Home LifestyleCareer 23 Hoboken + Jersey City News Stories You Missed This Week

23 Hoboken + Jersey City News Stories You Missed This Week

by Hoboken Girl Team
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Yet another week is behind us, and we’ve got you covered. Among the headlines — more states added to the NJ travel advisory list, Hoboken Business Alliance launches gift card program, and a PPE face mask vending machine installed in Hoboken Terminal— along with other stories. All that and more below — keep reading for all the news you missed this week in Hoboken and Jersey City:

The Hoboken Wellness Crawl Begins Today!

hoboken wellness crawl 2020 virtual

In virtual news, the Hoboken Wellness Crawl is also headed online this year. Hoboken Girl will donate 20% of all ticket sale profits to the Hoboken Relief Fund. Tickets also support the Hoboken Girl team! Purchase your tickets here today and get set for 30 days of online engagement with Hudson County businesses.

This year’s event kicks off September 13th and will run through October 13th. Crawlers can take advantage of exclusive deals and giveaways via really exciting virtual options {stay tuned for the Jackraffit app} and in-person activities at their leisure if desired/allowed by the government regulations during the 30-day period. Come help us help our local businesses thrive! Purchase tickets here. You must purchase by September 30th to participate!

Governor Phil Murphy Has Expanded the Quarantine Travel Advisory List

new jersey travel advisory list

Governor Phil Murphy announced the expansion of the quarantine travel advisory list, adding four states. There is a total of 35 states included in the advisory. If you have traveled to New Jersey from a state that is on the list, the state demands that you self-quarantine for two weeks before leaving the house again to minimize the chances of passing COVID to others. The states on the list were chosen based on the amount of COVID cases in each state, making it a “hot” zone for the sickness. The updated travel advisory list includes four additional states including Delaware, Maryland, Ohio, and West Virginia. Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands were removed from the list, Patch reported.

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Jersey City’s City Council is Looking to Expand Restaurants Along West Side Avenue

jersey city mural

In the midst of COVID shutdowns, city governments are attempting to find ways to help local businesses survive and flourish. The Jersey City Council is discussing ways to not only assist active restaurants to stay open but expand and build on the opportunities for residents to open more restaurants in areas of town that don’t have as much foot traffic, according to Tap Into.

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Hoboken Business Alliance Extends Summer Streets Shopping + Dining Into the Fall

hoboken summer streets

With the popularity of the Summer Streets initiative that allowed businesses to expand their storefront out to the sidewalks area so residents and visitors could shop, eat, bike, and stroll through the Mile Square, a new September and early October schedule was laid out with updated locations and hours for Summer Streets. This schedule is presented by the Hoboken Business Alliance and the City of Hoboken. The updated schedule brings more outdoor space, dining, and entertainment to the city.

From September through the first week of October, Washington Street will have “open streets” every Thursday and Saturday from 6PM to 11PM, and on Sundays from 12PM to 8PM, with designated streets open to pedestrian and bike traffic only.

A 3.1 Magnitude Earthquake Was Recorded In New Jersey

earthquake new jersey

A 3.1 magnitude earthquake was on Wednesday the 9th near Freehold Township, the U.S. Geological Survey reported, according to NJ.com. The earthquake happened about a mile southeast of East Freehold around 2AM the USGS said on its Earthquake Hazards Program shortly after the earthquake happened. Later that day, Governor Murhosy called the earthquake the worst one to hit New Jersey in nine years.

The National Weather Service’s Mount Holly office tweeted that the small earthquake was felt “in much of central New Jersey.”


Hoboken Business Alliance Launches Gift Card Program

hoboken business allaince gift cards

The Hoboken Business Alliance launched an initiative to help drive customers into local businesses by offering a great deal on gift cards. The HBC reached out to small businesses in the Mile Square, asking if they would be interested in participating in the program, and many did. Some businesses are offering a $25-value gift card for $15, a $50-value gift card for $30, or both. The HBC even created promotional posts for the businesses participating in the program, making it easier for them to get the word out on social media.

The 40% Off Gift Card Program provides an opportunity for residents to purchase discounted gift cards from over 100 local businesses. The HBC will cover the cost difference of the fit cards because their main objective is to help businesses that have been affected by COVID. The gift cards are available for purchase now through September 30th and are first come first served. Some of the gems that are participating in the program are Symposia Bookstore, Bwe Cafe, Arte Vino Studio, and Hoboken Nail Spa.

