
JK Therapy

4. Take advantage of all the local fitness deals and gym trials.

Easy peasy – this area is bustling with gyms for every type of personality. From women-only to intensive training to yoga studios, there is a membership out there for everyone.

5. Commit to self-care once per month or week locally.

Self-care is more important now than ever after experiencing a year like 2020. Indulge in facials, get your hair done, try out a new hair color, book a session at that massage parlor. Even if this happens only once a month or quarter, take some time for you — and treat yo’self.

Zap Fitness

6. Go to happy hour on the NJ side instead of NYC.

It’s easy to hop across the Hudson and go out for a drink, but as several of our readers suggested, take advantage of all the happy hours offered here in Hudson County {trust us, there are plenty}.

7. Try a new restaurant every week.

Hoboken and Jersey City are filled to the brim with amazing restaurants, so trying a new one each week is an easy resolution to keep — even if it’s takeout for now. Try Italian food one week, Indian food another, Latin food next, and so much more. You definitely won’t be disappointed.

8. Walk more instead of Ubering.

With so many ride-share services at our disposal here in Hudson County, it’s only right that we take some time to enjoy the cities we live in on foot when we can.

See More: Hudson County Restaurants That Have Been Nationally Recognized

9. Volunteer locally.

There are so many opportunities to donate and volunteer your time {or money} here in Hudson County. With so many opportunities here, it’s easy to commit to this resolution at least once a month. Find a full list of charities to donate to here and keep an eye out for our monthly local volunteer roundups — including socially-distant ways to get involved.

10. Read one book monthly — and get it locally.

Our reader Michelle, via Facebook, shared that she will be picking up one book each month to read from the public library. Committing to a book is a simple task {especially when you give yourself a full month to read it — life can get busy quickly}. The Hoboken Public Library has a great selection of books to rent, while local bookstores like WORD in Jersey City and Symposia + Little City Books in Hoboken offer a great selection available for purchase.

11. Attend more community events — try for 12 this year — even if virtual!

It’s no secret that we love our local communities in Hudson County. Luckily, we always have fun and/or informative community-focused events happening online each week {just check out our weekly events guide} to help us learn more + connect with other locals. While these are happening virtually mostly for now, it’s still great to get involved either way.

12. Complete a walking tour of Hoboken or Jersey City. 

Hoboken and Jersey City have a number of walking tours available. From the Journal Square Historic Walking Tour to retracing ‘Ol Blue Eyes steps with the Frank Sinatra Walking Tour, take advantage of these opportunities in the new year. Don’t forget to tag us in your pics.

13. Try something new — {a new class or learn a new skill}.

Trying out one new thing is easy to do. Join a book club offered in Hudson County, take a class at any of the dance studios in the area, an art class at Cre8te Studio, or a rock climbing class at Gravity Vault, there are tons of options to pick from in 2021.

14. Explore beyond Hoboken + Jersey City.

It might seem as if Hoboken +  Jersey City are the centers of Hudson County in our worlds, but Hudson County is actually home to slew of other cities offering just as many fun + unique activities. Check out our guide for fun things to do in North Hudson County or our roundup of historical sites and museums.

15. Take advantage of local public libraries.

No matter which Hudson County city you live in — borrowing a book to read 1x/month is a great way to {inexpensively} expand your reading horizons.

16. Travel to/from work a different way {when life returns to normal}.

The PATH, the NY Waterway  Ferry, the Light Rail — there are tons of different ways to commute in HC to add some new routes to your morning commute in 2021.

17. Take the scenic route to dinner or brunch.

Take advantage of those gorgeous views our local waterfront has to offer at least once a month {or more if you’re up for it!}. Perhaps it’s even switching your walk or bike ride around town.

18. Make a serious effort to meet new people in town.

Sure, #nonewfriends, but also — there are SO many cool people in our area. With fun weekly events {including free} there are tons of opportunities to meet new people in Hudson County in 2021 {safely}. Take some time to make an active effort to attend these events and chill with other local people. 

19. Live sustainably – buy clothes 2nd hand, recycle + compost.

It’s easier than you think – in Hoboken alone we’ve got Vintage on 1st, Zero Kids, Mint Market, St. Mary’s Advocates, and Ally Bird Vintage for second-hand {but 1st rate} clothing. As far as composting goes, we have a whole post on that here.

20. Subscribe to a new podcast.

There are tons of local residents hosting their own podcasts from discussing controversial topics to the coolest places to dine, show the local podcasts some love by subscribing for free and tuning in. Check out a local Hudson County list of podcasts here.

21. Leave a positive review once a week at a local business you love.

Businesses are struggling right now, and support comes in many forms. Sharing posts, frequenting their businesses, and leaving reviews on their Google/Facebook/Yelp pages is a great way to show support. For more ways to support small businesses without leaving your house, click here.

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