The NJ Transit 126 Bus Route in Hoboken Is ‘Getting an Upgrade,’ According to NJ Transit

nj transit 126 bus route hoboken

NJ Transit announced that there will be improvements to the 126 bus line in Hoboken. The project plans to increase capacity, create efficiencies, enhance convenience, and reduce wait times. The No. 126 bus line that takes residents to New York, happens to be one of the busiest bus lines in the state and will now receive improvements including additional stops and new buses, according to the press release the city of Hoboken released.

Improvements include:

  • Moving the stop at 6th and Clinton streets one block south to 5th Street. The new stop location is longer than the previous one at 6th, allowing more room for larger articulated buses, and boasts a wider sidewalk, allowing for a large shelter and other amenities. Moving from 6th Street to the new location at 5th Street also prevents buses from blocking the intersection and a private driveway, as well as the intersection’s pedestrian crosswalk. The new bus stop at 5th Street includes proper layover space for buses in an effort to help NJ TRANSIT improve service and reduce wait times during peak periods farther uptown along the 126 route on Clinton Street.
  • Adding a stop on Clinton Street between 7th and 8th. With this additional stop, there will now be a stop every other block between Observer Highway and 11th Street. This site was chosen specifically to minimize the impact on curbside parking in the area.
  • Formalizing the “courtesy stop” at Willow Avenue and 2nd Street. Previously an unsigned and unscheduled stop, the new stop will serve an area that had an unusually long distance between stops.
  • Updated parking restrictions prohibiting parking during the 4 to 7 p.m. rush hour at bus stops. Until now, buses have often been unable to pull to the curb due to the presence of parked vehicles, leading to unsafe conditions and extra traffic congestion. “No parking” signage has been updated as part of this improvement.

Suez Vice President of Technical Services Testified in Front of Jersey City Council

suez testifies jersey city

Suez Water representatives spoke in front of the Jersey City Council over lack of communication about E. coli contamination after a boil water advisory was issued in August. Jason O’Brien, the Suez Vice President and general manager who oversees their Northeast, and Angelita Fasnacht, the Suez Vice President of Technical Services, testified in front of the council at a caucus meeting held via Microsoft Teams on September 8th, the Hudson County View stated.

The article states that last month, Jersey City residents were angry about the fact that Suez waited three days from their first positive E. coli test at Christ Hospital, which occurred on August 11th, before issuing a boil water advisory on August 14th.

Quality of Life Task Force May Become a New Division in Jersey City

jersey city task force

According to an article on NJ.com, a new ordinance is being introduced to expand the Jersey City Quality of Life Task Force. Mayor Fulop created the task force last year and is and it is led by Municipal Prosecutor Jake Hudnut. The task force responds to a variety of community concerns and according to the article, has led to the prosecution of absentee landlords, local polluters, negligent businesses, and inattentive property owners.

City spokeswoman Kimberly Wallace-Scalcione said about the task force, “offenders and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for residents to live and work by streamlining government functions for a more efficient response.”

Hoboken Continues Replacing Thousands of Old Water Mains

water main break hoboken

Due to the renegotiated SUEZ contract, the city of Hoboken has replaced thousands of linear feet of the town’s oldest water mains at no cost to the municipal budget over the last several months, according to a press release from the city. The city anticipates replacing over 7,000 linear feet by the end of September, with more to come in the new year.

Additionally, the city is also continuing the road repaving project that utilizes funding from a grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation. So far, there have been over 35 blocks repaved or scheduled to be repaved in the coming months.

Mayor Bhalla Goes Into Quarantine After Being Exposed to Positive COVID-19 Case


City of Hoboken’s communications director Vijay Chaudhuri announced on Friday, Septemeber 11th, that Mayor Bhalla was not able to attend the 9/11 Memorial Service because he had been in contact with someone who had tested positive for COVID-19. “Out of an abundance of caution, Mayor Bhalla is quarantining safely at home for the weekend,” said Chaudhuri in a press release. It is unclear how long the mayor will be in quarantine, but we will keep you updated as the details unfold.

New Salon Hobok’in Style Opened in Downtown Hoboken

hobok'in styles hoboken salon

{Photo credit: @hobok.in_style}

Hoboken’s newest full-service salon, Hobok’in Style is operating at 332 Jackson Street. The opening date for the salon was June 22nd, the day the quarantine was lifted. The salon offers hair, makeup, nails, waxing, and soon, facial services. For more information, follow the salon on Instagram @hobok.in_style.

PPE Face Mask Vending Machine Installed in Hoboken Terminal

PPE Vending machine hoboken path

Face masks have become more accessible thanks to David Edelman, founder of the first-ever PPE mask vending machine company that installed vending machines in NJ Transit stations, including Hoboken Terminal on Friday, September 4th. The vending machines are stocked with protective supplies like KN95 face masks, gloves, sanitizers, and wipes.

The New Jersey DMV Mobile Unit Came to Hoboken — And Maxed Its Capacity Within an Hour

dmv hoboken news

On Septemeber 10th from 10AM to 2PM, the Motor Vehicle Commission’s Mobile Unit parked in front of Hoboken City Hall. With the help from Assemblywoman Chaparro, who organized the event, the Motor Vehicle Commission was able to provide new driver licenses, return old license plates, and other services to over 100 people that are typically only available only at brick-and-mortar locations.

The mobile unit reached capacity within an hour. Homeless individuals were provided Real IDs free of charge. Seniors, veterans, and individuals with disabilities were given first priority, and tents were set up by City Hall for individuals to wait in chairs before their number was called to begin processing documents.

The press release stated, “Despite the weather, people were lined up around the block well before the event was supposed to begin, at 10AM, and the MVC graciously opened their doors over an hour early and stayed for longer than the planned four hours,” said the Assemblywoman. Read the details here.

Hoboken Announces Pop-Up Drive-In Theater at Hoboken Business Center

delsea drive in movies

The City of Hoboken announced a slate of drive-in movies at the Hoboken Business Center located at 50 Harrison Street, in the southwest corner of town from September 10th to October 3rd.

Tickets must be purchased in advancewww.hobokennj.gov/register

In case of rain, the movie will be canceled and rescheduled. Cancellations will be announced by 4PM on the day of the show. Check the City of Hoboken Facebook and Twitter for updates.

The films, presented by the city and the non-profit county organization Projected Images and co-sponsored by the Hoboken Business Center and Dell’Aquila family, and The Hudson County Division of Cultural Affairs are:

Thursday & Saturday. September 10th & 12th
Frozen 2 – (2019, PG, 1h 43min.) Starring Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, and more.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 17th, 18th & 19th
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse – (2018, PG, 1h 57min.) Starring Shameik Moore, Jake Johnson, Hailee Steinfeld, and more.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 24th, 25th & 26th
Toy Story 4 – (2019, G, 1h 40min.) Starring Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Annie Potts, Keegan-Michael Kay, and more.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 1st, 2nd, & 3rd
Bohemian Rhapsody – (2018, PG-13, 2h 14min.) Starring Rami Malek, Lucy Boynton, Gwilym Lee, Ben Hardy, Mike Myers, and more.

Hoboken’s First Public Fishing Club

hoboken fishing club

Hoboken just got its first public fishing club. The three founders were born and raised in Hoboken. Thanks to Dairen Coto, Yasmin Coto, and Rico Colon, local fishermen will now have a community of people. Male, female, professionals, or beginners, everyone is welcome to join. The club has been founded, and membership continues to grow, but the founders are still looking for a permanent home along Hoboken’s pier.

“Our first goal is to get a pier dedicated solely to fishing, but once that’s accomplished, we want to start an initiative that will allow us to clean the water, and ultimately create better fishing conditions. We plan to reach out to the city so they can guide on what we can do to help clean our waters. This would allow for the best fishing experience out of the Hudson,” Dairen shared exclusively with Hoboken Girl. Read more about the Hoboken Fishing Club here.

Hoboken Held Annual September 11 Interfaith Memorial Service

9 11 memorial hoboken

The city of Hoboken held its annual September 11th Interfaith Memorial Service on Friday at 6PM on Pier A. The city invited all members of the public to attend and honor the fifty-six fallen Hobokenites. The service took place next to the Hoboken 9/11 Memorial in the northwest area of the park that is located within the grove of ginkgo trees.

Hoboken Fireman Files Tort Claim Against City of Hoboken

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A Hoboken fire captain filed legal action against the city last week, alleging he was passed over for promotion to Battalion because he did not support city council candidates backed by Mayor Bhalla, according to NJ.com.

The tort claim was filed on August 21st by Captain Joseph Grossi Jr. who alleged that Mayor Bhalla declined to promote him to battalion chief because he and the city firefighters’ union endorsed opposition candidates in the 2019 municipal elections. The claim maintains that Fire Chief Brian Crimmins had a meeting with Vincent DePinto, City Administrators Jason Freeman and Caleb Stratton, and Grossi, where the Chief recommended Grossi for the Battalion Chief promotion. At that point, Freeman allegedly told Grossi, “We know where you were on election day.” Read more here.


Governor Phil Murphy Proposes ‘Baby Bonds’ as New Anti-Poverty Policy, Seeks Legislature Approval

baby bonds coins

New Jersey Governor Murphy is introducing legislation called “baby bonds”, similar to a trust fund. Baby bonds refers to the political, anti-poverty policy of gifting babies born into low-income families with money that has the potential to grow and accrue interest until the baby turns of age. Governor Murphy has proposed giving babies from roughly the bottom 70 percent of the income distribution a $1,000 nest egg, payable with interest when the child turns 18. Read the details here.

Hoboken’s Arthur’s Plans to Expand Property

arthurs steakhouse tavern hoboken

Arthur’s Tavern, a local staple for steak-lovers, is set to receive a renovation and expansion. According to an article on Jersey Digs, the beloved steakhouse located at 501 Washington Street, has announced its plans to do build upward and add a new storefront along 3rd Street.

The owners have tapped the Jersey City-based Urban Design Workshop, who is responsible for the restoration and expansion of what is now Paper Source at 501 Washington Street.

Law Suit Filed Against Hoboken Police Department

hoboken police department lawsuit

Several police officers have been accused of sexual assault in 2018 while on the job by a woman, Angelica De La Torre, who since came forward this week and filed a lawsuit against the Hoboken Police Department and the city of Hoboken. As stated on The Hudson Reporter, the lawsuit alleges assault and battery, negligence, unlawful discrimination, abuse of process, wrongful enforcement of the law, and a civil conspiracy. According to the suit, four police officers and two sergeants were involved.

“Police officers at the scene sexually assaulted the plaintiff and then pressed charges against the plaintiff and then one of the arresting officers looked up the plaintiff through social media and started to try and date her,” states the lawsuit. “He took her to a police bar where other members of the Hoboken Police discussed her case. He also indicated that he would ‘help’ her as he pushed for a romantic relationship. Then he had an inappropriate relationship with her. The defendants entered into an agreement with each other for the purpose of committing unlawful acts, and the conspirators took overt acts in furtherance of the agreement…”

Garden Street Hemp Has Opened in Hoboken

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CBD shops and distilleries have been popping up in the area over the last two years, and Garden Street Hemp is the latest addition to the Mile Square, located at 103 Garden Street. According to Garden Street Hemp’s IG, Hoboken’s newest CBD spot seems to have opened up Friday, September 5th, just in time for Labor Day Weekend 2020.

“Here at the shop you can feel, see, touch, and smell the products before making an informed decision about which route or item may work for you and what you’d like to try,” Fera explains. ” This is also important because this a market that is notoriously already flooded with a lot of knock off products that don’t deliver what they promise and have some un-needed additives.” Read more about what to expect from this CBD shop here

Giants’ Logan Ryan Wants to Move to Hoboken — But Only if His Dogs Can Come Too

giants player moves hoboken dogs

Logan Ryan, the Giant’s defensive back said he wants to move into an apartment in Hoboken, but only if his dogs can come too, Patch reported. Looking to move from Nashville to be in closer proximity to Giants Stadium and in his hometown state, Ryan has been looking for apartments. According to an article by the New York Post, Ryan said, “If anybody is out there in Hoboken, please allow my pit bulls and my dogs to rent your place, they’re great dogs.” Hoboken is widely known as a dog-friendly city, so keep your eyes peeled for a Giants player roaming the streets of the Mile Square.

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